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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

So, here are the before and after pictures of my tattoo.  The original one of my mom's name below:

Then the added flowers here below.

It's only been about a week and a half, but it's mostly healed.  I'm very happy with it.  The flowers are so delicately done, and they are shaded so that they don't look like they were done last week, they already blend in with the name.

So now I've been told that I need to add something to my Nola tattoo.

I really don't have an idea for anything, and I kind of like having the two arms kind of asymmetrical.  Anyway, I've very happy with these.  I do also have my purple salamander on my ankle, but I won't show you a picture of it because I don't shave my legs....

Anyhoo, that was just a distraction, because I can't think of anything to write.  I have blogger's block.  I know, it happens all the time.  I don't really feel like bitching about anything tonight.  I don't feel funny.  Hm...

I can tell you about my obsessive or nervous ticks.  Everyone has at least one right?  I think I have several.  Let's contemplate them again, shall we?  I think I already wrote about some of them previously, but let's just talk about it some more.

I just noticed that when I put on chapstick or lipstick, I have to put on a lot.  With lipstick, I will put like three layers.  With chapstick, I will just absentmindedly rub it on for half a minute or more.  It feels good though.  I use Carmex or Burt's Beeswax, so it tingles so I know it's working.

I also tend to overuse antibiotic cream right after I get a new tattoo.  My bff pointed this out the other week.  I basically was using it so much though, because it hurt or itched.  So rubbing antibiotic cream on it kept me resisting the urge to scratch it.

When I'm waiting I look at my phone a lot.  I will look at my phone to see what time it is, then I will not really absorb the information.  So I will have to look at the phone again.  And again.  I can look at my phone for the time 12 times in a half hour time span.  I can also obsessively look at it if I'm waiting for a phone call or text message.

Same goes with facebook or my yahoo mail.  I will check the two websites countless times a day, whether it be because I'm waiting for some correspondence from someone, or if I'm restless.

I obsess over the car alarm.  I always ask the FP whether he locked the car.  To be fair sometimes he doesn't.  But even if I drove, and I didn't remember the act of activating the alarm, I will go back outside, even hours later, to make sure it's locked.  Part of that is because someone tried to hotwire the car, of course.  But I was obsessive about it before that happened.

I obsess over keeping track of my ID, my debit card and credit cards.  So, I sort of have these different pockets in my wallet for them.  I don't always organize them properly, so I'm always fumbling around for them.  It's so annoying, but I never learn.  And then, the times when I don't take my wallet and put my cards in my pocket, that's another nightmare.  I forget which pocket I put them in, and I end up touching myself all over in public.  And then, when I go home, instead of putting the cards back in the proper pockets of the wallet, sometimes I'll just throw them in my purse.  Like, why would I do that?!?!

I know I've already discussed the methodical eating - picking out candies by colors and stuff like that.  I also have to eat the crust first from a sliced bread sandwich.  I will eat around the borders, and then I work my way inward.  Sometimes I do this with pizza if the crust is edible.

I don't like to touch the handles of public bathroom doors and stall doors, yet the floor of the living room where I am sitting right now is filthy.

If I am looking to buy something, like a power drill say, or a flight case for an amp, or don't even ask me about buying a computer, I will research on the internet endlessly.  I mean hours and hours, as if I'm writing a thesis on the subject.  The sad thing is, that a month later I will have forgotten almost everything I've learned about an item, so I'm not very helpful in giving others advice on the object in question.

So, that's all I've got for now.  Sorry if it's not very entertaining!!!


  1. your tattoos are so badass! love the font of your mom's name and Nola.

  2. Thanks CC! Someone told me there would be a period where I would hate a tattoo after I got it. So I have been tattooed 4 times. 2 of 4 times I was nervous that I might not like how it turned out. After they were done, I loved all 4 and have never ever regretted it.
