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Monday, June 18, 2012

TV Show "Review" Clash of the Homoerotic Salamanders

So, just so you know, when I was younger, my "thing", my trademark, let's say, was "the happy salamanders",  And I drew silhouette figures of salamanders.  I never had a salamander, I was just fascinated by them.  I even got a generic gecko tattoo that I like to think is really a salamander.

Salamanders were mythologically said to be born of fire.  Yet they live in water.  Pretty cool, huh?

Anyway, I recorded this Nat Geo show: Dangerous Encounters: Clash of the Giant Salamanders.  So, it was originally aired in 2009.  I don't know how I missed this show all these years!!!

Anyhoo...All, I can say, is, that I am almost 40 years old, but I'm still a little girl that giggles at phallic objects.  Now, I'm beginning to wonder why I was so fascinated with salamanders at a young age...

But, c'mon.  Here is the greater siren  I can't find a video clip, but this one spins and gets really mucusy.  So, the segement with Brady Barr holding the greater siren was very homoerotic.  He had the thing - which was like over a foot long - in his hands spinning and flopping like crazy, all the while getting more and more slick.  And Brady Barr was marvelling at how powerful and slippery the large amphibian was...

And then..... HE LICKED IT!!!! Yes, he did!

So, the premise is that you can tell how poisonous an amphibian is by licking the mucus and tasting to see how bitter it is.  So, there were clips of this female frog research scientist licking these cute teeny little frogs.  Then they cut back to Brady Barr licking the mucusy head of a spinning phallic shaped amphibian.  I mean, if I were into that kind of thing, I probably would have gotten a big boner right then and there.  But I'm not.  And I'm not sure whether there is something wrong with those who are into it or not.

Next up was the two toed amphiuma .  Tell me a man licking something like that doesn't make you giggle, or at least smirk?

Then there was also the hellbender.  Here's a photo of one: 
Ok, tell me it's not penislike.  Go ahead, do it.  Ok, some of you will say what kind of penises have you seen?  Well... just look at the wrinkles on the side.  Gross.

I'm sorry.  Penises are interesting in a gross kind of way, aesthetically speaking.  So are salamanders.
The bigger and bumpier, the more interesting.  So of course, the giant Japanese salamander is the most intriguing of them all.  Here is another Nat Geo documentary on them:

Those are big ass motherfuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!

And they are so big and ugly, that they are cute.  They remind me of a bulldog with their big big ass mouths.. Actually, these are the least phallic of all four, but nonetheless, they are quite intriguing.  Quite.  In the documentary, Brady Barr is at an aquarium looking at a captive almost five foot salamander.  He is laying next to it in awe.  Then the thing turns it's head towards him and hisses at him.  And then it starts heading for him, and Brady Barr gets scared and backs up.  We are interested in big phallic objects, but when they come after us, it's terrifying!

Oh man, this blog entry has really plunged to the depths of the river farther down than where the dicklike salamanders live.  I really don't know how to end it gracefully, so, I'll just leave you with this parting thought.

How's this for a sex lubricant name:  Salamander Slime - keeps you slipping and spinning.....

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