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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Soft Shake

I generally go by the old adage, "You can tell a lot about a person by their handshake".  Well, I think so.

So, we actively started the process of looking at a second vehicle.  Well, technically, we started it a while ago.  There was a Passat by my place of work that was listed at a good price, so we tried to see it.  The greasy guy said that he had taken it to get the headliner replaced, and it should be back the next day after 4.

So, we went back 2 days after.  It wasn't there.

He said, the guy installed a black headliner for grey interior, to see if he liked it.  He didn't, so he made the guy replace it.  It would be ready in another day or so.

We went back another day.  Still not there.  But the next day it should be done.

We never went back.  Anyway, I think the VW symbol on the back was red.

Yes, that could be a deal breaker.  I am pretty particular about certain things.  Like I like the black and silver VW symbol, why would I want a red one?

Anyway, today we drove pretty far to look at a fairly low priced Mini Clubman at a shady dealership.
When we got there, we talked to Big Al.  Yes, "Big Al".  He showed us the Mini.  It was on the rack.  He handed me the keys and told me to go ahead and take it for a drive.

I looked at him quizzically.  He then asked if I would like for someone to take it down from there?  I said yes.  So he had some guy do it.  Guess he didn't want to.  Then he told me that he didn't have the dealer plate on it, so just drive around the neighborhood behind the dealership.  So, we did.  There was nothing wrong with it.  It handled like a Mini.  It had a few paint scrapes and it smelled like smoke.

So, we went back and started talking to Big Al.  He took my info to run a credit report, and then he handed us over to Martin.

Martin of the soft handshake.  So soft hand, and soft handshake as well.  He was one of those pale Cubans.

Maybe I'm being prejudiced here, but soft hand, weak shake, pale latino... I don't trust it.

And I didn't trust him.  He told me what the monthly payment would be.  When I asked for a breakdown of the total price, he wrote a number on a post it note.  The number of the base price, without, tax, tag, title, interest and warranty.

They talked on the phone to the "GM" and they were willing to waive the $1000 extra for not being a cash sale, and they could lower the monthly with some magic they performed to shave $20 off.  They explained that since it was the end of the month, they were giving me a deal to get rid of inventory.  So if I went back tomorrow, the offer would be null and void?

I told him I had to think about it, and maybe look at these other two Minis which were similar in price.

Finally, the FP suggested that we would get lunch and then go back and talk to them.

So, we went back and told soft shake Martin that we couldn't do it.  I asked him the total again, and it seemed to be $1000 less than what he had told me when you figure out the math.  I didn't ask him about it.  Because, clearly he didn't want to show me a simple printout of the charges.  He wouldn't even let me look at the computer screen.

Anyway, I'm thinking about buying a new car now... we shall see....

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bitter Greens

So, here's a weird thing.  There have been a few times when the kid who now has my old job has asked me some questions.

This is over a year after I left (got pushed out).

He asks me questions that I feel like the owner/GM should be able to answer.  So why ask me?  It's weird.

But, I have nothing against the kid.  He had no loyalty to me.  So, I told him what I could.  Except for he wanted a recipe from the original menu.  It was the other owner's recipe.  And then one of the cooks altered to be a better recipe.  And then the menu was changed as soon as I left.  Pretty much all traces of me removed, like a cleaner going in and scrubbing my DNA from everything - DNA as in the blood, sweat and tears that I left behind.

So, I told him to ask the cook who developed the recipe.  I gave him her number.  He left her a voicemail.  Then she texted me saying how could he have the nerve... So I explained to her.  And she said she was going to request a bottle of the habanero hot sauce, and after she got it, then she would give them the recipe.

But they don't make it anymore.  That was my hot sauce recipe.  And this other guy who left on not so great terms designed the labels.  So, no way they kept making it.  They probably threw the unused bottles and labels in the dumpster.

Anyway, Friday is their 4 year anniversary.  Congrats to them.

Friday is also The Food Pimp's and my wedding anniversary.  10 years.

Do you think the restaurant will survive 10 years?

Honestly, I hope not.  I really do wish them ill.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

mow the lawn

So, this was one of those weird days at home.  The FP had to work, so when he left, it was just me and Rudy and The Fuzz and Stinksy.

Rudy and I hung out out back.  I went swimming a bit, and I tried to get Rudy to join me, but he wasn't really into it.  In all fairness to him, it actually wasn't stifling hot.  I was slightly chilly in the pool, so I wasn't in too long, and I didn't push it with him.

So, then, I figured it was a good time to mow the lawn.  So, of course, I had to pick up all the poo so the mower wouldn't get all pooey.  Yes, pooey.  It's a word.  I went to college for writing.  No, I don't make money writing.  So, maybe pooey isn't a word.

Anyhoo, I picked up all the poo.  So I thought.  Of course there were a few fairly nice logs by the back corner of the fence.  So, I only discovered that when I started mowing of course....

Anyway, the dog, Rudy, was out back with me when I first started mowing.  But he just started barking at the lawn mower.  I figured I couldn't listen to that the whole time I was mowing, so he had to go into his "den".  No, it's not inhumane.  He honestly likes his crate.  I swear.  He's in there right now of his own volition.


Swear on your deathbed.

So, I mowed the back lawn.  And I started to do the horrible weedy messy back behind the fence where all the garbage cans are in the alley.  But it started raining, so I didn't get to finish it.  Which sucks, because I probably won't remember to finish it again sometime soon when it's not raining...

Anyhoo, what does mowing the lawn (a new activity to me) remind me of?

Endian.  And their song, "Your Favorite Song".  I think I might have mentioned this before.  But anyway, here I am mentioning it again.  I guess I have them on the brain because they just played a show last night in Chicago, where they are based.  Good band.  No, great band.

Stellar band.

