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Tuesday, November 8, 2011


So, it might not look like it, but this took a long time to do.  Like half an hour.  Really.  I am kinda weak and slow, so don't laugh.  You wouldn't laugh if I had a handicapped tag hanging from my rearview mirror, would you?

We had to buy a flight case for the guitar amp.  So, I used the box that the flight case came in to make a cover for the bass amp.  The bass amp is sturdier, so it doesn't really need a flight case.  Oh, and I don't want to spend the money on a flight case for the bass amp.  So I had to take the box apart and bend and tape it to fit.  Pretty, huh?  Well, it should do the job anyway.  We have to bring the bass amp downstairs without the box cover and then put the cover on it before loading it into the "relocube".

Exciting stuff, huh?  Well, this blog is called unnecessary supplement!  So, you don't have to be nasty about it!

So, how about that guy Sandusky.  I assume EVERYONE has heard about him for now.  So, he was a former coach at Penn State.  He had a charity called Second Mile.  A program for underprivileged kids.  He privileged them, at least 9 boys, with helping soaping them up in the shower and bear hugging them, among other sexually inappropriate privileges.  So, someone at Penn State saw inappropriate behavior and told his superior who told his superior and so on.  So, they had him retire, rather than call the cops.

So, here's a picture of him.  While he does appear to have an upper lip, it does seem to be perverted looking.  Can't you just imagine tongue licking those gross lips while thinking about some young boy?  But, I think the more interesting feature is his pointy vampiric teeth!  Look at those incisors and canines!  He probably bit those poor boys with those fangs.  And you know, of course these boys didn't tell anyone at the time of the incidents.  They were boys.  And this man forced them to do stuff.  And these poor boys are probably pretty fucked up.  They were underprivileged boys that may or may not have been taught to talk about their feelings.

And all the coaching department at Penn State can say is, they did nothing illegal.  So, Joe Paterno's illustrious career is going to end with a very large hideous black mark on it.  You know, if I saw that guy's teeth (Sandusky)  I wouldn't hire him!  I know that we are not supposed to be prejudiced and judge people by their looks, but we do judge people by their looks every day.  I mean, if I had kids, any adult who I couldn't imagine being alone with my kid because of the way he (yes, mostly he) looked, I would be very wary of that person.  And, if he were really "good" and took a special interest in my kid, I would be even more wary.

I'm not going to equate this guy Sandusky with Frankenstein's monster, but didn't the monster kill a kid.  And didn't Sandusky kill these boys on the inside?  I mean, they were probably terrified of taking a shower after having to take one with him.

Sick people in this world.  I always thought I was a sick person, but man there are some fucked up psychos out there!

So, enough of my ranting and raving.  Let's look at a miniature horse and a puppy!


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