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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Old Friends

I miss my friends.  My old friends.  I have to tell you the truth.  I like making new friends.  I hate the inbetween phase after you've met and you establish that you like each other when you are getting to know each other.  I like already knowing what people are like.  I like being comfortable.  I like friends like I like my pants, comfortable, gives you breathing room, not too clingy and elastic.

I got to talk to a good old friend tonight.  A friend from junior high.  One of my best friends from childhood.  She has been going through rough times.  It was good to talk to her.  Hopefully I will get to talk to her more often in the future.

I'm ready to make new old friends.  And I'm ready to get more in touch with old friends.  I'm not good at nurturing relationships.  I kind of let them go to the wayside for so long, that it is awkward to contact them.  But, there's always facebook and text messaging and emails....

Speaking of old friends, my friend didn't give me hope for the future that the cats and the dog will ever get caught snoozing together.  Maybe they will never get along any better than like cats and dogs.  I guess the best we can hope for is no physical contact.  Which for Rudy is a feat.  He's so challenging lately.  But I'll reel him in, well, with the help of our trainer - if I ever get around to scheduling another appointment with her.  I think he's big enough where you can still tell he's a puppy, but it probably looks ridiculous as I try to drag him around and he resists.  Everyone looks at us in a laughing way.  The two of us look ridiculous.  I just hope that some day, it will just look like natural, and we will just look like two old friends, taking a walk down the street.

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