Here's the link to the album if you've never heard it:

Enjoy.  BTW, this album is not for the faint of heart.  If you are contemplating suicide, or just plain depressed, I recommend exercising caution when listening to this album.  And maybe listen to the album in short stints....

Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day?

Is that what people say, "Happy Memorial Day?"  That's weird.

Anyway, I had to work today.  I can say, it was a pleasant drive in, because most everyone else was off, so there was zero traffic.  There were barely any cars at all on the road.

It wasn't dead at work, but it wasn't completely busy either.  Just enough of a pace to think about my present state of my life.

What do I do?  I'm a pantry cook.  I watch this kid play the big man every day.  He's basically the unofficial lead line cook.  He's young, and of course, he thinks he knows everything.  Ok, most everything.  The worst part, is that he is working at the owner's other restaurant about 2 - 3 nights a week, and he is totally burnt out at like 22.  It's getting worse and worse for those of us who have to work with him.

For one thing he's a pot thrower.  The dish sink is right next to his station, but he still feels the need to throw pots with as much force as possible into the sink.  He's not paying for the pans, so what does he care.  Oh wait, he does care, because when a handle breaks off, he bitches about it.

The other thing is, he doesn't like to cook too much.  If he feels that he's "unfairly" getting too many orders, he pitches a fit.  Like he curses even more and throws pans and slams things down even louder than  usual.  He doesn't ask for help.  He acts like such a dick, that I don't want to just step in to quiet him down.  I'm not just going to placate him like a mother.... fuck that shit.  And that's partially his fault because he doesn't probably feel like I can help him.  Or maybe he does expect me to just jump in and help.  I would jump in and help the other guys.  But he gets so violent, I don't want to be near him when he's like that.  Really.  I'm scared I will get hurt in the crossfire or something.

Someone needs to send this kid to boot camp.  He's so tiring to work with, he kind of makes me over that job sometimes.  Even though it's easy.  And I pretty much like everyone else.  I mean, it's not like I hate the kid, but he sure make for an uncomfortable work environment.

It's so to the point that I feel the need to talk to the chef about him.  That's not really my style.  But the chef partially knows how rotten the kid has been acting, and maybe he needs to know that little more that he doesn't.  I mean, for god's sake, the company motto is "be nice".  BE NICE.  It's pretty straightforward and simple.  This kid is anything but nice.

Anyway, that was my Memorial Day.  Can I say though, that is was so sweet to come home and go wade around in the pool after work.  It is officially that time of the year where having a pool is pretty much necessity in South Florida!

Happy Memorial Day!!!!!  :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012


I don't have much to say tonight.  I just want to throw out a term for you guys, especially you dog lovers, you sick people you.


Have any of you actually done this?  It's squeezing liquid out of the glands on either side of the.... you guessed it, the anus!!!!

Gross.  I saw this on the list of grooming rates at the doggie daycare place.  Last night, I didn't sleep the best, and I had dreams of my one gaysian (Filipino) boss saying, "Do you want to express your dog's anal glands?  You really should?"

So, I just had to google it.  The first thing that showed up was a video on ehow.

GAH- RAH----OSSSSS!!!!!!!

I mean, you squeeze in and up right near the anus, and this like camouflage colored liquid is supposed to come out.

Yuck!  If anyone had ever told me about this, I don't know if I would have adopted a dog.  Maybe I'll pay the $10 to have it done if it becomes necessary.

Gross. Gross.  Gross.  I hope I never have to do this!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Taking the Day Off

From blogging, that is....

I'm too busy watching Locked Up Abroad, "Black Palace Of Horrors."  It's about a guy named Timothy Worker, who got caught smuggling cocaine in Mexico.

So, I remember watching a made for TV movie about this when I was a kid.  I just remember watching it with my family.  Weird.

Friday, May 25, 2012


When life gives you lemons, that's great!  I love lemons and there are so many uses for them.

When life gives you toxic shit though, what do you do with it?  Bury it in the ground for future generations to worry about?  Burn it and send out toxic fumes for the current populace to breathe in?  Sell it to unsuspecting consumers as fertilizer?  I mean really, what do you do?

All I know, is that life is difficult.  Lately, I don't feel myself.  I'm not as funny, I don't have as much fun, I don't think as clearly, I'm not as quick on my toes, and I don't feel creative.  I feel like I've been hibernating.  I need to break out of it.  I need to exercise in the sun and swim in the ocean.  I need to stop being so heavy, literally and figuratively.

And why am I watching this Jennifer Aniston/Vince Vaughn movie instead of going to bed?

Thursday, May 24, 2012


I guess I didn't post yesterday!  I don't recall... I do recall that the FP had to get a last minute trip to his sister's.  His mom is there and they got a lot of drama going on, so they pretty much made him go.  So, I guess I was helping him find a flight or something.

Anyway, today was a big day.

The first day that the FP left me with just the four legged friends overnight.

The first day the pup went to daycare.
So, being the first day, it was half price - a test run.  It's not cheap, but I think it may be a lifesaver, unless we get friends with dogs who want to take him when we can't be home all day with him.

I gotta say, it was nice to unload him for a while.  I was nervous.  Yesterday, we took him to the dog park.  It was earlier than usual and it was sunny and muggy and there were all different dogs and people.

There was one guy with scruffy looking dogs.  He had his backpack there on the bench next to him.  All the dogs kept sniffing the backpack.  Then Rudy noticed it.  And he was all trying to get at some food in a pouch, along with other dogs.  But, he started to bark and was getting aggressive.  So I had to pull him off by his collar and pull him away to calm him down.  One guy called, "Put him down, show him who's boss."  We just walked it off instead.  I wouldn't be told by some guy I didn't know what to do.

What was the guy doing bringing food into the park anyway?  You aren't supposed to bring food into the park for the exact reason that dogs may get aggressive.  I don't know if he was homeless or what, but he should have known better.  But then we felt like we should leave.

