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Monday, February 27, 2012

Another Day, Another Boat

Today was another completely different experience.  I had a cooking interview, Top Chef style.  Not sure how I did, but, oh well.  Someone somewhere has to give me a job at some point, right?

Anyhoo, after we did our chores, we went down to Miami to meet the BFF and her Cuban Sandwich at Monty's, where they had docked the boat for an hour.  Let me tell you, all the other boats were bigger than a house and three times more costly than a house as well.

So, we had several drinks at Monty's, and then we got on the boat.  We motored around the bay, while the Cuban Sandwich blared music, and we drank beers.  We stopped at Flager Memorial Island, and BFF jumped out of the boat before we even stopped.  I have to admit, the water was pretty warm... but not quite warm enough for me to jump in, so I just waded around.

After that,  we sped around some more.  We tried to illegally dock on some closed dock.  TFP and I were already off and walking, when a guy with a button up shirt and tie stopped us.  He said, I'm going to ask them to leave, so you may want to get back on the boat.  Did I tell you that BFF and the Cuban Sandwich were already shitfaced when we met up with them?  So, the Cuban Sandwich just told the guy that we were trying to sneak up without him seeing us, because we were trying to get a drink at the VFW.  Anyway, he ended up being fairly nice, and we left.

Then, we went to the famed Jimbo's.  It's like this small cove off Virginia Key, with lots of interesting people hanging out.  When we got to the dock, a bunch of the... "locals", I guess, were standing on the dock conversating, but really standing there to get a look at us.  And we were warned about the mosquitos.  Which there were a ton of.   It's like a place out of a movie.  Literally.  According to the website, these shanty town shacks were built there for a movie set.  Then later it was also used for Miami Vice, which I have never seen.  The place is a shanty town, even though the shanties were just set props.    But, sometime recently the movie set shacks were demolished.  However, the dock and the beer shack is still there.  Apparently the smoked fish is delicious, but we didn't have any.  They don't take cards either, so be prepared if you go there.  And there are a ton of cats and a few dogs running around.  It's like one of the coolest places in the United States that I have ever been to.  Really.

It had already gotten dark, so we slowly headed back to Monty's, with Portishead blaring.  We went to dock so they could drop us off.  This guy came hurrying over to help us, and to tell us that it costs money just to drop someone off there.  $32.  No one had that much cash.  So we asked if he had an atm.  He said he took cards.  But then, he told us to not worry about it.... thank godness!  I really didn't want to pay $32, just to get back on the dock to get to our car.  I guess the parking is free for visitors, but if you get dropped off on the dock, that's where they get to your wallet.

Anyway, we got back to the house and ate the rest of our leftover arroz con pollo and watched TV.  Another great day here in sunny South Florida (except for the cooking interview - unless I get the job and like it)!

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