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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

To Friend or Not To Friend?

So, this is for those of you on facebook.  I don't like to discriminate or leave people out, but I guess that's what I'm going to do today.  So, you can just stop reading here and I won't be offended.  Or you can relate this to your myspace account.  Ha ha, just kidding.  Is myspace even still operating?  Boy, they really fucked up when they tried to be more like facebook!

Anyway, so, you know how you're on facebook, and you comment on like a high school friend's status.  And then someone else you went to high school with also comments.  So, you are both aware that you have mutual facebook friends, but you don't friend each other, even though you often find yourselves on the same comment thread.  And then the friend finder keeps telling you that you should friend them because you have 34 mutual friends.  But, you don't friend the person.  And months or years later, facebook is still trying to get you to friend this person.  But now it's been too long and it's just weird.

So, have you ever finally friended this person?  And if so, what is the protocol?  Well, you definitely have to send them a message or post on their wall.  And then the question comes up, do you bring up the fact that you only friended them years later?  And then, also, do you bring up the past and apologize for being an asshole to them?

Or do you just keep ignoring the suggestion that you should be friends.

And what about when you friend people, and then later on they come up as a friend suggestion.  I think this happened to me with one person in particular a couple times, so when I noticed this, I stopped trying to friend him again.  Weird.  There is no reason for him to have defriended me that I can think of.    But you know, often we say or do things to offend people that we never even knew.

And then of course, there are the people that you friend request and they never accept it.  It's like what's up with that?

So, I think I'm going to go onto facebook now and friend one of these people.  And maybe even write them a personal message.  Hey, it's a new year, the dragon new year.  So, let's take the dragon by the horns and fly with it.

Okay, so I requested a few people.  I got one acceptance, and I posted on her wall.  It's a start, right?

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