So, we went to walk around the park.  And then we found the dog swim, which was pretty cool  There was a little black dog who looked older, but she was the same size as Rudy.  Then there was a big pretty black Newfoundland.  They were chasing Rudy, and he kept hiding under our bench, which was scary with a big huge wet black furry dog coming bounding at us.  So, at least the day was somewhat redeemed, although when we were walking back to the car he was biting the leash.

So, you can see why I was a little nervous bringing him to the doggie daycare.  When the woman took him in, he kept jumping up at her, which was disheartening.  And then she put an ID band on him, and he whined when she did it.  At least he didn't bite her.

Anyway, needless to say, he probably had a ball.  Well, I know he did, probably literally and figuratively.  He was so hungry that he didn't want to eat during lunchtime.  That never happens!

So, hopefully it will go well tomorrow when I drop him off before work!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It Always Rains When....

I have to take the bus home from work.
Before, during or after we go to the dog park.
As soon as the pool is clean and the water level is good.
After the lawn is mowed.
After the Element gets a car wash.
Before a rainbow.
Before the frogs come out.
When I want to go to the beach.
When there's a low pressure system present.
When it pours.
When there are cumulonimbus clouds around.
Before a double rainbow.
When a hurricane is approaching.
When people are using umbrellas.
When I put on my galoshes and my raincoat to take Robby the Robot pool skimmer and Jaws the Great White pool cleaner out of the pool.
Whenever there's a special gala event without a backup plan for rain.
Whenever I have a parade.


I just realized that I posted this blog on the wrong blog!

That's funny!  It's like what does this have to do with food?

Monday, May 21, 2012

Why Can't I Drink Much Anymore?

I've still been feeling blue.  Got some bad news on top of that.  All I wanted was to have some drinks.

But, I have this problem.  I have trouble getting motivated to drink.  Has anyone ever had this problem? I mean, I would love to get obliterated.  But I can't keep the focus.  I has most of a Stella Tall can, so that is like having one 12 oz beer.  And it took me like almost an hour to drink that much.

Should I go through drinking training?  I used to be able to drink.  But I've just gotten worse and worse.  And I think not going out and socializing makes it even worse.  I'm perfectly content to hang out at home and not drink at all.  And I can also go out to eat and not drink as well.

I just don't have it in me.  Maybe I should read motivational books?  Does anyone have any experience with this?  Do you know anyone who has trouble drinking?  Do you have any advice?

Maybe I need to go on a reality TV show?  Is there a specialist for this?

Help!!! I need help!  I just want to get my drink on!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

not really feeling it....

Just feeling blah...

it's probably partially because of my mom's deathaversary - 2 years.

I have such a feeling of emptiness.  What do I do?  I go to work.  I'm not really my true self at work.  I go home and pay attention to the puppy all evening.  I pretty much have to ignore the cats.  I try to get on the internets when I get a chance.  Watching TV uninterrupted is a luxury.

I don't even really drink much.

And we don't have any friends that we hang out with.

I know that the puppy needs a lot of attention right now.  I know that he depends on us for everything.  I know that going to the dog park with him is fun and rewarding.  I know that at some point he will get better at fetch.

But for now, it's so much work.  I doubt whether we are up for it.

I don't want to have a dog that is kind of unruly sometimes, who will bite or chew up stuff or jump up on people or not play nicely with other dogs or always try to knock over the garbage or lay on the bed.

I know those can be normal things.  But I don't want that.

I want a nice, happy, clean dog that doesn't eat cat shit.

And I want to be able to do stuff again.  Like go out for some beers.  Or see bands play.  Or play music.  Or paint.  Or write.  Or go kayaking.  Or go exploring South Florida.  Or have meaningful work.  I know I will be able to do this stuff again.  But, I'm just feeling down.

Am I asking too much?

Friday, May 18, 2012


So, Rudy went to the beach legally for the first time today.  They are pretty strict with the dog beaches around here.  You can only go Friday thru Sunday on this tiny stretch of beach, between like 3 - 8 pm.  It's not like San Diego where there's a dog beach every few beaches that is open all the time.

Anyway, it had just stormed, so there were just a few dogs on the beach, which was probably a good introduction.  In good weather I imagine there are usually tons of dogs there.  So, he totally loved frolicking on the sand, and the dogs there were mostly good dogs for him to socialize with, active dogs that like to play fetch and swim in the water.

Usually, it's $5 per dog, but I guess since it rained and no one was really out, he didn't charge us.  The 6 month pass is just like $30 though, so, it's totally worth it.

So, that was great.  He did keep trying to drink the seawater though.  It was like he liked the taste of it.  He kept trying to lap it up.  By the time we left, his mouth was all foamy.  I got him to drink water, and he was very very thirsty.

On the way home, we went to get dinner, so the FP waited in the car with Rudy while I ordered our gourmet dinner at Hunan Wok and I went into Publix to get "green drink" - that juice that is green and has fruits and vegetables and spirulina and stuff.

When I got back in the car, the FP said that Rudy had been wimpering, which is unusual.  It's not like he is very attached to me.  He must have been ready to go home.  So, when we were driving home, he wanted to hang out the window.  So I rolled it down, and he was hanging way out.  Way way out.  Like he was going to jump out.

I had to hold his leash.  We were at a stoplight, and half his body was out the window.  He really was trying to jump out.  And he had this low whine.  So we had to comfort him and tell him that we were almost home, "we're almost there buddy, it's okay!"  But he was not happy.

As soon as we got home, the FP got out, and there was Rudy trying to get out his door.  As soon as he was on the ground, he ran to the grass crouching and out shot a brown waterfall.  Poor buddy got sick from all the seawater he drank, and also probably from the sponge he was gnawing on too.

So, we went inside, and he went right for the water bowl and drank a shitload (no pun intended) of water.  So, we fed him.  We put some water in the food.  He ate slower than usual, and then he drank lots more water.

