to relax. I came home early, yay! And then I had to go back to Fort Lauderdale with the FP. He had to go to work to pick up keys, because he's going to start opening. So, we had a beer and some food at his work. It was ok. Anyway, that was ok.
But then, we got home. Rudy was rambunctious. I think he didn't play hard enough yesterday, so he had pent up energy today. Or maybe like a neglected feeling kid, he was acting up to get attention. Like, I would go out in the back, and he would bang on the door to go out. Then he would bang on the door to go in. Then I would go in and go out. He would want out. Then in, and so on.
Then I went inside to get on the computer. The Fuzz kept stepping on my computer and meowing at me. So, I pet her. Her back smelled. I smelled it again. Then I looked at her ass. It was so stringy and caked with poo. I got the scissors and started cutting. But it was bad. So, I brought her to the FP to hold her while I cut. But it was too much. So, we had to wash her. But of course, we had to empty out the kitchen sink and clean the counter top. Then we had to find shampoo. We found Rudy's oatmeal shampoo. The FP tested the water. It was good. So we grabbed her and put her in.
Of course, when the FP turned the water back on, it was too cold. And she struggled and tried to claw herself out of the sink. So we did what we could. Rudy was way too interested in what we were doing, though. When we took her out and set her on the couch to dry, Rudy tried to get at her. So, I had to put him in the crate. We dried her a little and started cutting her huge matted furball off her stomach. It was so big and think. We got some of it. And then the FP thought about getting out the razor. I doubted she would lie still for that, but amazingly she did. Because she had given up. So we did what we could, until she jumped up. She was done.
So, we let Rudy out, and he tried to harass her again. So, I put him back in the crate. Then I took him out.
Trying to eat a nice dinner on the coffee table was a nightmare. Rudy kept trying to squeeze around and get at the plate and lick the table and look for scraps on the floor. It was so unsatisfying. Then after dinner he tried to jump up at the Fuzz again.
When I fed him dinner, he wasn't very obedient. He was jumpy and chompy and jumped the gun a few times. It was like he had been running amuck for a week. Oh, well, he has been at doggie daycare so much lately....
Anyway, I'm tired. I took one and a half sleeping pills, so I hope it keeps me asleep until time to get up tomorrow!!!
Good night peeps! Have a wild and crazy Saturday night!
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Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Oh Boy....
Do you ever feel like the present is the future for who knows how long?
Well, aren't you special.
I hate when I reference really old pop culture phrases that really make me feel old. And I do it all the time, mostly to myself. But I do it. A lot of Seinfeld references. A lot....
Anyhoo, that wasn't the topic of the day. The topic of the day was... the Groundhog Day effect.
Yes, another dated pop culture reference.
And don't tell me you've never seen the movie with Andie McDowell and Bill Murray. Because I know you have. And if you find a clip online, then you'll say, "Oh, yeah, I guess I've seen it."
So, I just feel like my life is kind of on a loop. I had my "vacation" already. My big wopping THREE DAY VACATION. Which consisted of getting up early in the morning after 4 hours of sleep to get to the airport, fly 3 hours, then get in a car and drive 4 and a half hours north to Traverse City, going drinking and staying out late, sleeping in for 9 hours, getting breakfast, trying to go site seeing, but agreeing to just chill at the hotel, going to the wedding and staying for 9 hours, then finally getting a cab back to the hotel, sleeping for 4 hours, getting up, checking out, driving 4 and half hours back to the airport, then flying 3 hours home, and getting dinner, then resting a couple hours before going to bed super early before work the next day.
Not that the wedding wasn't great, but a "vacation"?
So, I don't see taking any "vacation" any time soon.
Ok, there is a chance I will have 2 or 3 days in a row off next week. That's because we are closed on 4th of July, and I am normally off the day before and the day after. So, that's three days. But my chef asked me if I wanted to work another day or not. I said whatever. He said whatever. Do I need the money for the extra day? Of course. Do I want 3 days off for a staycation? Of course. Well, I'll just see what he says on Sunday. The big cheese, our corporate cult leader may not want me to work 5 days next week anyway. Or he may want me to work 5 days because we are supposed to start opening for brunch on Saturdays starting next Saturday. Oh joy (sarcastic tone)!
Did I tell you how I'm not a big fan of brunch? Oh sure, I like to go eat brunch. I just don't like to work it. It's not my thing. Working really maybe isn't my thing. I seemed to be more productive in my personal life when I was unemployed. That's sad.
Anyway, my original topic was really about vacation. When the hell will I get a real vacation? I know, I've only been working for 3 months. But I think this split days off thing is wearing on me. I'm an old lady now. I need two days off successively for proper recovery.
My family is talking about going to the Philippines in December or January. So that might be my "vacation". Which, really is not a vacation either. Going there will not be a leisurely trip. Having to see everyone who we haven't seen in years or have never met, and burying my mom's ashes will be quite a whirlwind.
So, anyway, I'm hoping I can get those three days off... although I need the or I could just see what happens on Sunday.
Well, aren't you special.
I hate when I reference really old pop culture phrases that really make me feel old. And I do it all the time, mostly to myself. But I do it. A lot of Seinfeld references. A lot....
Anyhoo, that wasn't the topic of the day. The topic of the day was... the Groundhog Day effect.
Yes, another dated pop culture reference.
And don't tell me you've never seen the movie with Andie McDowell and Bill Murray. Because I know you have. And if you find a clip online, then you'll say, "Oh, yeah, I guess I've seen it."
So, I just feel like my life is kind of on a loop. I had my "vacation" already. My big wopping THREE DAY VACATION. Which consisted of getting up early in the morning after 4 hours of sleep to get to the airport, fly 3 hours, then get in a car and drive 4 and a half hours north to Traverse City, going drinking and staying out late, sleeping in for 9 hours, getting breakfast, trying to go site seeing, but agreeing to just chill at the hotel, going to the wedding and staying for 9 hours, then finally getting a cab back to the hotel, sleeping for 4 hours, getting up, checking out, driving 4 and half hours back to the airport, then flying 3 hours home, and getting dinner, then resting a couple hours before going to bed super early before work the next day.
Not that the wedding wasn't great, but a "vacation"?
So, I don't see taking any "vacation" any time soon.
Ok, there is a chance I will have 2 or 3 days in a row off next week. That's because we are closed on 4th of July, and I am normally off the day before and the day after. So, that's three days. But my chef asked me if I wanted to work another day or not. I said whatever. He said whatever. Do I need the money for the extra day? Of course. Do I want 3 days off for a staycation? Of course. Well, I'll just see what he says on Sunday. The big cheese, our corporate cult leader may not want me to work 5 days next week anyway. Or he may want me to work 5 days because we are supposed to start opening for brunch on Saturdays starting next Saturday. Oh joy (sarcastic tone)!
Did I tell you how I'm not a big fan of brunch? Oh sure, I like to go eat brunch. I just don't like to work it. It's not my thing. Working really maybe isn't my thing. I seemed to be more productive in my personal life when I was unemployed. That's sad.
Anyway, my original topic was really about vacation. When the hell will I get a real vacation? I know, I've only been working for 3 months. But I think this split days off thing is wearing on me. I'm an old lady now. I need two days off successively for proper recovery.
My family is talking about going to the Philippines in December or January. So that might be my "vacation". Which, really is not a vacation either. Going there will not be a leisurely trip. Having to see everyone who we haven't seen in years or have never met, and burying my mom's ashes will be quite a whirlwind.
So, anyway, I'm hoping I can get those three days off... although I need the or I could just see what happens on Sunday.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
So, if you didn't know, I kind of have OCD tendencies. I mean, I really have OCD tendencies. Let's just say, most of my life is dictated by some kind of OCD way of thinking. Like the way I view daily life as a set of tasks that need to be ticked off. So, the list never gets shorter, because every time one item is checked, another one or two is added. Anyway... do you want to know some of the things that I obsess about? No?
Neither do I.
I wish I could just erase some of this. I feel like I'm getting nuttier the less I drink. So, I'm going to have to really make a better effort to drink more and more often.
Here's an example. Every store that has a pet section, I have to look at the pet supplies. I'm obsessed with looking at toys and stuff to make the animals more happy. Maybe spending more time with me would make them more happy - or not. But, like, I've been looking for the perfect cat condo thingy. I've been searching the internets, and I look at them in the store. The new problem with selecting a condo, is that it would have to be something that is not chewable to Rudy. Fat chance of finding that one.
When at the pet store or in the pet section, my other obsession is finding a mat for Rudy's crate. He makes so much noise in his crate moving around, it does wake me up. But also, I feel like he must not be comfortable, laying on the bare plastic crate floor without a blanket or mat. We put a Padres fleece blanket in there, but he pushed it away. Maybe it was too hot. So I found a cool sheet to put in there. He will lay on it sometimes, but other times he will push it away.
So, I stare at dog beds and mats. There are a lot. And they range in price from $10 to over $100. What I need to do, is take him and have him try them all out. But he is only allowed in pet stores, and the bargain closeout stores have the cheaper beds that I covet. They also have fancy dog treats on sale. And every time I see them, I have the urge to buy them. But I have to hold myself back. He doesn't need all kinds of different treats. I mean, he eats dirt and kitty litter! So, I need to just chill on the doggie stuff.
He's a Dog!!!
And then there's the car stuff. I've been looking up Mini accessories and stuff. I just love the Mini logo and I want stuff with it printed on it!!! Ok, I don't want to be one of those geeky people walking around with a T shirt of the car that they have. I guess it's like wearing a band T shirt of the band you're in. Ok, I've done that before... but I was never in a successful band. Anyway, I need to buy car seat covers. Because our seats get torn up. I think the FP has too much acid in his butt sweat glands, and it eats at seat upholstery. So, we have to get seat covers. It was really difficult searching the internets for these. Finally I found a website with the ones that look right. So, I just have to stick with the covers and not get crazy with this website. Like, I've been thinking of getting rubber floor mats. But, I really like the floor mats we have! So, why not just keep the ones we have, and if they get worn, then I will have to buy new ones!!!
Anyway, I need to stop with the obsessive consumerism. It's a trait of my dad's that I do not want to keep. I'm not saying it's not okay to research before purchasing, but there is a limit to reasonable looking before it becomes obsessive. And besides, there's so much more to do on my to do list than look at cat condos and dog beds and car seat covers!!!!
Neither do I.
I wish I could just erase some of this. I feel like I'm getting nuttier the less I drink. So, I'm going to have to really make a better effort to drink more and more often.
Here's an example. Every store that has a pet section, I have to look at the pet supplies. I'm obsessed with looking at toys and stuff to make the animals more happy. Maybe spending more time with me would make them more happy - or not. But, like, I've been looking for the perfect cat condo thingy. I've been searching the internets, and I look at them in the store. The new problem with selecting a condo, is that it would have to be something that is not chewable to Rudy. Fat chance of finding that one.
When at the pet store or in the pet section, my other obsession is finding a mat for Rudy's crate. He makes so much noise in his crate moving around, it does wake me up. But also, I feel like he must not be comfortable, laying on the bare plastic crate floor without a blanket or mat. We put a Padres fleece blanket in there, but he pushed it away. Maybe it was too hot. So I found a cool sheet to put in there. He will lay on it sometimes, but other times he will push it away.
