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Thursday, September 6, 2012


You know how everyone always says, "they should film our workplace!  We are so interesting and hilarious, it would be good!"

Yeah, we don't care to watch you and your place of work.  It's probably not as funny to outsiders as it is to you.

I don't think my place of work is exciting enough to film.  Maybe if you followed the owners through all three restaurants, it might be interesting.

But anyway, I think I'm going stir crazy being cooped up in that teeny kitchen with the same people all the time!!!  I'm beginning to snap.

So, here's the players.  There's me.  I'm quiet.  I keep in my corner and do my job.  Every once in a while I say something.  As far as anyone knows, I could be a serial killer who listens to country music and lives with her mother.

There's the calming 29 year old stoner who is nice and sometimes is a shoemaker.

There's his roommate, a younger, yet big huge 23 year old kid who started as very aggressive and angry and demanding.  A month or so ago, something happened, and he's much more pleasant to be around, although I'm still getting used to being able to have a conversation with him.

There's the Haitian brother dishwashers.  One is skinnier and fast and always working and cleaning.  The other is a little chubby and slow and lazy and always on the phone and riding the clock.  They don't speak much english and they try to eat as much as possible while at work.

There's the older cook, who has another full time job at night.  He works hard, but he's slow at prep work and he always thinks his way of doing things is the best.  And he's a born again catholic.

Then there's the chef.  He's a big nervous Dane who smokes lots of cigarettes, goes to the store multiple times in one day, and cracks dirty jokes.

There's our cult leader, the owner.  He's charismatic and calm and demanding in an unassuming way.

And then there's the cult leader's partner.  He's a stylish sarcastic hardworking Filipino gay.

Those are the people who I will bother to tell you about for now.

Anyway, I think I need a break from these people.  I'm starting to get mouthy.  The one older cook really crossed the line with me today.  He thinks I'm a nice quiet lady.  He started in on the religious talk.  He does that a lot.  He's born again catholic = he's preachy + judgey.  He started with the economy getting worse and how when the lady of Fatima appeared to those kids, she predicted this, along with world war II.  Basically, some vague reference to people being sinful bringing bad times to the world means that she predicted this 2008 economic decline and further decline in 2012?

So, you know, when this guy says shit like this, I just look at him.  Sometimes I say things like, Oh yeah?  or Interesting?  or Oh, yes, I've heard that before.

Then later on, he said how did I know that Barack Obama used to be Muslim?  I said, are you sure you got that information from a reliable source?  He said, oh yes, I know it's true.  I read all about his biography when he was young.  His parents gave him up when he was two and he was raised Muslim.

This is highly offensive to me.  Being preachy about misinformation.  Oh, and obviously having something against being Muslim.  I must have had an awful look on my face, because, then he said, "It doesn't matter.  But do you know he's pro choice?"

We were standing at the stove.  I was on the end.  The big 23 year old kid was in the middle, cooking something.  The preachy guy was on the other side.

I slammed on the brakes.  Whoa!!!!! Buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I said, "No, we are not going to discuss this.  This is something you do not get into at work.  And I don't think you want to get into it with me, because you're not going to like what I have to say."  That might not be verbatim, but you get my POV....

Then big 23 year old kid, said, "Religion and politics, you don't talk about those things at work."

Then the older cook fell silent.  He didn't talk to me for the rest of the shift.  He didn't even say goodbye to me, or not that I heard.  I'm the second person in a couple weeks who has told him to basically shut up.  About a week ago, the bread lady came in, and when she saw him, she said, "No, you don't talk to me."  Then she had a heated conversation with the chef.  He told the older cook he wasn't allowed to talk to her anymore.  I think she got sick of him picking about the bread orders.  In all fairness, if there is a problem with quality, he should address it to the chef.

Anyway, it kind of felt good to finally, in my own way, tell him to shut the fuck up!  I know that it was partially because I'm all hormonal.  I have been off the birth control for about a month now, due to my procrastination and not scheduling a "lady's exam".  So, I can tell the difference with not taking the stuff....

I'm so interested to see how he acts towards me tomorrow....


  1. Good for you! That guy doesn't know how to take a damn hint does he? I'd be so PO'd if a co-worker started spouting off crap like that!

    we had a totally holy roller once. she used to try to invite people to bible study and even billy graham (when he was in san diego and still alive, ha ha), but i told her i didn't really care about religion too much (a little white lie) to get her off my back. she seemed offended but hey, i didn't want to get stuck in some situation where they'd try to 'convert' me or something! those damn religious nuts!

  2. CC - most of my dad's side of the family is ultra protestant like Billy Graham also... They can't help but start spouting off what is wrong with Catholicism whenever they get a chance. My dad is pretty preachy too. I usually let the guy at work talk about religion and I nod my head, but you gotta draw the line somewhere!

  3. Oh, and to update, he came into work late, he kind of makes his own hours. He usually comes in at 9 on Friday, but he showed up at 9:20. He kind of was sheepish at first. I guess he quietly said hi to me, but I didn't hear. So after a while, I said hi to him. After a bit it was all normal... except no religious lessons today!!!


  4. just tell him to go to hell! ha ha. well, how about just 'think' it and not say it out loud.