Then he went out back and crouched in the grass and clear brownish water shot out of his ass.

So, the FP googled "my dog drank seawater."  What he found was that we probably shouldn't have fed him and give him lots of water and he could have a teaspoon of Pepto.  So, I tried to give him the pink bismuth out of a spoon and he didn't like it.  So, we dunked a doggie biscuit in it, and he ate it.

He seems better now, he hasn't pooed water again, and he did pee once.  He is quiet, which, while I don't like him feeling bad, it's nice to sit quietly with him.

Hopefully he will be all ship shape before bedtime!

Thursday, May 17, 2012


So... here's how my hands are healing:

Yeah, I guess it looks gross, but they feel way better than they did even a couple days ago.  The skin on the ring finger feels like jerky.

So, also, today was Rudy's second training session with his personal trainer.  She remarked how big he had gotten in a week.  He really has grown.  His neck and chest are getting thicker and more muscular, and he's taller too.

So, I didn't do so hot with the leash training, but Rudy did fine.  He had been very mellow all day, and he got pooped really before our session was over.  That is unlike him.  He always has had more stamina than us, and all of a sudden he doesn't have that anymore.  Of course, he got crazy right after the trainer left.  The FP and Rudy played tug of war with the new monkey toy that I just bought several hours ago, and Rudy killed the monkey.  He tore the squeaker out and killed the squeaker.  Here he is earlier today when he went into his crate to nap.  I was washing his blanket and some of his toys, so don't get all preachy about how he has to lay on the plastic with no toys... he willingly went in there.

 He looks huge.  He looks like a full grown dog in this last picture.

Here he is, violating the corpse of the short lived monkey toy, while poor honey bunny can only watch, paralyzed with fear.

Anyone want a vicious puppy before I put him up on craigslist?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Things At Work That People Do

So, when I was at my last job, I was pretty particular about some things, and other things I was pretty lazy about, but someone else would worry about that.  So, as far as the kitchen crew, we were ok with things, besides... general upkeep of the kitchen.  We cleaned when we could, but we definitely did not get to clean as much as we would like.

Anyway, I find myself at my current job always thinking, boy if so and so could see me now!

Of course, I'm at home and I have a horrible memory, but I'll try to remember things that we do at work that I would have never allowed at my last job:

- So, we have like this knife service.  The guy comes every Thursday and trades our knives out for a sharp set.  So these are the house knives.  I generally use my knives though, unless I'm doing a task that requires a huge wide chef knife.  Anyway, when everyone is done with a house knife, they just throw it on the bus tub or in the dish pit.

With all the other dishes.

Which means, a dishwasher could grab a knife without seeing it and cut himself.  It hasn't happened, but it definitely could.


And I have to admit, I have done it a couple times too.  Yes, I have.

But those couple times, I made sure it was somewhere where the dishwasher would see it.

Still, it's against my principles.

- If you know about the rules of sanitation, then you know that there's a certain order of how raw proteins should be stored.  Basically, things that cook faster should be stored above things that have longer cooking times.  Makes sense, right?  Well, our walk in is a little helter skelter.  I have found cooked crabmeat cases on the bottom shelf under raw beef.

Why don't I do something about it, you ask?  Well, I guess I don't feel it's my place.  I'm just the lowly pantry cook.  That stuff is not my domain.  The guys seem to have their unorganized "system" and I'm scared that if I move things, they won't be able to find something and think we are out of it.

So, yeah, I'm one of those people who watch something go wrong and not do anything about it.

Here's the thing.  This place is really still settling in.  Things are not as efficient as they could be.  And if I'm still around when things are morphing, then I'll help.  The other thing is, all these other people I worked with have taken sanitation.  I mean they probably all have current sanitation certifications, and I don't.

- FIFO is not always followed.  First in first out.  Common sense, right.  The first thing you buy is the first thing you use.  Simple.  Doesn't always happen.  Sometimes you will see like 3 open containers of salt, oil, milk, heavy cream, ground black pepper... it's so annoying.  And like we have no freezer space.  One reach in single door freezer, and a lowboy double door freezer.

So, we do brunch every Sunday.  And we have to order things for just that day.  Like english muffins.  So we get the new english muffins in, and we put them in the walk in cooler.  So, then there are frozen english muffins in the freezer that just sit there for another week.  Annoying.

-  We throw away a lot of product.  A lot.  The cooks at the last place always made fun of me for keeping stuff that they thought was not salvageable.  So, it looks like every Monday we throw away fish.  The fish is only a couple days old and it stinks horribly.  I can't help thinking that it's not stored properly, or that too much is being ordered.  But I don't order the fish, and I don't store it.  So who am I to say.  But I know that if it seemed to be starting to go, I would cook it and make something of it.  But that's just me.

- We do have barely any storage space.  But I think items are run down to nothing a little too often.  Like I hate seeing that there's half a pound of garlic left, or 2 onions.  And someone or multiple people noticed they were running low and didn't bother to tell the chef.  Because I think they think items just magically regenerate.  Or the worst, they leave the empty box there!  So if you don't touch the box, you may think there is a new full box of onions!

Well, that's only a few things, but I'm going to stop my bitching for now.  I'm tired, and I need to wind it down!  This is late for me!  And it's only 10:33pm!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Did I already say days off are tiring?  Well, they are.

I tried to take a sleeping pill last night.  But the FP got an eye infection and he was roaming the house looking for antibiotic eye drops.  Every time he got up or walked in the room, Rudy would fidget.  So, I didn't get the straight sleep through the night like I hoped.

So, do I take a sleeping pill tonight?  Or do I try to go au naturale?  I'm so tired, but I could see not sleeping soundly again.  Then again, I've been taking these generic tylenol PMs pretty frequently... I think I'm becoming a pillhead.

