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Monday, February 6, 2012

Bathing Day

So, I woke up to the smell of shit.  The Fuzz had jumped into bed, and her ass stank.  But she ran under the bed and stayed there.  Later on, she came out from other the bed, and I saw that her butt area was just smeared with shit.

So, in the bath she went.  After I had to chase her around a bit.  The bathtub has not been draining, so there was a few inches of standing water in the tub.  The FP put her in, and she was not happy.  But some of the shit came off in the water.  The water that the FP was standing in.  Gross.  She was not very cooperative, and the water was already nasty, so we let her jump out and meow at the door. I tried to plunge the drain, but it was draining really slowly, and the shit in the tub would have to be cleaned up, and then the tub would have to be cleaned, otherwise, what would the point be of washing her in her own shit?

So, our our toiletries were taken off the sink and put away, and in the sink she went.  I took toilet paper and tried to pull the rest of the poop from her fur, but there was a lot, and it was really caked into her fur.  So, I got the scissors and some gloves.  I was very happy to have gloves.  So, I had to cut a little bald spot in her fur directly underneath her sphincter.  Can I say, her ass smelled horrible.  For such a cute little cat, she had one of the stinkiest asses I have ever had to smell.

Look at how innocent she looks.  It's just that the tail fur, and the fur around her ass is really long.  If she has any kind of soft poo, it just clings to her fur back there.  It doesn't help that she doesn't really know how to use the litter box.  She knows to scratch in the litter, but she scratches it before she goes.  She digs a hole in the litter until the pan is exposed.  Then she goes in the hole.  And then she scratches at the side of the litter box.  As in the walls.  It's silly.  And she will scratch the sides for minutes until we tell her to stop.  Then she will stop immediately and run away like she's embarrassed.

Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of her wet ass.  She was so dejected and humiliated that I felt it would have been wrong to take a picture of her in that state.  She's been pretty sleepy all day.

On a more positive note, it finally rained this morning.  So all our plants got a bath also.  They looked so happy and refreshed!

Here is the catnip, aloe plant and the purple carrots on the lanai.  We bought the carrots Saturday in Lakeland at the farmers market downtown.  We haven't had a chance to plant them.

Here is our avocado tree.  This guy has been plagued by ants.  The little clump next to it is mint.  I planted it there because I read that ants don't like mint.  But these ants just set up house right around the mint.  I'm still going to try to plant more mint around the tree and see if they back off.

 Here is our herb planter.  It's got oregano, parsley, jalapeno, basil, thai basil, and I just put some wheat berries there to see how they would grow, and they are already sprouting.

 The big mass on the left are two tomato plants that have grown at least four times the size they were went we got them.  There's a little more wheat grass in the back, an onion in the middle, and butter lettuce on the right.  I hope the onion doesn't make everything taste oniony.

And here is the mango tree.  I'm too impatient to wait a few years for mangoes, but I guess I will have to!

Here is the succulent whose name eludes me.  We just call it the San Diego plant because it reminds us of SD.

And then this is the other catnip that we hung so it can proliferate undisturbed.

Boy, we needed the rain, though!

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