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Thursday, August 30, 2012


So, I don't know about you, but I use towels more than once.  I don't live at the Ritz.

Let's think about what we use them for.  To dry off our clean bodies right.  Do you take note of what part of the towel you use to wipe your face, your chest, your groin, your ass?

Well, I try to.

But just think about it.  How clean is your ass?  Guys, how clean is your taint?  And then the next time you use your towel, are you wiping your face with the part of the towel that you used previously for your ass or taint?

Think about it....


  1. very good points about where the towel touches. i do think about that...glad i'm not the only one! ha ha

    my sil used to have a bidet along with a toilet and because she had that handy dandy ass washer, she didn't felt he need to put in toilet paper in her bathroom. ugh. so gross. she did have towels though. hmmmm, not sure if i want to touch those!

  2. LOL! I'm so glad I'm not the only one either!

    I guess your SIL wanted to save the money that she spent on the bidet by not buying toilet paper? But, even if you use a tabo, you still wipe, right?

  3. hell yeah!

    my MIL used a tabo still!