I'm so lazy and I have no energy ever when I'm not at work.  I just want to check into a hotel room and sleep for 20 hours.  That sounds like heaven.

I'm just hoping that everyone else is exhausted too and will all sleep through the night...
if only I wouldn't be such a light sleeper...

Monday, May 14, 2012

Puppy Playground

So, today was the big day.  The day we were all waiting for.  The day that Rudy was allowed inside a dog park.

And his daddy took him while I was at work.  It seems fitting somehow.  You know, man's best friend and all... And he did great.  At first there were about 10 dogs, and by the time that they left there were about 25 dogs.  And he wanted to meet every single person and dog in the park.  Such a social butterfly.  His best pal was this big old pitt bull named Princess.  She showed him the ropes.

He's so much like his daddy.  So unlike me!

It went so well, that we decided we would take him to the park tonight.  Of course, though, there were storm clouds looming, so we didn't know if it would be too stormy or not.  But we drove out to the park anyway to see if it was going to let up or not.  It was lightly raining when we got there.  And there were a few dogs out.

So we did get out after a few minutes.  As we got out, we passed a few dogs that were leaving, but there were still 2 dogs in the park.  One was four year old beagle german shepard mix - although she looked to have no german shepard in her.  The other was a big old lab rottweiler mix - about 130 pounds!  He was the boss, but he just laid there because he didn't need to assert anything.

After a bit, Lady got restless or something and she started barking at the big old chief.  He just laid there.  So then Rudy tried to play with her, but she got him upside down and was over him and he did not like that at all.  He is a little whiney guy, so he made it sound worse than it was.  At one point, the big old dog got up and intervened.  He told Lady to back off.  It worked for just a bit.  And then she started dominating Rudy.  She was a closet dominatrix, I guess.  And Rudy is an out in the open submissive - except for when it comes to us.  So this went on for a bit.  The owners were trying to apologize, but Lady really hadn't done anything inappropriate, but they were just barking a lot, so it sounded worse than it was, I think.

So, we took him to run around the park.  There are some obstacles, so we tried to get him to go over them or thru them.  There was a low ramp that he had no problem going across, and there was like a tire jump that he went in also.  It wasn't nearly as exciting as the dog park this morning, but maybe a more valuable lesson was learned on this visit?

I wish I could say that he hasn't jumped on us or bit us or barked since we've been back from the park.
Oh, how I wish I could say that.  But I will just hope for being able to say it one day.  Hope is good.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

2 years ago

So, am I going to reminisce about my mom every Mother's Day?  Of course I am.

2 years ago today, we were sitting in my mom's hospital room, watching my dad tell the same story to different visitors about why he wasn't responsible for my mom's stroke.

Well, in some ways he was.  As was my mom in a way for sticking with him all these years.  But, also, she was an emotionally abused wife, so she was a victim too, not fully in control.

Anyway, let's not delve much deeper into that train of thought, as it would be really more appropriate to post on the serious blog, rather than here.

So, how about a short walk down memory lane?  I feel like I've written about this before, but here I am writing about this again possibly....

Rax.  Do you know that old restaurant chain?  It had roast beef sandwiches.  Often, when my mom had been at work all day, and my dad too, and there was no dinner at home, my mom would take me through the Rax drive thru.  She would say, "Oh, poor, Kit-tee (that was a pet name), you must be starving.  So, I would get the Rax sandwich, or whatever it was called, and a chocolate chip shake.  Yes, chocolate chips.  And they were just the right size that they would fit through the straws, but sometimes they would get stuck and you would really have to suck to get them dislodged.

Express.  When my mom was on her hormone therapy, she would get these manic waves.  Sometimes we would go to the mall and go to Express.  I would try things on, and she would let me get a couple different things.  This was a big deal.  In our household, clothes weren't really bought unless there was a specific item of clothing that was needed for a specific reason.  Clothes were not bought just because we wanted them!  Of course when we came home with the clothes from the "shopping spree" we would have to sneak them in the house.

Driving Lessons.  I was terrified of having my dad teach me how to drive, so luckily my mom and driver's ed taught me.  I remember the first time that we went out on the streets.  We were on a residential street.  It started pouring.  I started freaking out and driving slower and slower.  But then my mom just told me to pull over.  So we sat there on the side of the street for a while until it rain let up.

Big Hugs.  Whenever I would go to see my parents, or they would come to visit, my mom would give me a big hug.  I loved that.  I miss that.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Puppy Kisses

So, the FP was surprised yesterday that my burns trumped blogging about the little monster.

But, alas, this blog was originally started so I could yammer on about myself, since I don't really have friends that I talk to on a daily basis!

Anyhoo, today I can talk about Rudy. So, he's got his rabies shot, hooray!  That means he can go to the dog park and get put in his place by other dogs.  Oh, and we can have fun at the park too....

Here's some recent pics of him:  Look how big he's getting.

Here's Rudy and TFP outside of the vet clinic where he got snipped.  I wish this clinic was not 45 minutes to 1 and a half hours away!  

Here he is with his kong toy

Here he is sporting his new rabies tag!

So, everyone with three kids has a rotating problem child, right?  Well, right now, the rotation has stalled.  But, as with parents with problem children, what do you do?  You consult a specialist, right?

So, that's what we are doing.  I contacted this company called K9 Advisors.  So, we had our initial session last night, blistered hand and all.  It still was searing a little during the session, but I worked through the pain and listened attentively.

This first appointment was about an hour and 20 minutes.  Very helpful.  Lots of stuff to process for both us and the little monster.  It was great, because he was already getting riled up before the trainer arrived, so she got to experience his pretty natural self early on.

So, here's just some of the things that we do wrong are as follows:

-When giving commands, we give him too many chances to not follow orders.  We should give one chance, if he doesn't follow through, say no, try again, until he gets it.

