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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Candide about Candida

Have you heard of candida?  It's not a new thing or anything.  It's yeast that resides in our bodies.  So, when I read up on probiotics, there was a little mention of candida, but I didn't pay much attention.  Lately, though, with my cold or flulike illness, I started researching again.  Every time I do some strenuous exercise, I can't expect to get sick.  That's bullshit.  How is one supposed to get healthy if exercise just puts one down for the count for a week?

Anyway, I was talking about Candida.  Yeast.  Yes, the same that gives the ladies a yeast infection.  The same that may promote chronic heat rash.  Apparently, this stuff can spread to one's whole body.  So, I guess taking probiotics and putting them in the mix with the candida strain isn't enough to kill the candida.  You have to take enzymes that break them down.  But, you may need to take something to detoxify, to clean up from the dead yeast.  Yuck.

I don't have a yeast infection in my cha cha, if you're wondering.  I do often have the white stuff on my tongue, though, whether or not I'm feeling sick.  I'm often tired, and dizzy, and have a mental cloud, and my arms get numb, and I crave sugar and yeast products.  I was having regular bowel function on and off until the past week or so, around when I got sick.  I have all the symptoms that relate to your body being inundated with candida.  Coincidentally, mostly the same symptoms of hypothyroid.    And, apparently, if you treat for candida, you are also treating for hypothyroid.  Well, we will see.  We will see if I'm buying more supplements that are just placebos or not.

Maybe I'm being sold snake oil on the internets, but I'm going to try this.  Several months ago when I found the exercise/illness/probiotics forum, I was skeptical.  But I tried it, and it worked.  Until now.  So, I'm trying something more.  Yeah, I could go to a doctor and spend 3 times as much and not get any definite answer.  Or I could be prescribed some drugs just to make myself feel better.  Or I can try this regime for a while and see what happens.

One thing I will not do though, is have an enema.  I just can't do it.  It's too gross!

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