So, I stare at dog beds and mats. There are a lot. And they range in price from $10 to over $100. What I need to do, is take him and have him try them all out. But he is only allowed in pet stores, and the bargain closeout stores have the cheaper beds that I covet. They also have fancy dog treats on sale. And every time I see them, I have the urge to buy them. But I have to hold myself back. He doesn't need all kinds of different treats. I mean, he eats dirt and kitty litter! So, I need to just chill on the doggie stuff.
He's a Dog!!!
And then there's the car stuff. I've been looking up Mini accessories and stuff. I just love the Mini logo and I want stuff with it printed on it!!! Ok, I don't want to be one of those geeky people walking around with a T shirt of the car that they have. I guess it's like wearing a band T shirt of the band you're in. Ok, I've done that before... but I was never in a successful band. Anyway, I need to buy car seat covers. Because our seats get torn up. I think the FP has too much acid in his butt sweat glands, and it eats at seat upholstery. So, we have to get seat covers. It was really difficult searching the internets for these. Finally I found a website with the ones that look right. So, I just have to stick with the covers and not get crazy with this website. Like, I've been thinking of getting rubber floor mats. But, I really like the floor mats we have! So, why not just keep the ones we have, and if they get worn, then I will have to buy new ones!!!
Anyway, I need to stop with the obsessive consumerism. It's a trait of my dad's that I do not want to keep. I'm not saying it's not okay to research before purchasing, but there is a limit to reasonable looking before it becomes obsessive. And besides, there's so much more to do on my to do list than look at cat condos and dog beds and car seat covers!!!!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Site Development
So, my new website idea will be called: Cutify. Wait, does that sound like {cut-i -fy} or {cute - i -fy}? Cute-ify? Hm... I will have to work on it. Anyway, it will be a name generator to turn words into cute words.
Simple enough. Any word can turn cute.
Let's name some of Rudy's (that's a cute name) toys and see if the names are cute:
Racoonie - check
Skunkie - check
Lil Lion - check
Duckie - check
Peppergator - check
Okay, so I shouldn't give away the cuteness generator formula, but here it is:
2 syllables or more - cute
ending in ie or y - cute
starting with lil or little - cute
unique multisyllable name - might be cute
and ending in bear - cute
So, let's use...
the inmate list from Benton County, Arkansas - wherever that is.
Original Not Cute Cute-ified
Nicklas Bates Adair Lil Nicky BA
failure to appear, commercial burglary, lottery fraud
Fred Randall Allen Freddie Randy Allen
failure to appear, harrassing communications, terroristic threatening in the 1st degree
Jorge Tyler Amaral Jorgie TyTy Amaraly
Driving while license suspended, parole violations, possession of firearms by certain person
Heriberto Ambriz-Carranza Little Heribear Amrbiz-Carranza
delivery of a controlled substance schedule I, II narcotic or methamphetamine, fleeing
Anthony Timothy Barnes Lil Antony Timmy Barnsey
aggravated robbery, theft, failure to appear
Thomas Preston Barrett Wil Tommy Preston Barrett Bear
aggravated assault, obstructing governmental operations, public intoxication, resisting arrest
Zachary Kahlid-Tyler Beaver Wittle Zachie Kahlid-TyTy Beaver Bear!
auto theft
Christopher Don Blount Chrisie Donny Blountycuntbear
See how well it works! And you can use it for anything really.
Original Not Cute Cute-ified
You want a piece of me? You wants a wittle little piecey wiecey?
You're under arrest. Yousy Woosy handcuffy muffy jailie wailie.
I'm having an abortion. Mesie Weesie lil sucky fetus weetus.
Your husband is paralyzed for life. Hubby no leggy workie no fuckie.
Your house is foreclosed upon. Housie wousie foreclosie wosie.
I'm going to chop off your penis Wittle willy choppy wop, ainy painy, swally penie bear
and rape you in the anus with it
and then choke you to death with it.
Yep...... I think it's way past bedtime. And yes......... it is only 9:17pm.
Simple enough. Any word can turn cute.
Let's name some of Rudy's (that's a cute name) toys and see if the names are cute:
Racoonie - check
Skunkie - check
Lil Lion - check
Duckie - check
Peppergator - check
Okay, so I shouldn't give away the cuteness generator formula, but here it is:
2 syllables or more - cute
ending in ie or y - cute
starting with lil or little - cute
unique multisyllable name - might be cute
and ending in bear - cute
So, let's use...
the inmate list from Benton County, Arkansas - wherever that is.
Original Not Cute Cute-ified
Nicklas Bates Adair Lil Nicky BA
failure to appear, commercial burglary, lottery fraud
Fred Randall Allen Freddie Randy Allen
failure to appear, harrassing communications, terroristic threatening in the 1st degree
Jorge Tyler Amaral Jorgie TyTy Amaraly
Driving while license suspended, parole violations, possession of firearms by certain person
Heriberto Ambriz-Carranza Little Heribear Amrbiz-Carranza
delivery of a controlled substance schedule I, II narcotic or methamphetamine, fleeing
Anthony Timothy Barnes Lil Antony Timmy Barnsey
aggravated robbery, theft, failure to appear
Thomas Preston Barrett Wil Tommy Preston Barrett Bear
aggravated assault, obstructing governmental operations, public intoxication, resisting arrest
Zachary Kahlid-Tyler Beaver Wittle Zachie Kahlid-TyTy Beaver Bear!
auto theft
Christopher Don Blount Chrisie Donny Blountycuntbear
See how well it works! And you can use it for anything really.
Original Not Cute Cute-ified
You want a piece of me? You wants a wittle little piecey wiecey?
You're under arrest. Yousy Woosy handcuffy muffy jailie wailie.
I'm having an abortion. Mesie Weesie lil sucky fetus weetus.
Your husband is paralyzed for life. Hubby no leggy workie no fuckie.
Your house is foreclosed upon. Housie wousie foreclosie wosie.
I'm going to chop off your penis Wittle willy choppy wop, ainy painy, swally penie bear
and rape you in the anus with it
and then choke you to death with it.
Yep...... I think it's way past bedtime. And yes......... it is only 9:17pm.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
I Never Thought
That I would ever feel a sense of satisfaction from mowing my own lawn.
That I would get to wash my car in my own driveway again - it's been about 11 years since I've had a driveway where there was a water source to wash a car.
That I would be washing my own Mini Cooper.
That I would have to keep an eye on my cat's behavior about as much as I have to keep an eye on my dog.
That I would be able to have an enjoyable brisk walk with Rudy without him straining at the leash.
That I would be missing the FP on my day off, when we just spent 3 whole days together.
That I would still be missing my mom so much.
That my healthy sister would ever have to deal serious medical issues.
That I would still be a line cook at the age of 38 and be fine with it.
That I would move back to Florida after I didn't move back two years ago.
That I would own a house in Florida near a high risk hurricane area.
That the FP would be a line cook again and be so exhilarated by it.
That I would utter the words, "We needed the rain."
That someone like Jerry Sandusky could get away with such awful abuse of children for so long in such a high profile university.
That there could be worse things going on in other seemingly "safe" places in the United States.
That I would be addicted to a site like Pinterest.
That I would buy as little music as I do.
That I would get to the point where I thought that maybe I didn't need to travel with my macbook pro because the ipod might be enough.
That I would have so much going on in my life that didn't involve my work, that when I'm not at work, I don't think about it too much.
That I would still have these slippers intact from almost 7 years ago.
That this 5 month old puppy would really be this big already.
That an ipod would take crappy pictures like these... but, it's better than the pictures from my phone, and my camera is busted....
That I would get to wash my car in my own driveway again - it's been about 11 years since I've had a driveway where there was a water source to wash a car.
That I would be washing my own Mini Cooper.
That I would have to keep an eye on my cat's behavior about as much as I have to keep an eye on my dog.
That I would be able to have an enjoyable brisk walk with Rudy without him straining at the leash.
That I would be missing the FP on my day off, when we just spent 3 whole days together.
That I would still be missing my mom so much.
That my healthy sister would ever have to deal serious medical issues.
That I would still be a line cook at the age of 38 and be fine with it.
That I would move back to Florida after I didn't move back two years ago.
That I would own a house in Florida near a high risk hurricane area.
That the FP would be a line cook again and be so exhilarated by it.
That I would utter the words, "We needed the rain."
That someone like Jerry Sandusky could get away with such awful abuse of children for so long in such a high profile university.
That there could be worse things going on in other seemingly "safe" places in the United States.
That I would be addicted to a site like Pinterest.
That I would buy as little music as I do.
That I would get to the point where I thought that maybe I didn't need to travel with my macbook pro because the ipod might be enough.
That I would have so much going on in my life that didn't involve my work, that when I'm not at work, I don't think about it too much.
That I would still have these slippers intact from almost 7 years ago.
That this 5 month old puppy would really be this big already.
That an ipod would take crappy pictures like these... but, it's better than the pictures from my phone, and my camera is busted....
Monday, June 25, 2012
Cat Scratch Fever
So, our doggie is back home from boarding, and he's fine. A little too fine. He didn't really seem to miss us, which is good in a way, but kind of ... sad. We were worried he wouldn't follow commands and maybe forget everything we taught him. But he didn't, thankfully.
Stinksy, however, has been naughty. I was trying to train Rudy not to take things off the coffee table without permission. So, we were instructed to leave food or treats on a plate on a coffee table to represent when we set our plate on the table. So, Rudy looked at it longingly for a while, and then he lay down on his pillow. A little while later, Stinksy jumped on the table to snatch the treats, and Rudy became alert. If he can't have it, Stinksy shouldn't have it either. So, I yelled no, but Stinksy had to swipe at Rudy before running away. What a little dick!
And then there's the issue of our couch. Our beloved comfortable couch. Stinksy started scratching it, and we got a few scratchy boxes, which deterred him for a while. But when Rudy came into our lives and we were paying more attention to training him, and he chewed up some scratchy boxes, Stinksy went back to full fledged tearing up the couch.
So, yeah, I know we need more scratchy boxes. But, also the guy likes to be destructive, I swear. He feels neglected, so he's acting out as the bad kid for attention. That's my theory. I mean, I watched him purposely knock a glass of water off the table the other day! He didn't even try to drink out of it, just knocked it off and then looked at me.
I guess when one child is behaving, there's always another to act up, especially when you have three!
Stinksy, however, has been naughty. I was trying to train Rudy not to take things off the coffee table without permission. So, we were instructed to leave food or treats on a plate on a coffee table to represent when we set our plate on the table. So, Rudy looked at it longingly for a while, and then he lay down on his pillow. A little while later, Stinksy jumped on the table to snatch the treats, and Rudy became alert. If he can't have it, Stinksy shouldn't have it either. So, I yelled no, but Stinksy had to swipe at Rudy before running away. What a little dick!
And then there's the issue of our couch. Our beloved comfortable couch. Stinksy started scratching it, and we got a few scratchy boxes, which deterred him for a while. But when Rudy came into our lives and we were paying more attention to training him, and he chewed up some scratchy boxes, Stinksy went back to full fledged tearing up the couch.
