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Friday, February 24, 2012

Holy Moly

Another long day.  And need I remind you, I'm unemployed.  Woke up early.  Did shit.  And more shit.  And more shit.  And some more shit.  And I'm not even finished.  Tomorrow will be a long day as well.  Followed by the arrival of my BFF, and a part consisting of mostly people I've never met, and one person I haven't seen since high school.  It should be fun and interesting, but there's a lot to do before we get to the drinking and socializing.

Anyway, I'm going to take this time to bitch once again, about other people.

Driving.  I totally see why people honk so much around here.  The lights suck.  The timing is off, and there are not sensors.  So sometimes, there's a long ass green light, and not one car is going that way.  Other times, there is a long long long pause between the change from the turn lane green signal to the straight lane signal.  And then, why do people have to drive so slow.  Sooooo slow.  Sometimes, they are looking for a street, and then all of a sudden, they will turn with no turn signal of course.  It's maddening.  I'm going to conduct an involuntary driving school.  No cell phones.  No eating.  No reading.  No ipad.  No talking at all for some people.  Always use the turn signal if turning or changing lanes.  Never use the turn signal if just driving straight in the same lane.  Be prepared for the light to turn green, and go as soon as it turns.  Make sure you stop right behind the car in front of you.  If you leave a gap, then you might be fucking someone behind you over.  They might want to get into the turn lane, but thanks to you, they don't have enough room to get up there, and they will have to wait through another light to go.  On the reverse side, don't follow people too closely.  If there's not much traffic, then  you should drive 5 miles above the speed limit, unless there's cops around or you're in a school zone.  Never NEVER EVER speed in a school zone.  Trust me on this one.

Thanks, and that's all.  End of sermon.  I need to take my vitamins, brush my teeth, floss my teeth, and then rinse with mouthwash, and then hit the hay....


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