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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ring In The New Year...

You know how they say that how you ring in the new year determines how the rest of your year goes.  That's just bullshit.  I've had some shitty new year's eves and new year's days, but the whole year was not determined by the one night or day.

And I hope this year follows suit.  I'm sick.  I haven't gotten sick in a while.  I thought that taking probiotics would make me invincible.  Well, it didn't, but I feel much healthier than I did before the probiotics, or the "good" bacteria.  It sucks, because I felt like shit this morning.  Then the coffee kicked in and I felt way better.  We ate lunch, then I messed around with the pool trying to figure it out.  Then I was just watching TV and on the computer.  I felt fairly normal.

Until we went to the bar.  We had to go watch the Steelers since it wasn't on TV.  We went to the bar.  I got a beer and a water.  I didn't really want a beer.  But, I felt like I needed to have a beer.  You go to a bar, you can't just sit there and watch the Direct TV for free.  It's not right.  I have watched people sit at a bar and drink Coke.

There was this Steelers couple in San Diego.  I watched them sit there and drink water.  And then one of them got a Coke.  And then they ordered sweet potato fries.  But they were overfried or something, so they sent them back to be recooked.  Three and a half to four hours of occupying bar space for a Coke and sweet potato fries.  So, assuming the Coke was even charged for, that's $2 for the Coke, and $7 for sweet potato fries.  $4.50 a person for 3 hours.  Plus, I have a feeling they aren't the biggest tippers.

Getting back to the present and the beer I had at the bar.  I drank about 2/3 of it over the course of maybe 2 hours.  Smoking is permitted in the bar.  It was very smokey, even though not many people were smoking.  I'm still not used to smokey bars after 6 years of going to smoke free establishments.  What really did me in though, was when we moved from the bar to a table to be closer to the TVs showing the Steelers game.  The air conditioning was blowing right over the table to where we moved.  I put my hoodie on.  It didn't help.  Finally, I had to bail.  I left the FP there, and I came home.

I think a week and a half of no exercise, followed by a strenuous kayak trip and then the longest hardest run I've done in at least a year probably did it.  That's what you call overdoing it.  But, I have to get back into shape.  I'm so weak right now, I can't even get the battery off the cordless drill my sis lent us.

So, anyway, it's going to be a great shiny new year with everything wrapped with a giant shiny red bow, right?

Okay, maybe not.  But, hopefully, I will get a job.  And the FP will get a job too.  And we will meet cool and exciting people.  And we will get a puppy.  And we will get to see friends and family.  And every little thing gonna be alright, just like the Bob Marley song.

So, what's my New Year's resolution.  To be a better person.  And to try to work on this blog to bring you quality humorous writing on a daily basis, rather than bogging you down with unfunny things.

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