So, yeah, I know we need more scratchy boxes. But, also the guy likes to be destructive, I swear. He feels neglected, so he's acting out as the bad kid for attention. That's my theory. I mean, I watched him purposely knock a glass of water off the table the other day! He didn't even try to drink out of it, just knocked it off and then looked at me.
I guess when one child is behaving, there's always another to act up, especially when you have three!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
old friends
So, I think there are friends of convenience, and there are friends who take a piece of your soul. That might not sound right to you, but this is how I see it.
Working in the service industry, I've had friends who were very close to me, because we worked together and drank together. And then when we stopped working together, we stopped drinking together.
Then there are friends who are always friends, and no matter the circumstance of meeting, or how often you keep in contact, they will always be dear to you. And when you see each other after long periods of absence, it's like... old friends.
So, this weekend, we went to a very special event. We went to our good friends' wedding. These are friends who we met early on in San Diego. And while we had our ups and downs, and in the end we didn't see each other as much anymore, they will always be dear to my heart. They were an integral part of our experience in San Diego, and so many memories include them.
The sad thing about weddings, is that the betrothed couple bring together so many friends and family, that it's really difficult to spend enough time with everyone. I realize this, so just spending the little time with them during the wedding was enough. And it was also great hanging out with their families and friends. It weird that everyone was so appreciative of our attendance. We pretty much felt it was mandatory. I mean, we assured them so many times that we were definitely going. I'm sure they didn't necessarily believe us, but would have understood if we hadn't have gone.
I mean, they live in BFE! They live in a very quaint little tourist town. It's called Traverse City and it's in Michigan on one of the bays. It's really cute. But it's 4 and a half hours outside of Detroit. So, while we unfortunately may never return to Traverse City, this was the big event that compelled us to travel all the way to Traverse City.
I'm so glad that we got a chance to go there. We got to see the place that the bride grew up in, the home that she loves. It's such a foreign concept to me - for a child to love her childhood town so much to want to move back there, or to want to live so close to her parents. I mean it's very sweet. Am I jealous of that closeness? Sure, I must be. But it's nice to see.
So, congrats to the married couple. I can't say enough how much you guys mean to me, and how lovely it was to see you walk down the aisle together!
Working in the service industry, I've had friends who were very close to me, because we worked together and drank together. And then when we stopped working together, we stopped drinking together.
Then there are friends who are always friends, and no matter the circumstance of meeting, or how often you keep in contact, they will always be dear to you. And when you see each other after long periods of absence, it's like... old friends.
So, this weekend, we went to a very special event. We went to our good friends' wedding. These are friends who we met early on in San Diego. And while we had our ups and downs, and in the end we didn't see each other as much anymore, they will always be dear to my heart. They were an integral part of our experience in San Diego, and so many memories include them.
The sad thing about weddings, is that the betrothed couple bring together so many friends and family, that it's really difficult to spend enough time with everyone. I realize this, so just spending the little time with them during the wedding was enough. And it was also great hanging out with their families and friends. It weird that everyone was so appreciative of our attendance. We pretty much felt it was mandatory. I mean, we assured them so many times that we were definitely going. I'm sure they didn't necessarily believe us, but would have understood if we hadn't have gone.
I mean, they live in BFE! They live in a very quaint little tourist town. It's called Traverse City and it's in Michigan on one of the bays. It's really cute. But it's 4 and a half hours outside of Detroit. So, while we unfortunately may never return to Traverse City, this was the big event that compelled us to travel all the way to Traverse City.
I'm so glad that we got a chance to go there. We got to see the place that the bride grew up in, the home that she loves. It's such a foreign concept to me - for a child to love her childhood town so much to want to move back there, or to want to live so close to her parents. I mean it's very sweet. Am I jealous of that closeness? Sure, I must be. But it's nice to see.
So, congrats to the married couple. I can't say enough how much you guys mean to me, and how lovely it was to see you walk down the aisle together!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
So, we're in a hotel room, away for a wedding. I haven't had a good night's sleep in weeks. No cats, no puppy. I should be able to sleep deeply. I should.
But I miss my kitties and puppy!
But I miss my kitties and puppy!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Why is it, that just going away for a couple days is a huge undertaking? I mean, there's so much housework to do - which will go undone. And I'm not even going to mention the steps taken at work to prepare to be gone for just a few days. And then there's the packing and the remembering to pack the stuff that can't be packed until last minute. Then there's the things that are ultimately forgotten, that makes it really inconvenient. And then of course, there is the realization that the wardrobe selection was lacking or inappropriate. And of course getting the cats set up with the litter and the food. And of course, the dog is already boarded for the night because the place closes early and opens after the flight. And then, there is the issue of trying to go to sleep early, so one can wake up and finish packing and leave in a timely manner to get to the airport on time. And then there is the waiting to board the plane. Then there is the waiting for the plane to take off. Then there is the flight and the cramped space and the waiting to pee until necessary, but before the rush to the lavatory after the drink service but before the cleanup with the cart.....
So much to do for such a short time period of being away.
So much to do for such a short time period of being away.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Deep Thoughts
Rudy thinks that daddy (the Food Pimp) is a giant squeaky toy. TFP was just lying on the couch watching TV. Rudy was sitting on the floor, eating paper towels or the cat scratcher or something. TFP farted. Rudy sat up and he was all alert with ears perked up. He thought that was a squeak.
I think that days should be 32 hours long. That way I could actually get a good night's sleep, go to work, and still have more time to do stuff I don't get to do.
The Fuzz thinks that it is sad that she won't live to be old enough to be around when we are old. She likes things quiet and at a slow pace - we move around too much and make too much noise for her taste.
The FP thinks that The Fuzz is the sweetest cat ever in the world.
Stinksy thinks that he doesn't get enough treats or people food, and he thinks that he should be allowed outside.
I think that people are more scared of everything than before, but that they are more willing to try anything to feel better.
My Boss thinks that you have to put chicken stock made with roasted chicken bones in almost every soup, sauce or stew.
I think that Stinksy purposely drinks from the toilet, then drinks from our water glasses to prank us or to get us sick.
The FP thinks that 9:30 is an appropriate time for bed.
I think that pets should live longer.
I think that every day you don't laugh is one day closer to death.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
I got nuttin
What to say? Let's go over things I need to do. You're probably sick of these types of lists, but I got nuttin, as the title of today's blog is.
1. I need to clean out the litter boxes. I need to at least scoop the pee clumps and poop right now. I'm sitting on the couch near the litter boxes, and I can smell it.
2. I need to clean all the blankets that are covering the couch. They probably smell like dog. I'm not sure if we have become one of those pet smelling households where the owners don't notice the smell as much because their olfactory senses have become accustomed to the scents.
3. I need to change or redo the bottom hinge on the one operating screen door. Maybe I need to change the handles on the other two screen doors too. I also feel like we need to hang one of those as seen on TV screen curtain things on the back door, so when we have it open all the flies don't come into the house.
4. I need to put up that one corner shelf for the cats, and buy more shelves and put them up for the cats.
5. I need to buy presents for my family and send them. I've had grand ideas about things I've wanted to buy my family for Christmas, their birthdays, etc, but never seem to get anything out to them. My dad is easy, because his caretaker called me today to tell me when I go to visit could I please bring him a female crab. That's all he wanted. One female crab.
6. I need to spend more time training Rudy. He is backsliding from us being lax on him since he's been sick. But I think he's getting better and he definitely is getting more energy back.
7. I need to spend more time with the cats. They need groomed, then need treated to treats, they need to play.... They aren't stimulated enough, but at least they aren't terrified in their own house anymore.
8. I need to tie up loose ends before going away this weekend, even though it's going to be a very quick trip with most of the time travelling.
9. I need to call my sisters! I haven't talked to them in a while.
10. I need to write the food blog. It is sorely neglected!!!!
11. I need to work on this business project idea I have, but I can't talk about it here... shhhh!
12. I need to pick up a guitar and play it. I think I am starting to miss playing music again. Even to play keyboard or sax would be nice.
13. I need to listen to good live music. Haven't done that in ages!
14. I need to paint on all those canvases I got from Michael's when they were having a major sale.
15. I need to wash the cars. I've been wanting to wash the Element forever. I got soap and a bucket and stuff, but just haven't... found time.
16. I need to read the owner's manual for the Mini. I haven't cracked it yet. That's so unlike me, but I haven't even driven it much since we are holding off on having Rudy ride in the car.
17. I need to get the oil changed in the Element. I also need to have a knowledgeable mechanic find out what's wrong with the car.
18. I need to go for a nice drive in the Mini at night, so I can really experience the color changing lights in the car that are really cool.
19. As always, I need to get a full night's sleep.
20. I need to hire someone to trim the huge oak tree before the branches fall on our bedroom or on the neighbor's house.
21. I need to figure out how we will deal with the windows and hurricane shutters in the event of a hurrican.
22. I need to just relax and have drinks and socialize with people.
1. I need to clean out the litter boxes. I need to at least scoop the pee clumps and poop right now. I'm sitting on the couch near the litter boxes, and I can smell it.
2. I need to clean all the blankets that are covering the couch. They probably smell like dog. I'm not sure if we have become one of those pet smelling households where the owners don't notice the smell as much because their olfactory senses have become accustomed to the scents.
3. I need to change or redo the bottom hinge on the one operating screen door. Maybe I need to change the handles on the other two screen doors too. I also feel like we need to hang one of those as seen on TV screen curtain things on the back door, so when we have it open all the flies don't come into the house.
4. I need to put up that one corner shelf for the cats, and buy more shelves and put them up for the cats.
5. I need to buy presents for my family and send them. I've had grand ideas about things I've wanted to buy my family for Christmas, their birthdays, etc, but never seem to get anything out to them. My dad is easy, because his caretaker called me today to tell me when I go to visit could I please bring him a female crab. That's all he wanted. One female crab.
6. I need to spend more time training Rudy. He is backsliding from us being lax on him since he's been sick. But I think he's getting better and he definitely is getting more energy back.
7. I need to spend more time with the cats. They need groomed, then need treated to treats, they need to play.... They aren't stimulated enough, but at least they aren't terrified in their own house anymore.
8. I need to tie up loose ends before going away this weekend, even though it's going to be a very quick trip with most of the time travelling.
9. I need to call my sisters! I haven't talked to them in a while.
10. I need to write the food blog. It is sorely neglected!!!!
11. I need to work on this business project idea I have, but I can't talk about it here... shhhh!
12. I need to pick up a guitar and play it. I think I am starting to miss playing music again. Even to play keyboard or sax would be nice.
13. I need to listen to good live music. Haven't done that in ages!
14. I need to paint on all those canvases I got from Michael's when they were having a major sale.
15. I need to wash the cars. I've been wanting to wash the Element forever. I got soap and a bucket and stuff, but just haven't... found time.
16. I need to read the owner's manual for the Mini. I haven't cracked it yet. That's so unlike me, but I haven't even driven it much since we are holding off on having Rudy ride in the car.
17. I need to get the oil changed in the Element. I also need to have a knowledgeable mechanic find out what's wrong with the car.
18. I need to go for a nice drive in the Mini at night, so I can really experience the color changing lights in the car that are really cool.