- We were holding the leash wrong.  This is a whole thing that we have to practice with each other before trying it out on the puppy.  This is something we never understood by reading it online, and it totally helped to see someone demonstrate it with us and practice it.

- We need to praise him when he follows a correction.  It sounds confusing and like giving mixed signals, but he seemed to respond to it well.

- We shouldn't call his name when scolding.  I kind of figured this out, because he doesn't always come when called.  We also shouldn't call his name or call a command like come if we are doubtful that he will follow through.  Instead we should coax him with nicknames or kissy kissy sounds or something similar.

- We should keep a leash on him for training in the house and when we have guests until he learns to behave properly.  I always thought this would annoy puppies and they wouldn't go for it, but less than 24 hours later and he doesn't seem to mind it much.  It's way easier to pull him off the counter, away from us and away from objects he shouldn't be getting into.

-  We shouldn't use the command down for getting him off us, off furniture, etc.  Each command word should have one specific function.  So, "off" is more appropriate for get off me, and down is more appropriate for lay down.  Maybe that's why he snaps at me when I'm working with obedience training and I say "down".

- We literally have to treat him like a special kid and praise him a lot when he is NOT doing something wrong!  It sounds silly and sarcastic coming out of my mouth, but I have to go against my nature if I want to have a good dog and have a nice relationship with him.

Is it expensive?  Well, yes, of course.  Is it worth it?  Well, yes, of course.  If your kid was accepted to the best school for him or her, wouldn't you want to do everything in your power to have the funds to send the kid to the school?  I mean, what we want is to raise happy, healthy, confident, pleasant beings that are a joy to interact with other beings, right?

Oh, and we also don't want to get sued when our dog bites someone else.....

Friday, May 11, 2012

Dumb Fucking Ass!

So, do you like irony?  Irony can be humorous, no?  It can also be painful too, though.

Here's some irony for you.  So, as you probably know, I am a "pantry chef".  Or a pantry wench is really more fitting.  So, I don't work on the hot line, I only use the oven or the stove to prep stuff before service, and I might use the flattop to cook myself a chicken breast.

But, I managed to burn myself today.  Pretty bad too.  So, these aren't the best pictures.  But, here's the worst two burns.

So, I made caramel.  I'm working on a new bread pudding, so I made the caramel to put in the bread pudding later.  I put it on the shelf above the pantry station to cool.  I was getting ready to leave.  I knew that the FP was already at the bar waiting for me.  Then an order came in for 2 salads.  The second order for salads all day.  I mean ALL DAY.

So, I started making them.  Yeah, I was kind of in a hurry.  I went to grab a handful of bacon to put on the caesar salad, and imagine the shock when I got a handful of hot caramel.  It took my brain time to process, as I felt the searing burn before I saw that caramel was all over my hand.  Luckily, there was a hand sink next to the pantry, so I turned on the cold water to rinse it off.  I also grabbed the caramel off with my other hand, and so burned my other hand as well.  Actually, the photos are the burns from the other hand.

So, I grabbed a cup of ice water and stuck my hands in it.  Then another order for 2 more salads came in.  One of the night cooks had started working already, and I could have asked him to make the salads.  But I didn't want to be a pussy.  So, I made them.  And they weren't the prettiest.  And then I clocked out, grabbed my shit and left.

But I left my coveted lunch there.  My chicken wings!  So pissed!  I hadn't really eaten all day and my food was there on the pantry station where the caramel had been.

So, we were making our way back home.  And I had brought a cup of ice water for the road to stick my hands in.  Of course, it's Friday, so there was mad traffic.

Yes, I said "mad traffic."  Because that is the appropriate phrase.

And my ice melted before we even got on the I-95.  And there was traffic on the 95.  And my hands hurt like rough S&M.  Not in a good way.  I found some neosporin in my bag, but that didn't help at all to soothe the pain.  Then I finally thought about holding my hands in front of the ac vent.  And it helped.  So, that's how I positioned myself the rest of the way home, leaning forward with my hands pressed against the vent.

When we got home, I took one of Rudy's big ice cubes and held it in my hands until it basically melted.  It numbed my hands, but when it wore off, it hurt like anal sex with a hedgehog.  So, I made the FP go to the store to get burn cream.

Of course, they were out of burn cream at the store.  It's like the universe is against me.  He got cortisone, which just made my burns tingle more.  And he got some kind of burn spray,   Dermoplast burn and itch spray, which kind of works.  It is better than nothing.  So, against my principles, I am dripping this burn spray on my keyboard cover.

It's a cover though.  It's designed to shield the keyboard from stuff like burn spray.  So here I am.  Typing away with these weird feeling blisters on my palm and inside finger.  How I'm going to use a knife tomorrow at work, I don't know.  I will probably have to wear a glove and pad it with tissue to cushion the blisters.

Or I could pop them.  We'll see.

Oh, and I will recommend to my chef that we have burn cream on hand.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Neverending To Do List

It's difficult to try to get all my tasks and errands packed into one day off.  But I try.  Because I have to.  I think I just used to not do tasks and errands.  But now I'm trying to be responsible in as many aspects of my life as possible.

Being responsible takes up a lot of time!

So, what did I do today?

