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Friday, May 18, 2012


So, Rudy went to the beach legally for the first time today.  They are pretty strict with the dog beaches around here.  You can only go Friday thru Sunday on this tiny stretch of beach, between like 3 - 8 pm.  It's not like San Diego where there's a dog beach every few beaches that is open all the time.

Anyway, it had just stormed, so there were just a few dogs on the beach, which was probably a good introduction.  In good weather I imagine there are usually tons of dogs there.  So, he totally loved frolicking on the sand, and the dogs there were mostly good dogs for him to socialize with, active dogs that like to play fetch and swim in the water.

Usually, it's $5 per dog, but I guess since it rained and no one was really out, he didn't charge us.  The 6 month pass is just like $30 though, so, it's totally worth it.

So, that was great.  He did keep trying to drink the seawater though.  It was like he liked the taste of it.  He kept trying to lap it up.  By the time we left, his mouth was all foamy.  I got him to drink water, and he was very very thirsty.

On the way home, we went to get dinner, so the FP waited in the car with Rudy while I ordered our gourmet dinner at Hunan Wok and I went into Publix to get "green drink" - that juice that is green and has fruits and vegetables and spirulina and stuff.

When I got back in the car, the FP said that Rudy had been wimpering, which is unusual.  It's not like he is very attached to me.  He must have been ready to go home.  So, when we were driving home, he wanted to hang out the window.  So I rolled it down, and he was hanging way out.  Way way out.  Like he was going to jump out.

I had to hold his leash.  We were at a stoplight, and half his body was out the window.  He really was trying to jump out.  And he had this low whine.  So we had to comfort him and tell him that we were almost home, "we're almost there buddy, it's okay!"  But he was not happy.

As soon as we got home, the FP got out, and there was Rudy trying to get out his door.  As soon as he was on the ground, he ran to the grass crouching and out shot a brown waterfall.  Poor buddy got sick from all the seawater he drank, and also probably from the sponge he was gnawing on too.

So, we went inside, and he went right for the water bowl and drank a shitload (no pun intended) of water.  So, we fed him.  We put some water in the food.  He ate slower than usual, and then he drank lots more water.

Then he went out back and crouched in the grass and clear brownish water shot out of his ass.

So, the FP googled "my dog drank seawater."  What he found was that we probably shouldn't have fed him and give him lots of water and he could have a teaspoon of Pepto.  So, I tried to give him the pink bismuth out of a spoon and he didn't like it.  So, we dunked a doggie biscuit in it, and he ate it.

He seems better now, he hasn't pooed water again, and he did pee once.  He is quiet, which, while I don't like him feeling bad, it's nice to sit quietly with him.

Hopefully he will be all ship shape before bedtime!

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