19. As always, I need to get a full night's sleep.
20. I need to hire someone to trim the huge oak tree before the branches fall on our bedroom or on the neighbor's house.
21. I need to figure out how we will deal with the windows and hurricane shutters in the event of a hurrican.
22. I need to just relax and have drinks and socialize with people.
Monday, June 18, 2012
TV Show "Review" Clash of the Homoerotic Salamanders
So, just so you know, when I was younger, my "thing", my trademark, let's say, was "the happy salamanders", And I drew silhouette figures of salamanders. I never had a salamander, I was just fascinated by them. I even got a generic gecko tattoo that I like to think is really a salamander.
Salamanders were mythologically said to be born of fire. Yet they live in water. Pretty cool, huh?
Anyway, I recorded this Nat Geo show: Dangerous Encounters: Clash of the Giant Salamanders. So, it was originally aired in 2009. I don't know how I missed this show all these years!!!
Anyhoo...All, I can say, is, that I am almost 40 years old, but I'm still a little girl that giggles at phallic objects. Now, I'm beginning to wonder why I was so fascinated with salamanders at a young age...
But, c'mon. Here is the greater siren I can't find a video clip, but this one spins and gets really mucusy. So, the segement with Brady Barr holding the greater siren was very homoerotic. He had the thing - which was like over a foot long - in his hands spinning and flopping like crazy, all the while getting more and more slick. And Brady Barr was marvelling at how powerful and slippery the large amphibian was...
And then..... HE LICKED IT!!!! Yes, he did!
So, the premise is that you can tell how poisonous an amphibian is by licking the mucus and tasting to see how bitter it is. So, there were clips of this female frog research scientist licking these cute teeny little frogs. Then they cut back to Brady Barr licking the mucusy head of a spinning phallic shaped amphibian. I mean, if I were into that kind of thing, I probably would have gotten a big boner right then and there. But I'm not. And I'm not sure whether there is something wrong with those who are into it or not.
Next up was the two toed amphiuma . Tell me a man licking something like that doesn't make you giggle, or at least smirk?
Then there was also the hellbender. Here's a photo of one:
Ok, tell me it's not penislike. Go ahead, do it. Ok, some of you will say what kind of penises have you seen? Well... just look at the wrinkles on the side. Gross.
I'm sorry. Penises are interesting in a gross kind of way, aesthetically speaking. So are salamanders.
The bigger and bumpier, the more interesting. So of course, the giant Japanese salamander is the most intriguing of them all. Here is another Nat Geo documentary on them:
Those are big ass motherfuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!
And they are so big and ugly, that they are cute. They remind me of a bulldog with their big big ass mouths.. Actually, these are the least phallic of all four, but nonetheless, they are quite intriguing. Quite. In the documentary, Brady Barr is at an aquarium looking at a captive almost five foot salamander. He is laying next to it in awe. Then the thing turns it's head towards him and hisses at him. And then it starts heading for him, and Brady Barr gets scared and backs up. We are interested in big phallic objects, but when they come after us, it's terrifying!
Oh man, this blog entry has really plunged to the depths of the river farther down than where the dicklike salamanders live. I really don't know how to end it gracefully, so, I'll just leave you with this parting thought.
How's this for a sex lubricant name: Salamander Slime - keeps you slipping and spinning.....
Salamanders were mythologically said to be born of fire. Yet they live in water. Pretty cool, huh?
Anyway, I recorded this Nat Geo show: Dangerous Encounters: Clash of the Giant Salamanders. So, it was originally aired in 2009. I don't know how I missed this show all these years!!!
Anyhoo...All, I can say, is, that I am almost 40 years old, but I'm still a little girl that giggles at phallic objects. Now, I'm beginning to wonder why I was so fascinated with salamanders at a young age...
But, c'mon. Here is the greater siren I can't find a video clip, but this one spins and gets really mucusy. So, the segement with Brady Barr holding the greater siren was very homoerotic. He had the thing - which was like over a foot long - in his hands spinning and flopping like crazy, all the while getting more and more slick. And Brady Barr was marvelling at how powerful and slippery the large amphibian was...
And then..... HE LICKED IT!!!! Yes, he did!
So, the premise is that you can tell how poisonous an amphibian is by licking the mucus and tasting to see how bitter it is. So, there were clips of this female frog research scientist licking these cute teeny little frogs. Then they cut back to Brady Barr licking the mucusy head of a spinning phallic shaped amphibian. I mean, if I were into that kind of thing, I probably would have gotten a big boner right then and there. But I'm not. And I'm not sure whether there is something wrong with those who are into it or not.
Next up was the two toed amphiuma . Tell me a man licking something like that doesn't make you giggle, or at least smirk?
Then there was also the hellbender. Here's a photo of one:
Ok, tell me it's not penislike. Go ahead, do it. Ok, some of you will say what kind of penises have you seen? Well... just look at the wrinkles on the side. Gross.
I'm sorry. Penises are interesting in a gross kind of way, aesthetically speaking. So are salamanders.
The bigger and bumpier, the more interesting. So of course, the giant Japanese salamander is the most intriguing of them all. Here is another Nat Geo documentary on them:
Those are big ass motherfuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!
And they are so big and ugly, that they are cute. They remind me of a bulldog with their big big ass mouths.. Actually, these are the least phallic of all four, but nonetheless, they are quite intriguing. Quite. In the documentary, Brady Barr is at an aquarium looking at a captive almost five foot salamander. He is laying next to it in awe. Then the thing turns it's head towards him and hisses at him. And then it starts heading for him, and Brady Barr gets scared and backs up. We are interested in big phallic objects, but when they come after us, it's terrifying!
Oh man, this blog entry has really plunged to the depths of the river farther down than where the dicklike salamanders live. I really don't know how to end it gracefully, so, I'll just leave you with this parting thought.
How's this for a sex lubricant name: Salamander Slime - keeps you slipping and spinning.....
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Happy Father's Day To All You Fathers
I thought you all just liked to hang out in your backyard and drink beers and grill steaks. But apparently, going out to brunch for Mother's Day isn't enough. You also like to go out for brunch on Father's Day as well.
You like to go to brunch where I work for Father's Day in big groups. And you like to order the bangers and eggs (didn't even know her) and the hanger hash (hanger, didn't even banger) and donut holes too. And I might have broke your poached egg a little and served it to you anyway, because it was covered in hollandaise sauce anyway.
I guess I don't know what fathers like. I'm not a father. I never really got a long with my father too well to know what he liked. He didn't like waste. And he didn't like showiness. And he didn't like sentiment. And he didn't like a lot of stuff.
He did like going on grueling vacations to see as many sights as possible and staying in cheap hotels, like college backpackers.
But he's my dad. I don't know what Father's Day means to him. Maybe that he didn't get to have the children that he wanted. Or maybe that he didn't raise us the way he wanted. Or maybe it doesn't really mean anything to him. I don't know. But I called him today. I had to have a beer first, of course. But it was a pleasant but short conversation.
I can't relate to people who have great relationships with their dads. That was never something I consciously felt like I needed as a kid, because it wasn't something that I saw in many friend's relationships with their dads. Several friends' parents were divorced, and they lived with their moms. I pretty much thought dads were just quiet and scary, and really scary when yelling and punishing kids. Now, I realize that isn't necessarily true.
Now that my dad is old, and I've seen grown up kids having normal relationships with their parents, I guess I envy that. I guess, if I could have a cordial relationship with my dad before one of us dies, that would be quite an accomplishment for us....
So, happy Father's Day to all you fathers out there. Cherish being a dad!
You like to go to brunch where I work for Father's Day in big groups. And you like to order the bangers and eggs (didn't even know her) and the hanger hash (hanger, didn't even banger) and donut holes too. And I might have broke your poached egg a little and served it to you anyway, because it was covered in hollandaise sauce anyway.
I guess I don't know what fathers like. I'm not a father. I never really got a long with my father too well to know what he liked. He didn't like waste. And he didn't like showiness. And he didn't like sentiment. And he didn't like a lot of stuff.
He did like going on grueling vacations to see as many sights as possible and staying in cheap hotels, like college backpackers.
But he's my dad. I don't know what Father's Day means to him. Maybe that he didn't get to have the children that he wanted. Or maybe that he didn't raise us the way he wanted. Or maybe it doesn't really mean anything to him. I don't know. But I called him today. I had to have a beer first, of course. But it was a pleasant but short conversation.
I can't relate to people who have great relationships with their dads. That was never something I consciously felt like I needed as a kid, because it wasn't something that I saw in many friend's relationships with their dads. Several friends' parents were divorced, and they lived with their moms. I pretty much thought dads were just quiet and scary, and really scary when yelling and punishing kids. Now, I realize that isn't necessarily true.
Now that my dad is old, and I've seen grown up kids having normal relationships with their parents, I guess I envy that. I guess, if I could have a cordial relationship with my dad before one of us dies, that would be quite an accomplishment for us....
So, happy Father's Day to all you fathers out there. Cherish being a dad!
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Out Of Work Clothes
So, answer this question. If you've ever worked in the service industry, why is it, that when people you work with see you for the first time in something other than work clothes, they are surprised and have to make a comment. Or like, they don't recognize you?
So, maybe everyone doesn't have this experience, but I do. It's like I must look like a hideous elven wood dweller when I'm in my uniform at work, slaving away. Because, when I put on a dress - a $10 on sale dress from Walmart - I get the thumbs up from the gaysian owner. From the Haitian dishwarsher, I get a weird pantomime repetitive gesture of kissing hands and saying "usband, usband". Weird.
It's like I still stunk, I still had my hair tied up in fraying ponytail holders, and I didn't even wash my face, but the transformation from t-shirt and dickies scrubs to a dress and flip flops made me look like a different person altogether. A more relaxed, more fun person, perhaps? Ok, yeah, I probably am more fun and relaxed outside of work. Aren't most people, though?
Here's a weird thing. I want to have an after work thing at our house. I mean, we have a pool and it's summer. And we are closed Sunday night. But, if people look at each other differently when they are wearing shorts or dresses instead of the work uniform, what is it like to see each other in swimming attire? Is that TMI when people don't know each other that well?
And do I want to be responsible anyway, for these kids getting crazy at my house and possibly hooking up? Not really. Parties with younger kids are more fun when you're a young kid. A lot of the people at work are in their 20s, like you expect people who work at restaurants to be. A lot of the public doesn't understand that not everyone waits tables or cooks just as a means to earn money while in college. Some people are lifers in the service industry. There's nothing wrong with it. It's perfectly respectable.
Anyhoo, if we were going to have people over, we would probably need a grill... and well, seeing as how we just bought a car, maybe we shouldn't be buying stuff - I mean, more stuff.
Friday, June 15, 2012
of pets, that is. Some people think we're silly for spending so much money on our "kids" but they are our kids, who we chose to have. So we must take care of them to the best of our ability.
-And that may mean taking a cat named The Fuzz to the vet for skin allergies one week. And that visit to the vet may result in purchasing expensive allergy meds that we have to give the cat every day. And it never gets easier. She hates it and resists every morning.
-And that may also mean taking the dog named Rudy to the vet the next week for an ear infection. And that visit may result in purchasing ear medicine, and having to go to the store to get a new ear cleaner because the one that we have isn't the right one.