1. Took Rudy to the park to walk.  He didn't really feel like walking, because at 8:30am, it was already hot and humid.  Whenever we got to a sunny spot, he would just sit in the middle of the walkway and whine.  I couldn't very well drag him against the asphalt, could I?
2. Went to the grocery store with the FP to get lunch and stuff for the FP to cook dinner.
3. Took Rudy all the way to the vet in Cutler Bay to get his stitches removed and his last round of puppy vaccinations.  It's like an hour away, so that's almost a 3 hour trip total.  We only used that vet because that is the vet that the rescue has a deal with to get pets neutered and spayed.  The good news was, they said that he could get his rabies shot also.  The bad news was, that being from Broward County, we couldn't get his rabies tag from the vet.
4.  Tried to take a nap with The Fuzz in the bedroom.  It was cut short by the jarring sound of Rudy in the lanai barking at Stinksy.
5.  Woke up and tried to figure out how to get Rudy's Broward county rabies tag.  So, I called a Pet Supermarket near by on the US 1, and they said they sell tags.  So, I went to get the tag.  I went the wrong way on the 1.  I realized this after several miles, and I had to turn around.  The store was like the next street over from our street.  I overshot it by like one block and had to drive for miles to get back to it.  Of course it started pouring when I got to the store.  And then of course, they couldn't give me the tag because I didn't have the original rabies registration paper - it was a pink triplicate.  So, I had to go to the County Animal Care Facility.  Of course, they didn't have the address or directions at the store, so I had to go home first to get directions.  I was pretty tired, and had a headache, and thirsty and nauseous.  But I knew I had to get this done today.  We needed this tag so this guy can go to the parks.  And we wouldn't have time tomorrow.  And I didn't know if we could do it on Saturday.  And I had no idea if or when we would be able to do it next week since we don't have the FP's schedule yet.

So, yeah, I was in a foul mood when I went home to get the directions.  The FP was like, why are you all mad, we don't have to get it done now.  And I was like, yes, I do, after the shit I had to deal with I have a right to be mad, you would be mad too.  So, he went with me to the Animal Care facility.  Probably because he thought I was going to get in a wreck from road rage or something.  It was rush hour, but luckily there was not much traffic at all, and I didn't get lost.  And we basically walked right in and got the tag.  Since the tag was listed in the FP's name, I guess it was a good idea that he went with me.  Although the Pet Supermarket was going to give it to me even though the FP's name was listed.

6.  Went home and put the tag on Rudy.
7.  Did some laundry.
8.  Picked up a little trashy clothes and stuff from the backyard.
9. Had to chill out and watch 2 episodes of Modern Family recorded on the DVR.
10. Ate a lovely dinner.  It started out crazy because I think I was talking when I shoved a forkful of food in my mouth, and I didn't notice that I had put a stick of thyme in my mouth.  Because I have this weird throat muscle weakness thing, It started to slide down my throat, but it got stuck in there, and it felt like I was choking on a rose stem.  I was stuck, but I was trying to cough it up.  But I couldn't, and it hurt.  So, I tried to throw it up, but thick mucus just came out of my mouth and nose.  So, finally, I drank lots of water and had to raise my head to try to help it go down.  Finally, it dislodged.  My throat was sore, but I ate the dinner.  And it was delicious.

11.  I started filling out my rebate form for the pool cleaner, and I realized that I needed to make a copy of the receipt.  So, I hopped in the car and went to Office Max to buy a black ink cartridge for the printer.  Then I came back and copied the receipt and got the rebate ready to mail tomorrow.  I thought I had lost the receipt and rebate form, so I was happy to find it.  Although, I have never gotten a rebate back, ever.  So, I doubt I will get this one, but I'm sure as hell gonna try!

12.  And now I'm writing the blog.

But I didn't finish all my chores.  And I got some to do tomorrow after work.

I guess the To Do List stops only when you die?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Shit Sucks

Like how can people complain about their trivial problems like they are real problems, when other people have real serious problems.

Sure, it's all relative right?

But for tonight, I'm going to just be thankful for the good things in my life.  And there are a lot of good things in my life.  I mean, my biggest problem is that I'm on the verge of raising a vicious dog.  But that can still be prevented I believe.  Just hopefully not for more money than I can afford.  But I took the little bugger on, so he's my responsibility until he ingests something that is toxic to himself or he bites someone and is ordered to be put down.

But seriously, I'm trying to work on his behaviour before it gets that far.

He's definitely more than four handsful.

But if he's my biggest problem, I've got it way better than others.

Way Better.  And I should be thankful for that.

And I truly am!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

LIfe Is Like A Roller Coaster...

If you and fellow riders are lucky, you don't puke until after the ride has stopped.

Sometimes a child too young to ride falls out.

If it sounds rickety when you're on the ground, it's going to sound worse when you're on it.

The upside down loops are way less scary that then vertical dips.

The anxious feeling before the ride is way worse than the feeling after the ride.

You sure have to pay a lot to shit your pants and feel nauseous during the ride.

Scary people control the journey.

The louder you scream the less scary it is.

To some people, just watching is terrifying enough, much less participating.

For me, I was way more adventurous when I was younger and I didn't know any better.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Recipe Conversion

You know, I never thought I would be worrying about the health of my septic tank ecosystem.  But here I found myself tonight googling Rid X, which led to all kinds of septic tank issues.

Like why you shouldn't have a garbage disposal.  Or why you shouldn't use bleach.

Or why I really shouldn't flush my tampons.  Or why I should worry about which toilet paper I use for the sake of the septic tank, not for the sake of my precious bottom.

Or the biggest question, is RidX a rip off?

And if so, should I use baking soda, buttermilk, or vinegar, and how much, and how often?

Questions, questions....

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Popping Pills

At what point of taking sleeping pills in succession do I become an addict?

Because this is night numero quatro.  I took a half, then another half, then a whole last night, then a half just now.

I gotta say.  They do help me sleep.  The whole last night made me sleep most of the night through.  The halves don't keep me from waking up every hour and a half, but I wake up, look at the clock, and then go back to sleep.

Although, of course, I have been sleeping through until the alarm clock wakes me up.  Which, without the pills, I wake up before the alarm clock almost every day.

So am I an addict?  I mean, I did contemplate not taking one tonight.  But tomorrow is my Friday, and the longest day of the week - figuratively speaking.

But if you've been reading this blog regularly, then you know that I am pretty much an insomniac.  I wish insomnia was as glamourous as being a heroin addict.  It really isn't though.  It's not about staying up late and getting creative sparks of mad genius.

