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Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day?

Is that what people say, "Happy Memorial Day?"  That's weird.

Anyway, I had to work today.  I can say, it was a pleasant drive in, because most everyone else was off, so there was zero traffic.  There were barely any cars at all on the road.

It wasn't dead at work, but it wasn't completely busy either.  Just enough of a pace to think about my present state of my life.

What do I do?  I'm a pantry cook.  I watch this kid play the big man every day.  He's basically the unofficial lead line cook.  He's young, and of course, he thinks he knows everything.  Ok, most everything.  The worst part, is that he is working at the owner's other restaurant about 2 - 3 nights a week, and he is totally burnt out at like 22.  It's getting worse and worse for those of us who have to work with him.

For one thing he's a pot thrower.  The dish sink is right next to his station, but he still feels the need to throw pots with as much force as possible into the sink.  He's not paying for the pans, so what does he care.  Oh wait, he does care, because when a handle breaks off, he bitches about it.

The other thing is, he doesn't like to cook too much.  If he feels that he's "unfairly" getting too many orders, he pitches a fit.  Like he curses even more and throws pans and slams things down even louder than  usual.  He doesn't ask for help.  He acts like such a dick, that I don't want to just step in to quiet him down.  I'm not just going to placate him like a mother.... fuck that shit.  And that's partially his fault because he doesn't probably feel like I can help him.  Or maybe he does expect me to just jump in and help.  I would jump in and help the other guys.  But he gets so violent, I don't want to be near him when he's like that.  Really.  I'm scared I will get hurt in the crossfire or something.

Someone needs to send this kid to boot camp.  He's so tiring to work with, he kind of makes me over that job sometimes.  Even though it's easy.  And I pretty much like everyone else.  I mean, it's not like I hate the kid, but he sure make for an uncomfortable work environment.

It's so to the point that I feel the need to talk to the chef about him.  That's not really my style.  But the chef partially knows how rotten the kid has been acting, and maybe he needs to know that little more that he doesn't.  I mean, for god's sake, the company motto is "be nice".  BE NICE.  It's pretty straightforward and simple.  This kid is anything but nice.

Anyway, that was my Memorial Day.  Can I say though, that is was so sweet to come home and go wade around in the pool after work.  It is officially that time of the year where having a pool is pretty much necessity in South Florida!

Happy Memorial Day!!!!!  :)

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