-And that may mean making sure there are tissues in the car. My mom always had tissues in the car. I mean, she always had boxes and boxes of tissue, and always one in the car. And today, when Rudy was dripping green snot down his nose, I realized that we now need to stock tissues in the car too.
One of the cons of having kids was the expense of taking care of them. Sure, we're not spending the same money on the "kids" as we would on real kids, but it's still a chunk of bills.
One of the other cons of having kids was cleaning poop and pee and throw up, and also, the much dreaded green snot. And, yeah, I've had to clean up all of those. The one difference between kids and dogs and green snot, is that you can tell a kid to blow his nose into a tissue and he can understand and perform that action. When you hold a tissue to a dog's runny nose, he just tries to eat the tissue.
*sigh* I guess our kid is one of those (liquid) booger eaters.
-And that may mean taking a cat named The Fuzz to the vet for skin allergies one week. And that visit to the vet may result in purchasing expensive allergy meds that we have to give the cat every day. And it never gets easier. She hates it and resists every morning.
-And that may also mean taking the dog named Rudy to the vet the next week for an ear infection. And that visit may result in purchasing ear medicine, and having to go to the store to get a new ear cleaner because the one that we have isn't the right one.
-And that may mean making sure there are tissues in the car. My mom always had tissues in the car. I mean, she always had boxes and boxes of tissue, and always one in the car. And today, when Rudy was dripping green snot down his nose, I realized that we now need to stock tissues in the car too.
One of the cons of having kids was the expense of taking care of them. Sure, we're not spending the same money on the "kids" as we would on real kids, but it's still a chunk of bills.
One of the other cons of having kids was cleaning poop and pee and throw up, and also, the much dreaded green snot. And, yeah, I've had to clean up all of those. The one difference between kids and dogs and green snot, is that you can tell a kid to blow his nose into a tissue and he can understand and perform that action. When you hold a tissue to a dog's runny nose, he just tries to eat the tissue.
*sigh* I guess our kid is one of those (liquid) booger eaters.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
So......... Part 2
So, after the beach, I had an appointment. Sounds grown up, huh? I was meeting with a lady from the FLWBC to discuss a business idea. I had googled the place the night before, so I knew exactly where it was.
Well, I thought I knew exactly where it was. I did know exactly where it wasn't. It wasn't where we were driving around looking for it. I had seen the letter S in the address, I swear I did. But, it should have been an N instead. So, we got there, but my counselor was about 15 minutes later than me, so it was fine. So, we had a good meeting. It ran over. Unfortunately, I had told the FP to pick me up an hour after he dropped me off. Which might have been ok if the meeting had started on time. It hadn't. He had gotten tired of waiting and went home to wait for me. So, I texted him when I was done and he picked me up.
We were going to look at cars, but we needed to eat lunch first because we were both starving. We were going to Pompano Beach area, so we thought it would be nice to drive along the beach.
We were wrong.
Well, sure, it was beautiful up there. But I got a horrible case of motion sickness. I had only eaten once the day before, and that was a very small portion. I was about to get a visit from my Aunt Flo. And I sometimes get motion sickness when sitting anywhere in the car other than the driver's seat. So, it was not a pleasant drive.
And there weren't as many restaurants on A1A as we thought there would be. We drove around, until we ended up at some chain restaurant that looked like Joe's Crab Shack. We sat on the patio. In one of those hilarious twists of irony, the booth was one of those rocking booths, where if someone on one side moves, it moves the person on the other side.
Did I ever tell you the FP was a fidgety person? He literally had to use all his will to not move in the booth. So, we weren't expecting much of the food. But actually it was not bad.
So, then after lunch, we had to head to the car dealership. I was not looking forward to a long meandering drive. But the FP suggested that I drive. Which was a very good idea. He searched the dealership on the iphone, and in a stroke of luck it was 5 miles west. So that was nice. And then it was there. And then it was hot, but we were looking at Minis. There didn't seem to be many, until we realized there were more behind where we had parked.
So, then we were talking to a salesman about what we wanted. He asked if we had driven a Mini before, which we had. He went through the inventory to look up the Mini Club"men" on the cheaper side of the list. He pretty much told us about the cars that we had already seen. So, then we just looked at the options with payment and he estimated what monthly payments we could have if we got the pepper white clubman. Which, was ok, but it wasn't exciting to me. I kind of wanted bright white, black or silver. They didn't have a bright white clubman. They did have a bright white countryman, but those were more expensive and bigger.
There was the silver countryman, though. It was a couple thousand more than the other, which was already more than we should spend. But it was silver, with the black bonnet stripes, and the black top, and the black tire rims. The tire rims looked a little too sporty for my taste, but the FP liked them. So, we told the salesman how that's the one we really wanted.
So, we decided to go ahead and do the credit check. In the meantime, he brought the car over to look at. We sat in it. He showed us some of the features. We were impressed before we even sat in it, but once we sat in it, we knew we wanted it.
But it was a lot of money.
But I had been looking and looking. And this was pretty much the car we wanted. Just not really the price we wanted.
So, the salesman went to see how much he could knock off the price. He knocked some off.
This was a good day to get a car. The dog was in daycare. We didn't know if we would be having anymore days off together. The dealership wasn't that far, but if I was going to leave and then decide to come back a few days later, it didn't make sense.
The salesman went to get some paperwork and let us think.
Of course, the FP thought there wasn't even anything to think about. But, he knew how my thought process worked. He figured there was probably no way we were driving out of that dealership separately.
I thought about it.
And then I thought, maybe we should just do it.
I mean, it was pretty much the car we wanted. So, the salesman came back, and we said "let's do it."
So, we started the process. Which wasn't as painful as it could have been, but I still felt ill. Which was part of the reason that I had almost not pulled the trigger. I didn't want to sit there for several hours waiting to drive home our new car.
But I did. It took so long, like it does, that the FP had to leave before me to get to the doggie daycare before it closed.
So, then, the first time I actually drove the car, was when I was driving it out of the lot to go home.
For reals.
For realsies.
I'm sure when the salesman saw us there, he did not expect to sell us a car without us ever even taking it out of the lot.
It's kind of like waiting to have sex until marriage.

And, no, it didn't come with the sticker. I put the sticker on the second day.
Boy, we sure have a lot of responsibilities now! But all great ones. I can't believe we have a Mini. After years of secretly wanting one but figuring we would never have one.
And can I tell you, there is nothing like listening to music while driving a Mini!
Oh, and when I got home, the baby bird was still there by the trunk of the tree. I could tell before I saw it, because the adult birds were totally trying to attack me. Which was fine with me, as long as they didn't try to shit on my new car!
Well, I thought I knew exactly where it was. I did know exactly where it wasn't. It wasn't where we were driving around looking for it. I had seen the letter S in the address, I swear I did. But, it should have been an N instead. So, we got there, but my counselor was about 15 minutes later than me, so it was fine. So, we had a good meeting. It ran over. Unfortunately, I had told the FP to pick me up an hour after he dropped me off. Which might have been ok if the meeting had started on time. It hadn't. He had gotten tired of waiting and went home to wait for me. So, I texted him when I was done and he picked me up.
We were going to look at cars, but we needed to eat lunch first because we were both starving. We were going to Pompano Beach area, so we thought it would be nice to drive along the beach.
We were wrong.
Well, sure, it was beautiful up there. But I got a horrible case of motion sickness. I had only eaten once the day before, and that was a very small portion. I was about to get a visit from my Aunt Flo. And I sometimes get motion sickness when sitting anywhere in the car other than the driver's seat. So, it was not a pleasant drive.
And there weren't as many restaurants on A1A as we thought there would be. We drove around, until we ended up at some chain restaurant that looked like Joe's Crab Shack. We sat on the patio. In one of those hilarious twists of irony, the booth was one of those rocking booths, where if someone on one side moves, it moves the person on the other side.
Did I ever tell you the FP was a fidgety person? He literally had to use all his will to not move in the booth. So, we weren't expecting much of the food. But actually it was not bad.
So, then after lunch, we had to head to the car dealership. I was not looking forward to a long meandering drive. But the FP suggested that I drive. Which was a very good idea. He searched the dealership on the iphone, and in a stroke of luck it was 5 miles west. So that was nice. And then it was there. And then it was hot, but we were looking at Minis. There didn't seem to be many, until we realized there were more behind where we had parked.
So, then we were talking to a salesman about what we wanted. He asked if we had driven a Mini before, which we had. He went through the inventory to look up the Mini Club"men" on the cheaper side of the list. He pretty much told us about the cars that we had already seen. So, then we just looked at the options with payment and he estimated what monthly payments we could have if we got the pepper white clubman. Which, was ok, but it wasn't exciting to me. I kind of wanted bright white, black or silver. They didn't have a bright white clubman. They did have a bright white countryman, but those were more expensive and bigger.
There was the silver countryman, though. It was a couple thousand more than the other, which was already more than we should spend. But it was silver, with the black bonnet stripes, and the black top, and the black tire rims. The tire rims looked a little too sporty for my taste, but the FP liked them. So, we told the salesman how that's the one we really wanted.
So, we decided to go ahead and do the credit check. In the meantime, he brought the car over to look at. We sat in it. He showed us some of the features. We were impressed before we even sat in it, but once we sat in it, we knew we wanted it.
But it was a lot of money.
But I had been looking and looking. And this was pretty much the car we wanted. Just not really the price we wanted.
So, the salesman went to see how much he could knock off the price. He knocked some off.
This was a good day to get a car. The dog was in daycare. We didn't know if we would be having anymore days off together. The dealership wasn't that far, but if I was going to leave and then decide to come back a few days later, it didn't make sense.
The salesman went to get some paperwork and let us think.
Of course, the FP thought there wasn't even anything to think about. But, he knew how my thought process worked. He figured there was probably no way we were driving out of that dealership separately.
I thought about it.
And then I thought, maybe we should just do it.
I mean, it was pretty much the car we wanted. So, the salesman came back, and we said "let's do it."
So, we started the process. Which wasn't as painful as it could have been, but I still felt ill. Which was part of the reason that I had almost not pulled the trigger. I didn't want to sit there for several hours waiting to drive home our new car.
But I did. It took so long, like it does, that the FP had to leave before me to get to the doggie daycare before it closed.
So, then, the first time I actually drove the car, was when I was driving it out of the lot to go home.
For reals.
For realsies.
I'm sure when the salesman saw us there, he did not expect to sell us a car without us ever even taking it out of the lot.
It's kind of like waiting to have sex until marriage.
Well, I got in the car and drove off, and annulment was the farthest thing on my mind.

And, no, it didn't come with the sticker. I put the sticker on the second day.
Boy, we sure have a lot of responsibilities now! But all great ones. I can't believe we have a Mini. After years of secretly wanting one but figuring we would never have one.
And can I tell you, there is nothing like listening to music while driving a Mini!
Oh, and when I got home, the baby bird was still there by the trunk of the tree. I could tell before I saw it, because the adult birds were totally trying to attack me. Which was fine with me, as long as they didn't try to shit on my new car!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
So... Part 1 of I don't know how many parts!
Wow, I have a lot to tell you.
It's late... 11:22!!!
And surprise, surprise, I'm tie - red.
