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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

mow the lawn

So, this was one of those weird days at home.  The FP had to work, so when he left, it was just me and Rudy and The Fuzz and Stinksy.

Rudy and I hung out out back.  I went swimming a bit, and I tried to get Rudy to join me, but he wasn't really into it.  In all fairness to him, it actually wasn't stifling hot.  I was slightly chilly in the pool, so I wasn't in too long, and I didn't push it with him.

So, then, I figured it was a good time to mow the lawn.  So, of course, I had to pick up all the poo so the mower wouldn't get all pooey.  Yes, pooey.  It's a word.  I went to college for writing.  No, I don't make money writing.  So, maybe pooey isn't a word.

Anyhoo, I picked up all the poo.  So I thought.  Of course there were a few fairly nice logs by the back corner of the fence.  So, I only discovered that when I started mowing of course....

Anyway, the dog, Rudy, was out back with me when I first started mowing.  But he just started barking at the lawn mower.  I figured I couldn't listen to that the whole time I was mowing, so he had to go into his "den".  No, it's not inhumane.  He honestly likes his crate.  I swear.  He's in there right now of his own volition.


Swear on your deathbed.

So, I mowed the back lawn.  And I started to do the horrible weedy messy back behind the fence where all the garbage cans are in the alley.  But it started raining, so I didn't get to finish it.  Which sucks, because I probably won't remember to finish it again sometime soon when it's not raining...

Anyhoo, what does mowing the lawn (a new activity to me) remind me of?

Endian.  And their song, "Your Favorite Song".  I think I might have mentioned this before.  But anyway, here I am mentioning it again.  I guess I have them on the brain because they just played a show last night in Chicago, where they are based.  Good band.  No, great band.

Stellar band.

Here's the link to the album if you've never heard it:

Enjoy.  BTW, this album is not for the faint of heart.  If you are contemplating suicide, or just plain depressed, I recommend exercising caution when listening to this album.  And maybe listen to the album in short stints....

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