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Saturday, June 30, 2012

I've become unable...

to relax.  I came home early, yay!  And then I had to go back to Fort Lauderdale with the FP.  He had to go to work to pick up keys, because he's going to start opening.  So, we had a beer and some food at his work.  It was ok.  Anyway, that was ok.

But then, we got home.  Rudy was rambunctious.  I think he didn't play hard enough yesterday, so he had pent up energy today.  Or maybe like a neglected feeling kid, he was acting up to get attention.  Like, I would go out in the back, and he would bang on the door to go out.  Then he would bang on the door to go in.  Then I would go in and go out.  He would want out.  Then in, and so on.

Then I went inside to get on the computer.  The Fuzz kept stepping on my computer and meowing at me.  So, I pet her.  Her back smelled.  I smelled it again.  Then I looked at her ass.  It was so stringy and caked with poo.  I got the scissors and started cutting.  But it was bad.  So, I brought her to the FP to hold her while I cut.  But it was too much.  So, we had to wash her.  But of course, we had to empty out the kitchen sink and clean the counter top.  Then we had to find shampoo.  We found Rudy's oatmeal shampoo.  The FP tested the water.  It was good.  So we grabbed her and put her in.

Of course, when the FP turned the water back on, it was too cold.  And she struggled and tried to claw herself out of the sink.  So we did what we could.  Rudy was way too interested in what we were doing, though.  When we took her out and set her on the couch to dry, Rudy tried to get at her.  So, I had to put him in the crate.  We dried her a little and started cutting her huge matted furball off her stomach.  It was so big and think.  We got some of it.  And then the FP thought about getting out the razor.  I doubted she would lie still for that, but amazingly she did.  Because she had given up.  So we  did what we could, until she jumped up.  She was done.

So, we let Rudy out, and he tried to harass her again.  So, I put him back in the crate.  Then I took him out.

Trying to eat a nice dinner on the coffee table was a nightmare.  Rudy kept trying to squeeze around and get at the plate and lick the table and look for scraps on the floor.  It was so unsatisfying.  Then after dinner he tried to jump up at the Fuzz again.

When I fed him dinner, he wasn't very obedient.  He was jumpy and chompy and jumped the gun a few times.  It was like he had been running amuck for a week.  Oh, well, he has been at doggie daycare so much lately....

Anyway, I'm tired.  I took one and a half sleeping pills, so I hope it keeps me asleep until time to get up tomorrow!!!

Good night peeps!  Have a wild and crazy Saturday night!

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