Anyhoo, let's just start off with Monday morning. We got up early, no sleeping in. I went to take Rude Rudy for morning potties, and we noticed a baby bird at the foot of the oak tree. At first I thought it was dead, since we have seen, oh, about five or more dead birds since we moved in. But then, it looked at me and moved its head. So, it was alive. It was either hurt, or couldn't fly, and was stuck. When I moved closer to look, the alpha female of the oak tree chirped at me warningly. The black grackle who hates Rudy swooped down. So, we backed off.
I felt bad for the little chipper. Generally speaking, I take the stance that I hate bird, but that's just a front. Of course, almost any little baby animal in peril tugs at the old veins and arteries (heartstrings, duh). And this little chick was kind of cute with the downy fur, and looking at me, or towards me. I called the FP to come look. We were stumped. What did we do? If our one friend lived in the same area, he would have probably recommended who to call or took the thing in or to the vet or something. The FP thought we should give it water. So, he took a small purple plastic Target bowl and filled it with water and set it in the pit of the tree next to the birdie.
I have to admit, that was pretty brave! The birds, like the whole population of the tree (which seems like a hundred) were flying around and chirping up a shrill cacophony and flying low to scare him, but the FP put the water there. And not one peck. But those grackles were hopping mad!
So, we Googled "I found a baby bird on the ground." The most reasonable answer to that question was that if it was alive, let it be. The parents would feed it and protect it while it tried to fly, and hopefully would eventually fly.
That is all well and good. But recently, I realized how many cats roam the neighborhood. I never really saw more than the one that the black grackle hates, until I left the catnip hanging planter on the ground one night.
So, we were worried about cats getting the baby bird, but at the same time, we didn't want to get an eye pecked out. And also, we didn't know what to do with a baby bird anyway! So, we went to work. The FP was worried about the little bird and thought about it often. I kind of was absorbed in getting out of work, and getting ready for a day off, so after an hour or so, I forgot about the bird. Until we got home from work. And the little thing was still there. It looked deadwith its eye open. But then it moved. It was still alive. So, we checked out of the window every once in a while. I saw fluttering a few times as it attempted to fly. But no go. We wondered if it would survive through the night.
The next morning, we woke up, and looked for the little fella or gal. The FP thought it was a girl because it's sweet looking. The FP assumes any animal that looks sweet must be a female. Anyway, we finally found it. And it was still alive. Still by the base of the tree. And the parents and especially the alpha couple were very vocal and protective.
The FP was going to go for a run, so I thought I would take the puppy along for walkies. We were getting ready and discussing our day, when the FP decided maybe we should bring the Rudes for daycare. So, we all hopped in the car and we dropped him off. He had been seeming a little under the weather, but he was excited to go in, so we dropped him off.
Then we went to the beach. I haven't been to the beach in a while, so it was nice. Very nice. It wasn't too hot. And no one was around. So, I took a short walk, just to feel like I got... some kind of exercise. But really, I just wanted to get on the beach and walk on the sand and go in the water. The water was surprisingly a little cooler than I thought it would be. It was sooooo nice. Except the water was whipping the seaweed around breaking it up into little pieces that were flaying me with the tide. Then I saw a little fish, what looked like a lionfish flipping around on the shore. It was stuck, and the tide wasn't bringing it back out. So, I took some seaweed and pushed it back in a little more, and finally a wave took it. But it didn't seem strong enough to swim. So it was probably hurt and probably died or got eaten anyway. But I tried. What's with all the helpless animals?
Anyway, I didn't even get to the part that was more about me.... So, you will just have to stay tuned for the rest of the epic story!
It's late... 11:22!!!
And surprise, surprise, I'm tie - red.
Anyhoo, let's just start off with Monday morning. We got up early, no sleeping in. I went to take Rude Rudy for morning potties, and we noticed a baby bird at the foot of the oak tree. At first I thought it was dead, since we have seen, oh, about five or more dead birds since we moved in. But then, it looked at me and moved its head. So, it was alive. It was either hurt, or couldn't fly, and was stuck. When I moved closer to look, the alpha female of the oak tree chirped at me warningly. The black grackle who hates Rudy swooped down. So, we backed off.
I felt bad for the little chipper. Generally speaking, I take the stance that I hate bird, but that's just a front. Of course, almost any little baby animal in peril tugs at the old veins and arteries (heartstrings, duh). And this little chick was kind of cute with the downy fur, and looking at me, or towards me. I called the FP to come look. We were stumped. What did we do? If our one friend lived in the same area, he would have probably recommended who to call or took the thing in or to the vet or something. The FP thought we should give it water. So, he took a small purple plastic Target bowl and filled it with water and set it in the pit of the tree next to the birdie.
I have to admit, that was pretty brave! The birds, like the whole population of the tree (which seems like a hundred) were flying around and chirping up a shrill cacophony and flying low to scare him, but the FP put the water there. And not one peck. But those grackles were hopping mad!
So, we Googled "I found a baby bird on the ground." The most reasonable answer to that question was that if it was alive, let it be. The parents would feed it and protect it while it tried to fly, and hopefully would eventually fly.
That is all well and good. But recently, I realized how many cats roam the neighborhood. I never really saw more than the one that the black grackle hates, until I left the catnip hanging planter on the ground one night.
So, we were worried about cats getting the baby bird, but at the same time, we didn't want to get an eye pecked out. And also, we didn't know what to do with a baby bird anyway! So, we went to work. The FP was worried about the little bird and thought about it often. I kind of was absorbed in getting out of work, and getting ready for a day off, so after an hour or so, I forgot about the bird. Until we got home from work. And the little thing was still there. It looked deadwith its eye open. But then it moved. It was still alive. So, we checked out of the window every once in a while. I saw fluttering a few times as it attempted to fly. But no go. We wondered if it would survive through the night.
The next morning, we woke up, and looked for the little fella or gal. The FP thought it was a girl because it's sweet looking. The FP assumes any animal that looks sweet must be a female. Anyway, we finally found it. And it was still alive. Still by the base of the tree. And the parents and especially the alpha couple were very vocal and protective.
The FP was going to go for a run, so I thought I would take the puppy along for walkies. We were getting ready and discussing our day, when the FP decided maybe we should bring the Rudes for daycare. So, we all hopped in the car and we dropped him off. He had been seeming a little under the weather, but he was excited to go in, so we dropped him off.
Then we went to the beach. I haven't been to the beach in a while, so it was nice. Very nice. It wasn't too hot. And no one was around. So, I took a short walk, just to feel like I got... some kind of exercise. But really, I just wanted to get on the beach and walk on the sand and go in the water. The water was surprisingly a little cooler than I thought it would be. It was sooooo nice. Except the water was whipping the seaweed around breaking it up into little pieces that were flaying me with the tide. Then I saw a little fish, what looked like a lionfish flipping around on the shore. It was stuck, and the tide wasn't bringing it back out. So, I took some seaweed and pushed it back in a little more, and finally a wave took it. But it didn't seem strong enough to swim. So it was probably hurt and probably died or got eaten anyway. But I tried. What's with all the helpless animals?
Anyway, I didn't even get to the part that was more about me.... So, you will just have to stay tuned for the rest of the epic story!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
iblog about nothing.
uread about nothing.
itake photos of nothing.
ulook at photos of nothing.
ispend money i shouldn't on things i don't "need".
uroll your eyes when i tell you about things i spend money on.
here's another:
welcome the newest member of the family, ipig. See how excited The Fuzz is to welcome him into the family? He's a portable speaker, although ac adapter operated, so we don't have to lug our monitors outside if we want to listen to some music outside. He does have an iphone dock, but I wasn't too impressed with the sound from the iphone. He sounds much better when he plays music from the macbook pro, but of course, it has a better soundcard.... Anyway, I didn't spend loads of money on him, so I can't expect Bose-like quality, can I?
Anyhoo, he's pretty cute.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Leave IT!
Rudy failed. But really, his failure is my failure, isn't it?
I put a dog treat on the coffee table. He looked at it. He laid down in front of it and stared at it intensely. Then he acted like he was over. Several minutes later, when I was distracted on the computer, he went straight for it. He already had it in his mouth and was chewing when I said "Leave It!" and jerked the chain.
Lil fucker.
So, I'm giving him a second chance. This time it's easier though, because he's tired and just lying on his bed.
He's so good at training when he knows he's being tested. As soon as he thinks the session is over and we aren't paying attention, he fucks up.
He's a greedy little thing. I was reading this ebook about Labrador Retrievers, and it said, "Labrador Retrievers are a greedy breed." LOL! That is so true. I know dogs in general are greedy. But this guy's main purpose in life is to search out objects (edible or inedible) to put in his mouth. Often, he eats the inedible as well as the edible. I'm pretty sure he will probably meet his demise because of something he eats. I'm not saying I advocate him picking up everything in sight, it's just, sometimes he sneaks things.
Hold on, there's a knock on the door... Oh Shit, I think it's the SPCA!
I put a dog treat on the coffee table. He looked at it. He laid down in front of it and stared at it intensely. Then he acted like he was over. Several minutes later, when I was distracted on the computer, he went straight for it. He already had it in his mouth and was chewing when I said "Leave It!" and jerked the chain.
Lil fucker.
So, I'm giving him a second chance. This time it's easier though, because he's tired and just lying on his bed.
He's so good at training when he knows he's being tested. As soon as he thinks the session is over and we aren't paying attention, he fucks up.
He's a greedy little thing. I was reading this ebook about Labrador Retrievers, and it said, "Labrador Retrievers are a greedy breed." LOL! That is so true. I know dogs in general are greedy. But this guy's main purpose in life is to search out objects (edible or inedible) to put in his mouth. Often, he eats the inedible as well as the edible. I'm pretty sure he will probably meet his demise because of something he eats. I'm not saying I advocate him picking up everything in sight, it's just, sometimes he sneaks things.
Hold on, there's a knock on the door... Oh Shit, I think it's the SPCA!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
So, I believe in the 6 years I lived in California, I became one of "those Californians". I'm sure I've preached about this before, but here it is again.
Every day I go to work I watch all the waste. It's sad. It's disheartening. Yet, what do I do to change it?
We don't recycle. We put cardboard boxes in it's own dumpster, but everything else - cans, plastics and glass all go into the garbage.
Don't even talk about compost. Of course we don't do that!
We get fish in fairly regularly. But it seems to go bad pretty fast. We throw it away fairly frequently. Also,
I work with boys. They like to take shortcuts. They throw things away we can use like bread ends, they are rough on the equipment, and they don't care about mother earth.
All this waste makes me sad. Makes me want to compost, set up a program with restaurants, grow a garden with restaurant compost. But I won't I'll just write about wanting to do it during commercials while I watch Legally Blonde....
Every day I go to work I watch all the waste. It's sad. It's disheartening. Yet, what do I do to change it?
We don't recycle. We put cardboard boxes in it's own dumpster, but everything else - cans, plastics and glass all go into the garbage.
Don't even talk about compost. Of course we don't do that!
We get fish in fairly regularly. But it seems to go bad pretty fast. We throw it away fairly frequently. Also,
I work with boys. They like to take shortcuts. They throw things away we can use like bread ends, they are rough on the equipment, and they don't care about mother earth.
