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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Strange Days still

Oh life.  It's interesting even when it's boring.  Because when it's boring, if you look at it from a third person perspective, it becomes interesting.  Have you ever met someone and thought, "what the hell does that guy do all day?"  And you just want to be a fly on the wall.  No, you just want to video tape a few days in his (or her) life and then watch it with the luxury of being able to fast forward through it.  I believe I have had countless days in my life where you would want to fast forward through watching.  No, not just fast forward, but stop and fast forward.  Hasn't everyone had days like that?

Sometimes you meet someone, and it seems like they could never have a fast forward day, right?  It's like, they are so exciting, and their life is so full of stuff going on.  And you find out, these are sometimes the people who are miserable, and they try to fill their lives with interesting shit.  Sometimes I feel like that.  I think that's what depression feels like.  Even if you are having a great time with people you love, you still feel disconnected and empty.  If you've never had that feeling, I wouldn't recommend it.  Depression isn't nearly as romantic as it looks or sounds.

Anyway, this blog is not supposed to be about depression.  The other serious blog is more about that kind of stuff.

This blog is about... getting our pretty pretty dining room chairs delivered today!

If you follow me on pinterest, then you have already seen this.  So, these chairs are actually labeled as drafting chairs, as they have the adjustable lift to work with different height tables.  We got a blue one, a black one, a pink one (my least favorite, but it adds a color accent) and a purple one.  I'm sitting in the purple one right now.  The only problem is, the shelf under the table is a little too low, so I can't fit my knees under.  This should be an easy fix, but the screws are in pretty tight, and I don't feel like unscrewing them and then not screwing them back in tight enough.

So, that's the highlight of the day.  The other highlight is that I got a job today.  So, I went with the restaurant that is opening in Fort Lauderdale.  They offered me what I made at my last job to start, so I'm not regressing in pay.  The only thing that kind of sucks, is that we are going to Pittsburgh this weekend and we won't get back until late Sunday.  And I start work on Monday morning.  Oh well, I think I've had quite a long enough break, and even though I would love to have a couple more days to just hang around the house and explore South Florida, it's time.  It's way past time.  And my unemployment has just about run out!  So, while I worked hard over the years to "earn" my unemployment, I thank all of you workers of California who helped me receive this unemployment, no matter that it was kind of not enough.  But, I'm not complaining.  Other people would like to make that amount while working 40 hours a week.

I would like to think, though, that I didn't squander too much of my time off.  I've done a lot.  I've seen a lot, I've made discoveries about myself, I've made changes, I've grown as a person.  I like to think I have.

And I did paint the Last Kitties Flippin The Bird Supper.... (I think that's the title)

I want to thank you all for your support through this tumultuous time, and I'm sure there will be more to come for your reading pleasure.  I would like to make the pledge here and now to not flake on this blog the way I have flaked on the food blog from the inception of the food blog.  My thing is, I never know when I'm going to die, so I'm going to cram as much fun and rewarding activity into my life as I can stand.  Boy, I imagine though, that it's going to be super difficult getting used to the physicality of working in a kitchen again.  Hopefully, this girl has still got it in her!

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