It's just about counting down the minutes until rest.

But isn't that what a lot of my life seems to be like?

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Makeup Homework

So, I don't think I blogged yesterday.  I felt like I was getting sick, so I took half a generic Tylenol PM and went to bed early.  Not that I really went to sleep early.  But it was good to lay in bed and rest my achy muscles.

I haven't been feeling well, and I haven't been thinking clearly.  There is always something demanding my attention, and if it's not Rudy or Stinky, then it's probably something I need to take care of that I'm ignoring.

I have had a shitty short term memory for a while now, but it's pretty bad right now, especially with the major lack of sleep.  Like, I went to work this morning.  I took my knives out of my bag and set them on the cutting board.  I did something else for a minute, and then I saw the knives on the board.  I didn't recollect even touching them.  For a couple seconds, I wondered if I had left them at the restaurant yesterday.  But I couldn't have, because, my steel was on the cutting board, and I don't keep it out at work.

Also, just a while ago, I was folding laundry.  I didn't remember putting the sheets away in the closet, but either I did, or a ghost did.  Weird.

I'm beginning to think though, that all these puppy bites are giving me some disease.  Like maybe his dirty mouth gave me something.  Gross.  I mean, if you've seen the things he eats, you wouldn't want his slobbery pointy teeth sinking into your skin and breaking skin.

So, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.  I have mad evil puppy disease.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


So, here was a slice of life of today.

We were out on the lanai.  Our friend from San Diego is visiting.  The screw that holds the screen door hydraulic cylinder to the door fell out to the ground.  The FP went inside and got a screwdriver.  Rudy tried to follow him in.  We tried to rescrew it in.  Didn't work.  So, our friend drilled another hole in the door for the screw.  When I got the drill, Rudy was following me around.

When I went back in, I noticed some cat throw up in the "yellow room".  It's a room painted yellow.  After I was done doing whatever I was doing outside, I went inside to clean up the throw up.  Then we were hanging out in the lanai again.

The boys were out of beer, so they went to the store to get stuff.  I stayed out with Rudy, although he would have rather gone with them.

I noticed that Robby the Robot pool skimmer kept getting stuck on Jaws the automatic vacuum pool cleaner's hose.  So, I tried to weigh the hose down with a garden rock tied around it with picture hanger wire.  But I think it was too heavy.  The hose was all tangled, so I untangled it.  Then I noticed that Jaws wasn't moving.  He was still sucking, but just not moving.  So I pulled him up and touched some plastic trap piece, and he started working again.

Then the boys came back and went on the lanai.  I came in here to get on the internets.  At one point, the FP came in to get more beers and Rudy followed him in and stayed inside.  He was quiet at first, laying by the freezer like he likes to do.  Then he started roaming around.  First he picked up the FP's dirty running shorts and carried them out to chew on them.  So, I took them away.  Then he grabbed the FP's swim trunks.  I took that away.  Then he grabbed one of the FP's shoes.  I took that away, and I took Rudy back outside.  If he wanted to chew on the FP's stuff so badly, I figured he would rather have the real thing instead.

Then I came back inside to finish this blog entry.   

The End.

(This piece will definitely be considered for a Pulitzer Prize or a Peabody Award, right?)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Shout Out To My Girls

I feel like lately I've been surrounded by boys.  Well, a few men, but a lot of boys.  I live with 3 boys, I work with all boys/men in the kitchen.  Some days I'm the only female at work.  So, I wanted to give a shout out to the special girls in my life.

This is my sweetheart, The Fuzz.  She is so cute and cuddly and she purrs (now) when I pet her.  She's come a long way geographically and spiritually.  She is my alltime favorite female cat ever!

So, my next girl is my BFF.  I can't post a picture of her, because this is supposed to be anonymous.  Let's see if I can post a photo of her boat.

Here it is!  It's a lovely vessel that is berthed (?) in Lake Meade.  Anyway, my BFF has been in my life for... 26 or 27 years?  Well, since summer band in 7th grade.  We don't always keep in touch regularly, but she is there for me whenever I need her.  She is the best bestest friend ever.  We have had a lot of firsts together.  First time at band camp, first time watching each other get drunk, first time trying to roll a joint for some strange boys we met at the lake, first time going away to college, first time living in a dorm, first apartment in cracktown, first time watching each other getting tattooed, and there's way more others that I can't remember or can't say.

So, the next girl is my oldest sister.

She has had a lot of life experience.  Yet she still approaches new experiences with the wide eyed enthusiasm of a young girl.  She has three beautiful boys with their own bold and distinct personalities.  And she's creative, headstrong, passionate and absorbs life like a sponge.  She an actor, director, poet, musician, dancer, etc.  She's travelled the country and lived in different areas, as have I.  She lives in the mountains, I live near the ocean.

The last girl is my other sister.  She is a pillar.  She does her own thing.  She's respected.  She has an air of mystery about her.  She is deliberate and contemplative.  She is is easygoing and observant.  She just bought what would be termed as a splurge for her.  I would call it a necessity.  She needed a car, so she bought a Volkswagen Eos.  I haven't seen it, but I believe it looks something like the one in this ad:

And she's ready for the next big thing in her life, whatever that may be and wherever it may take her.  She does have an obstacle to overcome, hopefully a small one, in the way of waiting for medical results.  I'm hoping for good news as she deserves it.  I'm not one for praying, but maybe in lieu of prayer I can talk to my mom and have her send good vibes in my sister's direction.

I love all my girls.  You are all beautiful and wonderful beings that I have in my life, even though I might not say it often enough.  You all are huge influences in my life (yes, even The Fuzz) and I am happy and grateful for that!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Dogs Do Chase Their Tales

And they also like poop.
And they are food whores.
And they smell.
And one dog in particular takes a whole lot of my time!