All this waste makes me sad. Makes me want to compost, set up a program with restaurants, grow a garden with restaurant compost. But I won't I'll just write about wanting to do it during commercials while I watch Legally Blonde....
Friday, June 8, 2012
Random Thoughts
The Fuzz is so cute, but she always smells like litter. She is the only being on earth that I would ever allow to trample over my macbook pro keyboard!p--------------------------------------------------------
(That was her typing just now, so if there is any random jibberish, it's probably her expressing her creativity.)
Last night I was tired, but she jumped up on the couch to snuggle with me, so I stayed up half an hour longer to pet her. I was petting her shaggy underfur, when I noticed a few very large mattes. If I got up to find the brush, she would have skedaddled (that is what she does - skedaddles). So I painstakingly tried to untangle the mattes with my fingers. I got a lot out, thus - half an hour later, she finally jumped down and I went to bed.
Rudy is also cute. People are always saying how cute he is, because his face and ears are so sweet. He has a true puppy dog face. I hope as he grows, that look doesn't thin out too much. A couple months ago, I questioned whether we would be able to raise him. He was so horrible every day almost all day long, really. He would wake up and bite, eat breakfast then bite, take a nap, then bite, go for a walk and bite on the walk, eat lunch and bite, take a nap, then bite, try to play for a short while then bite, etc. Now, with a little training and with his growth and the second round of teething and dog parks and daycare, he is so much more pleasant and sweet and obedient. I mean, I put a dog treat on the coffee table just half an hour ago. He looked at it longingly for a while. I stepped around the corner, and he decided to lie down on his pillow right next to the treat, and didn't look at it anymore. That is what we call personal growth.
I just realized I haven't drank any water since I left work - which was 3.30 hours ago. I'm a water fiend. Whenever I realize I haven't had water within a half hour of the last drink, I get very thirsty and need a drink right away. I mean, I wake up in the middle of the night thirsty. Of course, the whole Katrina deal made it worse... if we had stayed in our house during the storm with the supplies we had, we would have ran out of supplies the day of the storm!
Stinksy or Stinky is a handsome cat. His formal name is Stinksy, but we call him Stinky. He can be sweet, but he does bite. If he is just laying around and you just reach out to pet him, there is a good chance that he will bite you with his big pearly fangs. His teeth used to be crusted with yellow tartar plaque, but now they are pretty damn clean. Forssse77777777777
Sometimes I try to bargain shop but I think I just end up spending more money. Like take this stupid printer that I got a month or so ago. It was the printer that I thought I wanted, but there are different model numbers, and it was the cheaper one. So, it isn't connecting with the FP's computer, which can possibly be fixed, but it doesn't always work on the first try. Sometimes I had to delete the job and resend it, or turn the printer off and on again. And also, the printer won't seem to work with my macbook pro as a scanner. How shitty is that? I am going to probably just have to buy another one and hope that I can unload this one on craigslist for a little money back.
I definitely have hoarding tendencies. I tend to have big plans for projects and arts and crafts and gifts and stuff. So, I might buy supplies for these things, and then it will take forever for me to actually work on these projects, if I ever do. Often, the supplies get fucked up or take up too much room, or we move, and the FP asks if I really need this stuff. Sometimes I relent and let him throw the stuff away, but I don't want to. But, I don't want to have a house full of some other times or if I had the times, so, I let him throw things away. wsssssssss
I change my position on Rudy. He still needs lots of work. Ok, I don't change my position on him, but I do feel a little betrayed. As I was writing a positive review of him, he was eating one of the FP's unripe melons from the garden. The biggest one, of course. I went outside to look at it when he came in, and he went straight to the coffee table to eat the treat that I had left there from before. I shouldn't have left it there, and if I had, I should have had him on the leash, ready at the other end to pull him away if he went to grab it....
Anyway, it's time to wrap this up. I have to eat dinner before I can feed Rudy... pecking order.
(That was her typing just now, so if there is any random jibberish, it's probably her expressing her creativity.)
Last night I was tired, but she jumped up on the couch to snuggle with me, so I stayed up half an hour longer to pet her. I was petting her shaggy underfur, when I noticed a few very large mattes. If I got up to find the brush, she would have skedaddled (that is what she does - skedaddles). So I painstakingly tried to untangle the mattes with my fingers. I got a lot out, thus - half an hour later, she finally jumped down and I went to bed.
Rudy is also cute. People are always saying how cute he is, because his face and ears are so sweet. He has a true puppy dog face. I hope as he grows, that look doesn't thin out too much. A couple months ago, I questioned whether we would be able to raise him. He was so horrible every day almost all day long, really. He would wake up and bite, eat breakfast then bite, take a nap, then bite, go for a walk and bite on the walk, eat lunch and bite, take a nap, then bite, try to play for a short while then bite, etc. Now, with a little training and with his growth and the second round of teething and dog parks and daycare, he is so much more pleasant and sweet and obedient. I mean, I put a dog treat on the coffee table just half an hour ago. He looked at it longingly for a while. I stepped around the corner, and he decided to lie down on his pillow right next to the treat, and didn't look at it anymore. That is what we call personal growth.
I just realized I haven't drank any water since I left work - which was 3.30 hours ago. I'm a water fiend. Whenever I realize I haven't had water within a half hour of the last drink, I get very thirsty and need a drink right away. I mean, I wake up in the middle of the night thirsty. Of course, the whole Katrina deal made it worse... if we had stayed in our house during the storm with the supplies we had, we would have ran out of supplies the day of the storm!
Stinksy or Stinky is a handsome cat. His formal name is Stinksy, but we call him Stinky. He can be sweet, but he does bite. If he is just laying around and you just reach out to pet him, there is a good chance that he will bite you with his big pearly fangs. His teeth used to be crusted with yellow tartar plaque, but now they are pretty damn clean. Forssse77777777777
Sometimes I try to bargain shop but I think I just end up spending more money. Like take this stupid printer that I got a month or so ago. It was the printer that I thought I wanted, but there are different model numbers, and it was the cheaper one. So, it isn't connecting with the FP's computer, which can possibly be fixed, but it doesn't always work on the first try. Sometimes I had to delete the job and resend it, or turn the printer off and on again. And also, the printer won't seem to work with my macbook pro as a scanner. How shitty is that? I am going to probably just have to buy another one and hope that I can unload this one on craigslist for a little money back.
I definitely have hoarding tendencies. I tend to have big plans for projects and arts and crafts and gifts and stuff. So, I might buy supplies for these things, and then it will take forever for me to actually work on these projects, if I ever do. Often, the supplies get fucked up or take up too much room, or we move, and the FP asks if I really need this stuff. Sometimes I relent and let him throw the stuff away, but I don't want to. But, I don't want to have a house full of some other times or if I had the times, so, I let him throw things away. wsssssssss
I change my position on Rudy. He still needs lots of work. Ok, I don't change my position on him, but I do feel a little betrayed. As I was writing a positive review of him, he was eating one of the FP's unripe melons from the garden. The biggest one, of course. I went outside to look at it when he came in, and he went straight to the coffee table to eat the treat that I had left there from before. I shouldn't have left it there, and if I had, I should have had him on the leash, ready at the other end to pull him away if he went to grab it....
Anyway, it's time to wrap this up. I have to eat dinner before I can feed Rudy... pecking order.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Fried Brains
I've been out of school for a long time. The last class I took was the San Diego Community College "Starting A Business" class. It was a free continuing ed class. Before that... it's been a loooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnng time.
Tonight I had private training from K9 Advisors.
I had a refresher course in:
Leave It
jumping up on people
I started learning:
Leave It with distractions
not taking no-nos that weren't offered
It was a little embarrassing, because I thought these were commands I was supposed to obey, but then I realized it was for Rudy, not me. So, I guess I'm still allowed to jump up on people!
The thing that sucks about training a puppy (or dog) is that you have to keep the training up every day... sometimes we're just too tired for that.
It's just a few lessons, but it's a lot of info to digest. It would be easier if I could print the notes I've been keeping, but our shitty printer is almost out of cyan ink, and it won't let me print a black ink document. That's what I get for buying the cheaper Epson printer that was smaller and black and looked cool. There are so many different models of similar printers, and I picked the shitty one. So, now, I gotta decide. Do I buy the colored ink cartridges and keep using the printer that only seems to work with my computer? Or do I suck it up and buy a new more Mac/wifi friendly computer....I could try to sell the other piece of shit on craigslist, I guess......
Tonight I had private training from K9 Advisors.
I had a refresher course in:
Leave It
jumping up on people
I started learning:
Leave It with distractions
not taking no-nos that weren't offered
It was a little embarrassing, because I thought these were commands I was supposed to obey, but then I realized it was for Rudy, not me. So, I guess I'm still allowed to jump up on people!
The thing that sucks about training a puppy (or dog) is that you have to keep the training up every day... sometimes we're just too tired for that.
It's just a few lessons, but it's a lot of info to digest. It would be easier if I could print the notes I've been keeping, but our shitty printer is almost out of cyan ink, and it won't let me print a black ink document. That's what I get for buying the cheaper Epson printer that was smaller and black and looked cool. There are so many different models of similar printers, and I picked the shitty one. So, now, I gotta decide. Do I buy the colored ink cartridges and keep using the printer that only seems to work with my computer? Or do I suck it up and buy a new more Mac/wifi friendly computer....I could try to sell the other piece of shit on craigslist, I guess......
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Life is like...
A pain in the butt.
It's hurtful in embarrassing ways, and it stinks.
I think I'm done here. In fact, I think I can retire the blog. I've said it all.
(Okay, I stole that bit from a Portlandia skit. It was the one with the band, "The Nap" who became "The Cat Nap" who became "The Cat Napper." If you haven't seen Portlandia, it's fuckin hilarious.)
Anyhoo, on a totally different subject, we watched a movie tonight. We rarely ever do that. But, we did. We watched We Bought A Zoo. All I remembered about the movie was that it was based on a story about a family that bought a zoo. The zoo in the movie happened to be outside of San Diego. The soundtrack for the movie, happened to have a lot of Jonsi. I guess those are the reasons I wanted to watch it when it first came out.
Anyway, it was a touching story about a family who had just lost their mother/wife and were grieving. They wanted to move, and the place they picked ended up being a zoo.
Honestly, I don't know what the reviews were, nor do I care. All I know, is that I cried a lot. Could it be partially because the touching moments were set to Jonsi songs? Maybe. But, I still miss my mommy.
Anyway, I don't typically cry a lot during movies. They have to really hurt me in the heart. Or maybe it helps if I'm PMSing. But I'm not an easy tearjerker.
It's hurtful in embarrassing ways, and it stinks.
I think I'm done here. In fact, I think I can retire the blog. I've said it all.
(Okay, I stole that bit from a Portlandia skit. It was the one with the band, "The Nap" who became "The Cat Nap" who became "The Cat Napper." If you haven't seen Portlandia, it's fuckin hilarious.)
Anyhoo, on a totally different subject, we watched a movie tonight. We rarely ever do that. But, we did. We watched We Bought A Zoo. All I remembered about the movie was that it was based on a story about a family that bought a zoo. The zoo in the movie happened to be outside of San Diego. The soundtrack for the movie, happened to have a lot of Jonsi. I guess those are the reasons I wanted to watch it when it first came out.
