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Wednesday, February 22, 2012


That's what I have to say.

I'm pretty frazzled.  I should have a drink or something.  But, I don't like to depend on chemicals to unwind when I have no desire to actually ingest them.  That would make me dependent on them, wouldn't it.  I do have a penchant for Nyquil.  I realize I have this going on.  If I were to let my affinity for the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever, so you can rest medicine get the better of me, then I would not only become addicted to the shit, but I would also become way less unproductive.  It's so difficult to wake up from that stuff.

Less unproductive than being out of work for almost a year, you say?  Impossible, you say?  I'm sure I could be less unproductive.  While I don't necessarily organize my time wisely, I do do stuff.  I said do do.  he he he he he (Peter Griffin laugh).

Anyhoo, why am I frazzled?  Because we did our taxes.  It was a very lengthy process.  I am always trying to be organized, but I always fail when it's most important.  Like organizing my shit just to start the process was an ordeal, because I hid the tax documents from myself.  And then I hid them again.  Tonight I worked myself into a frenzy trying to find them.  I had made a new hanging file folder for them, and then I didn't put the folder in the filing cabinet.  What was I thinking?  That it wouldn't get mixed up with the other files, and that I would be able to find them quickly and easily in the house stuff drawer in the kitchen.  Of course, that would have required me remembering that I had put it in the house stuff drawer in the kitchen.

But, whatever.



And it's only February 22nd.  Of course, I can't help but think that it was done wrong and it will come back it corrections.  But, you know what, I'm not a tax preparer.  My tax returns are often not quite correct.  Hopefully, they are fine this time.... fingers crossed and knock on wood.  I hate waiting for shit.  If I had filed on April 15, I wouldn't even think about it because I know it takes longer if you file on tax day.  But now I'm going to be checking my email and my snail mail to make sure I don't get any kind of bad tax return notices or anything.

Anyhoo.  The taxes are done.  I'm going to reward myself and my candida with a bowl of coconut ice cream with chocolate sauce.


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