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Thursday, June 28, 2012


So, if you didn't know, I kind of have OCD tendencies.  I mean, I really have OCD tendencies.  Let's just say, most of my life is dictated by some kind of OCD way of thinking.  Like the way I view daily life as a set of tasks that need to be ticked off.  So, the list never gets shorter, because every time one item is checked, another one or two is added.  Anyway... do you want to know some of the things that I obsess about?  No?

Neither do I.

I wish I could just erase some of this.  I feel like I'm getting nuttier the less I drink.  So, I'm going to have to really make a better effort to drink more and more often.

Here's an example.  Every store that has a pet section, I have to look at the pet supplies.  I'm obsessed with looking at toys and stuff to make the animals more happy.  Maybe spending more time with me would make them more happy - or not.  But, like, I've been looking for the perfect cat condo thingy.  I've been searching the internets, and I look at them in the store.  The new problem with selecting a condo, is that it would have to be something that is not chewable to Rudy.  Fat chance of finding that one.

When at the pet store or in the pet section, my other obsession is finding a mat for Rudy's crate.  He makes so much noise in his crate moving around, it does wake me up.  But also, I feel like he must not be comfortable, laying on the bare plastic crate floor without a blanket or mat.  We put a Padres fleece blanket in there, but he pushed it away.  Maybe it was too hot.  So I found a cool sheet to put in there.  He will lay on it sometimes, but other times he will push it away.

So, I stare at dog beds and mats.  There are a lot.  And they range in price from $10 to over $100.  What I need to do, is take him and have him try them all out.  But he is only allowed in pet stores, and the bargain closeout stores have the cheaper beds that I covet.  They also have fancy dog treats on sale.  And every time I see them, I have the urge to buy them.  But I have to hold myself back.  He doesn't need all kinds of different treats.  I mean, he eats dirt and kitty litter!  So, I need to just chill on the doggie stuff.

He's a Dog!!!

And then there's the car stuff.  I've been looking up Mini accessories and stuff.  I just love the Mini logo and I want stuff with it printed on it!!!  Ok, I don't want to be one of those geeky people walking around with a T shirt of the car that they have.  I guess it's like wearing a band T shirt of the band you're in.  Ok, I've done that before... but I was never in a successful band.  Anyway, I need to buy car seat covers.  Because our seats get torn up.  I think the FP has too much acid in his butt sweat glands, and it eats at seat upholstery.  So, we have to get seat covers.  It was really difficult searching the internets for these.  Finally I found a website with the ones that look right.  So, I just have to stick with the covers and not get crazy with this website.  Like, I've been thinking of getting rubber floor mats.  But, I really like the floor mats we have!  So, why not just keep the ones we have, and if they get worn, then I will have to buy new ones!!!

Anyway, I need to stop with the obsessive consumerism.  It's a trait of my dad's that I do not want to keep.  I'm not saying it's not okay to research before purchasing, but there is a limit to reasonable looking before it becomes obsessive.  And besides, there's so much more to do on my to do list than look at cat condos and dog beds and car seat covers!!!!

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