Anyway, it was a touching story about a family who had just lost their mother/wife and were grieving. They wanted to move, and the place they picked ended up being a zoo.
Honestly, I don't know what the reviews were, nor do I care. All I know, is that I cried a lot. Could it be partially because the touching moments were set to Jonsi songs? Maybe. But, I still miss my mommy.
Anyway, I don't typically cry a lot during movies. They have to really hurt me in the heart. Or maybe it helps if I'm PMSing. But I'm not an easy tearjerker.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Rudy Doesn't Like Fetch
So, I know that all dog owners say how smart their dog is. I would say Rudy is at least above average. He knows:
Stay (kind of)
Thru (for doorways)
Off (even though he doesn't even obey it)
No (even though he doesn't even obey it)
No Bite (he acts like he doesn't understand this one)
Take it
But he either doesn't "get" fetch, or he doesn't like the idea of "retrievering" something and bringing it back....
I don't think he knows that. I think he thinks he's a Labrador Greedy Eater. I mean, he puts everything in his mouth and he eats half of everything he puts in his mouth.
I feel like someone is going to read one of these blogs and report me to the SPCA because of some of the things I have said about him. I don't remember if I have called him names on this blog, but I might have been heard to call him Dick once or twice. It's really just a pet name. But maybe someone would hear that and see him choke from his collar and call the SPCA. That would be hilarious. They would do an interview, and it would be like this:
We have rearranged our lives and the cats' lives for our puppy.
We spent hundreds of dollars on him even before we got to actually take him home.
We buy him fancy puppy food.
We buy him a new toy every week or two.
We feel bad if we have to leave him in his crate more than an hour during the day, or if we have to leave him in the crate twice in one day.
We take him to doggie daycare.
We take him to the park for walkies and to the dog park.
We have been spending hundred of dollars on training for him and us.
He sleeps in the bedroom with us.
And then they would take him away!
Stay (kind of)
Thru (for doorways)
Off (even though he doesn't even obey it)
No (even though he doesn't even obey it)
No Bite (he acts like he doesn't understand this one)
Take it
But he either doesn't "get" fetch, or he doesn't like the idea of "retrievering" something and bringing it back....
I don't think he knows that. I think he thinks he's a Labrador Greedy Eater. I mean, he puts everything in his mouth and he eats half of everything he puts in his mouth.
I feel like someone is going to read one of these blogs and report me to the SPCA because of some of the things I have said about him. I don't remember if I have called him names on this blog, but I might have been heard to call him Dick once or twice. It's really just a pet name. But maybe someone would hear that and see him choke from his collar and call the SPCA. That would be hilarious. They would do an interview, and it would be like this:
We have rearranged our lives and the cats' lives for our puppy.
We spent hundreds of dollars on him even before we got to actually take him home.
We buy him fancy puppy food.
We buy him a new toy every week or two.
We feel bad if we have to leave him in his crate more than an hour during the day, or if we have to leave him in the crate twice in one day.
We take him to doggie daycare.
We take him to the park for walkies and to the dog park.
We have been spending hundred of dollars on training for him and us.
He sleeps in the bedroom with us.
And then they would take him away!
Monday, June 4, 2012
Farts are funny, right?
I mean, I know you're an adult, and bodily function humor is beneath you, right? Beneath you as in coming out of your ass...
I couldn't remember what the blog topic I was going to write about. Then the FP farted, and then I farted shortly after. So, I thought, let's write about pass flatus. That's what my mom always called it.
My family always laughed about farts. Especially my dad's, which were the loudest. Now, he just leaks out motorboat farts and I guess because he's hard of hearing he thinks their silent. Either that or he doesn't care. It's weird to hear him farting for several seconds and not be able to say anything or laugh, and have other people ignore it.
At work, I don't really fart too much. I don't eat too much at work, not like at other jobs where I might be constantly shoving a dessert, or cheese, or a steak end, or risotto in my pie hole. Oh, and I don't drink as much. Not going in to work all hungover with soft stool really helps matters.
But, it's almost a shame I don't have to fart too much at work. I am boiling and peeling eggs almost every day. And as you know, eggs smell like the ultimate fart smell. So, the chef always makes jokes and asks me if I'm farting. So, I answer, well yeah, that's why I boiled the eggs, so I can cover up the smell.
The FP came in yesterday and sat at the bar for about an hour. He said that someone kept farting, like crop dusting right by him. So, he wanted to make a disclaimer, that it wasn't him farting. But that would make him seem guilty, and it would call out whoever was actually farting. So he didn't say anything. But he didn't want anyone to think it was him.
The funniest fart incident probably on record though, was in college. My BFF and I were sitting in our dorm room farting. A lot. Just stinking up the room. The combo of cigarette smoke and fart must have been quite a smell. So, this girl from down the hall comes in. I'm pretty sure we had guilty looks on our faces. She asks, "what's that smell?" And we just both bust a gut ROTFL.....
Sunday, June 3, 2012
comparing doggie daycare
So, I think the whole idea of doggie daycare is pretty interesting. Like the business can try to make an environment that the dogs feel more comfortable with, or one that the parents feel more comfortable with, or hopefully something in between.
So, good ole Rudy is making the tour. He's been to 3 different doggie daycares to date, and I don't necessarily want to take him to many more, but because of location and hours, we've had to try these different ones.
So, the first one is the one in Fort Lauderdale, which is on the way to work. Camp Canine. He went there 3 days in a row, and he loved it. This one smelled like dog pee and deodorizer. We didn't get to see the outside area because you would have to go through the big dog room to go out, but, you know, it had these fancy kennel areas and these rooms with lots o dogs playing with the "camp counselors." There was also a cat room where they would let cats roam out of the kennel one at a time.
The one in Hollywood, he's been to once. Camp Canine Hollywood. So, this one smells cleaner. The kennel area seems more.. SPCAish. Old SPCAish, not like the fancy ones that have doggie and kitty condos with cool furniture, more like cages. This one was smaller, but less dogs go here.
So, the new place that we took him to today was called Petropolis. It is off of Dixie Highway, which is a more shady area. So it's in this nondescript building with no windows. When you walk in, you are hit with the smell of dog and piss and more piss. The small dog enclosure is right there in the front room and they are all really barky and there is like used dog beds and stuff.
The outside area though, was better than the Camp Canine outside area that we saw in Hollywood. The Camp Canine had astroturf and it wasn't very big. The Petropolis outside area was fairly big. It was like a dog park in the backyard. It had lots of grass, chairs and enrichment structures and a fire hydrant on the top of a little hill. It was... earthy. The owner is this shaggy hippie looking soft spoken guy. When we brought Rudy in to see how he would fare, it was like an episode of the Dog Whisperer. We took him to the outside area, and then the owner introduced one dog, then another, then a few more, then some more. Pretty soon, there were a bunch of big dogs all chasing him and smelling him. He definitely got a little overwhelmed. One big dog started getting a little rough with him, and the owner had to pull him off and put him back in. He didn't look like he was going to actually hurt Rudy, I don't think, he just was trying to show him that he was boss, I think.
Anyway, we took him back today for the longest daycare ever. from 7 am to 5:20 pm. He was in with the little dogs. When the counselor opened the gate, he ran out. I don't know if he actually knew we were there or he was ready to get out of dodge. There were still a lot of dogs there - I don't know if they were staying for the weekend or if they were rescue dogs, but there seemed to be a lot of them from the day before. And they were all so rambunctious.
So, Petropolis seems a little weird, but he seems just as happy (from what we see) at that one as at the others. Although, I don't think we will be taking him here unless we need to on Sundays, because they open earlier. This place is the most inconvenient because of it's location, and we already bought several day passes for the other two places as well...
I never thought I would necessarily be one of those people who brought their dogs to daycare. I mean, it's not cheap, and tons of people have dogs that they just leave at home all day to roam free.
I can't ever imagine this guy being trustworthy enough to be able to stay home out of the crate alone!
So, good ole Rudy is making the tour. He's been to 3 different doggie daycares to date, and I don't necessarily want to take him to many more, but because of location and hours, we've had to try these different ones.
So, the first one is the one in Fort Lauderdale, which is on the way to work. Camp Canine. He went there 3 days in a row, and he loved it. This one smelled like dog pee and deodorizer. We didn't get to see the outside area because you would have to go through the big dog room to go out, but, you know, it had these fancy kennel areas and these rooms with lots o dogs playing with the "camp counselors." There was also a cat room where they would let cats roam out of the kennel one at a time.
The one in Hollywood, he's been to once. Camp Canine Hollywood. So, this one smells cleaner. The kennel area seems more.. SPCAish. Old SPCAish, not like the fancy ones that have doggie and kitty condos with cool furniture, more like cages. This one was smaller, but less dogs go here.
So, the new place that we took him to today was called Petropolis. It is off of Dixie Highway, which is a more shady area. So it's in this nondescript building with no windows. When you walk in, you are hit with the smell of dog and piss and more piss. The small dog enclosure is right there in the front room and they are all really barky and there is like used dog beds and stuff.
The outside area though, was better than the Camp Canine outside area that we saw in Hollywood. The Camp Canine had astroturf and it wasn't very big. The Petropolis outside area was fairly big. It was like a dog park in the backyard. It had lots of grass, chairs and enrichment structures and a fire hydrant on the top of a little hill. It was... earthy. The owner is this shaggy hippie looking soft spoken guy. When we brought Rudy in to see how he would fare, it was like an episode of the Dog Whisperer. We took him to the outside area, and then the owner introduced one dog, then another, then a few more, then some more. Pretty soon, there were a bunch of big dogs all chasing him and smelling him. He definitely got a little overwhelmed. One big dog started getting a little rough with him, and the owner had to pull him off and put him back in. He didn't look like he was going to actually hurt Rudy, I don't think, he just was trying to show him that he was boss, I think.
Anyway, we took him back today for the longest daycare ever. from 7 am to 5:20 pm. He was in with the little dogs. When the counselor opened the gate, he ran out. I don't know if he actually knew we were there or he was ready to get out of dodge. There were still a lot of dogs there - I don't know if they were staying for the weekend or if they were rescue dogs, but there seemed to be a lot of them from the day before. And they were all so rambunctious.
So, Petropolis seems a little weird, but he seems just as happy (from what we see) at that one as at the others. Although, I don't think we will be taking him here unless we need to on Sundays, because they open earlier. This place is the most inconvenient because of it's location, and we already bought several day passes for the other two places as well...
I never thought I would necessarily be one of those people who brought their dogs to daycare. I mean, it's not cheap, and tons of people have dogs that they just leave at home all day to roam free.
I can't ever imagine this guy being trustworthy enough to be able to stay home out of the crate alone!
Saturday, June 2, 2012
the Karate Kid?
This "new" Karate Kid movie is on TV. Is it worth watching? It already started... so I guess we'll give it til the next commercial...
The FP doesn't like it....but he's tolerating...
oh, and there's no commercials....
The FP doesn't like it....but he's tolerating...
oh, and there's no commercials....
I took the night off
Last night. It was our 10 year anniversary. The FP cooked an amazing dinner. Details to follow on the food blog. Oh yes, the food blog. I do, sometimes still write on that one!
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