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Monday, February 13, 2012


So, are you on pinterest yet?  I'm not sure if it became one of the hot apps before or after Spotify.  Anyway, I got suckered into Pinterest the same way I got suckered into Spotify.  Through facebook.  People post stuff they like on Pinterest and Spotify to facebook.  So if you want to see what they are posting, you have to join.  Pretty smart, huh?

The thing about Pinterest is, I held out for a while.  But then, I got a little pinterested to see what all the fuss was about.  It seemed to be people just tagging stuff.  It's supposed to be like a digital pinboard.

So, I signed up.

And then I was put on the waiting list for an invitation.  One has to be invited to Pinterest.  How exclusive.  And then you get on it, and it's just like what it seems like.  Something to kill time about - looking and yummy food you want to eat, pictures of places you want to go but probably never will, furniture or houses that you might not ever afford, fantasy tree houses.  It's just pictures of stuff.  But for whatever reason, the way the borders are matted, everything just looks nice.

So I started posting my own photos - "pinning" them to my boards.  And then when I got my first repin, it was exciting.  I had posted a photo of a cuban sandwich, and my caption was literally just "cuban sandwich".  And then someone liked it, and then two people repinned it to their boards.  It was exciting... it was rather.... pinteresting.

All these new websites and apps seem to focus on our need to be recognized, for our ideas to be acknowledged, to be someone, to be a part of something, to be entertained.  And a lot of us are eating it up.  Sure, if I were not working, I might not be into this stuff.  Or if I had a desk job with internet access, I'd be on facebook, twitter, spotify, and pinterest even more than I am now, maybe.  Although the thought of me having a desk job is laughable.  I think I actually had a job where I had a desk... once.  It wasn't bad, but I felt restless.  And I didn't have a computer or internet access at my desk.  So that sucked.  Although that was when internet access was not available in every nook and cranny on every single device that we touch.  Why hasn't anyone installed internet in toilets yet.  Something maybe voice activated where you didn't have to touch anything, because, you know, your hand would be contaminated.

I want to come up with a simple but popular website.  Maybe just something that records your TV viewing log, and you can look up what your friends are watching and make comments?  Or maybe something that you swallow, and it records what you eat when you eat it, and then it posts it to your page, and people can comment on it.  Or something that records your #1 #2 #3 and your vomit and your ejaculate, and posts it where your friends can comment on it!

Hm.... sounds very Pinteresting!

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