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Monday, October 17, 2011

New Post

So, to update from yesterday, I went to the clinic and saw the doctor.  I opted not to fast, because I could really use the coffee, and also needed to drink some Boathouse Farms Green Goodness juice to tie me over until we had lunch.  Anyway, I wouldn't have wanted to leave the exam and have to wait around in the lab to get blood drawn, so I'll just go tomorrow when they open.  So, that's that.  Getting tested for diabetes and hyperthyroid.  So, Stinksy didn't have hyperthyroid, but maybe I do!

So, moving on, once again, I had a topic in mind and I forgot it!

Well, I could talk about the radio spot that the FP's band had last night.  So, I can't reveal the name of the band, because then you might find out who he is and in turn find out who I am.  If you don't know who I am and you really want to find out, I'm not going to just tell you.  So, anyway, they were on the local radio station to promote their forthcoming album release and show for said album release.

So, this should be an exciting joyous occasion, but it was kind of not, leading up to it.  The band leader was kind of late in letting the band know what time to go there, so they were just in a holding pattern for several hours wondering if he was going to pull the plug or what.  They got the word first on facebook that it was a go, and then half an hour later he texted the FP to let him know.

Anyway, it worked out, they got there in time, and the DJ played 4 of their songs, and then they plugged the show and album.  So it was successful.  I really don't know if anyone we knew was listening, but either way, it was a great opportunity for them.  

I just realized that I will have only played 2 shows in 2011 by the time 2012 rolls around.  2 shows.  The first one was in January, and our female singer didn't make it.  The second one was our CD release show, which while people in the audience said it was good, we knew better.  It was kind of like a train wreck.  We didn't rehearse enough, and instead of it being a joyous exciting night, it was just kind of  night of hoping to get through each song without any major mistakes.  That's so sad.

I know I don't sit around all day with a guitar in my hand, but I do enjoy playing music.  I love playing live shows.  That's the best part of being in a band for me.  It's the most fun.  It boggles my mind when people say how they hate playing live shows because they have such high anxiety that it's not fun.  As long as there is no band drama, it's just fun to me.  The anxiousness or nervous energy I play before playing a show is good energy, it's like getting a energy drink filled with dopamine.

The more electronic influenced project that we started working on was really starting to take shape, but then I had to go and decide to move us across the country.  So, we'll see what direction our music takes when we land ourselves on the east coast.  It should be interesting, and it will most certainly be a wild ride, but I will definitely do my best to enjoy it.  

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