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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Still Sick

Fuck.  I hate being sick.  I feel so useless.  Especially now.  I'm not working, which is useless enough, but to be sick too?  The FP has been taking care of me, making lunch and dinner, getting me beverages and Nyquil (which I'm about to take again after I write this.)

It's like I want to do stuff, like work around the house, but I know that may just prolong my illness. Do you ever get sick and feel like it's never going to go away?  That's how I felt the one time I got the mysterious illness that the FP got a week after me.  The fullblown symptoms were with me for 2 weeks. It was like an awful flu, complete with these surging headaches that felt like... lightning.  I always wonder if that was something serious that should have been looked at by a doctor?

Anyway, I'm going to drink more Nyquil and hope to wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed tomorrow.  Speaking of bushy tail, I haven't brushed my hair in a couple of days.  It's going to be a nightmare to get all the knots out.  Between the knots and the heat rash, I'm so ready to get rid of this hair.

The only problem with chopping my hair off, is I don't know if I can pull it off this time.  You gotta have lots of confidence when going from long ass hair to really really short boycut.  People treat short haired girls different, some of it positive, some of it negative.

Anyhoo, I need to do stuff tomorrow, so I better be in the proper frame of mind to do it.  Like at one point today, I was filling out an online application for a job, but I got dizzy and I kept misspelling things and I couldn't focus.  So, I had to stop filling out the application.  It looks bad when one turns in an application with lots of retarded, sorry, mentally challenged, misspellings.

So, that's me, signing off.  I know, only two days into the new year and I'm already shirking on my resolution to keep the  blog humorous and less whiny!

So, I'm endorsing you to my friend's blog.  Here's the latest entry, but you should read all of them.  Really funny stuff.  I've always been jealous of her wonderful writing!

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