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Friday, June 15, 2012


of pets, that is.  Some people think we're silly for spending so much money on our "kids" but they are our kids, who we chose to have.  So we must take care of them to the best of our ability.

-And that may mean taking a cat named The Fuzz to the vet for skin allergies one week.  And that visit to the vet may result in purchasing expensive allergy meds that we have to give the cat every day.  And it never gets easier.  She hates it and resists every morning.

-And that may also mean taking the dog named Rudy to the vet the next week for an ear infection.  And that visit may result in purchasing ear medicine, and having to go to the store to get a new ear cleaner because the one that we have isn't the right one.

-And that may mean making sure there are tissues in the car.  My mom always had tissues in the car.  I mean, she always had boxes and boxes of tissue, and always one in the car.  And today, when Rudy was dripping green snot down his nose, I realized that we now need to stock tissues in the car too.

One of the cons of having kids was the expense of taking care of them.  Sure, we're not spending the same money on the "kids" as we would on real kids,  but it's still a chunk of bills.

One of the other cons of having kids was cleaning poop and pee and throw up, and also, the much dreaded green snot.  And, yeah, I've had to clean up all of those.  The one difference between kids and dogs and green snot, is that you can tell a kid to blow his nose into a tissue and he can understand and perform that action.  When you hold a tissue to a dog's runny nose, he just tries to eat the tissue.

*sigh*  I guess our kid is one of those (liquid) booger eaters.

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