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Monday, January 23, 2012

Man I Could Use An Easel

So, I got this project going on.  I am building a kitty litter box divider.  So, it will be like a cat bathroom cubicle.  Don't ask me if I will be able to hinge the boards together properly.  I haven't gotten that far.  I'm still just working on getting the boards painted.

So, I have them on the tarp in the lanai, which is a bad idea.  All kinds of "shit" is blowing on them.  Although, at some point, they will probably get real shit on them, I don't want it to get fucked up before I even finish it!  Also, these damn Argentine ants have all of a sudden become interested in the lanai and the boards, and they are walking around on them.  Not to mention my hair sticking as well.  Big mess.

Oh well, I'm not Picasso, and this is not a thousands of dollars project for a wealthy client.  It's for beings who not only do not make any money whatsoever, they cost (some more than others) lots of money to keep alive.

But, boy could I use an easel.  It's not exactly a high priority though, of things to buy for the house.  Every once a week or two, I write a new list of things we need for the house.  The list never gets smaller.  Maybe larger, if anything.

So, I'll just occasionally check craigslist until I can get a major deal nearby on one.  It is weird though, and hurts my back leaning on the floor trying to paint.  And of course I lean my arms on the wet paint and stuff.  Also, I have a very unsteady hand, it's as if I'm showing signs of DTs or early stage Parkinson's.

I feel like an old lady!  I couple hours leaning over the floor and my aching back is all I can think of.  I should slather Ben Gay on my back, head up to the old folks home and sit with the folks and watch late night (it's 7:27) reruns of Sanford and Son or Wheel of Fortune.  If I'm tired from this, I'm going to be hurting bad if I ever get a job again.  Maybe I should apply for a job as a toll booth clerk.  Then I won't have to move at all, except for leaning out, leaning in, leaning out again.  Although, I could see that giving me problems from repetitive motion.  And sitting on a stool all day would kill me too.  It would probably cause me problems just as bad as standing on my big flat feet cause me.

If only I had an easel.  I wouldn't be complaining about my aches and pains.  I'd be complaining about something else.  Possibly something more hilarious, like my bowel movements.  If you want, we can talk about my bowel movements as well, anyway.  I did have this one shit the other day.....

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