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Thursday, May 24, 2012


I guess I didn't post yesterday!  I don't recall... I do recall that the FP had to get a last minute trip to his sister's.  His mom is there and they got a lot of drama going on, so they pretty much made him go.  So, I guess I was helping him find a flight or something.

Anyway, today was a big day.

The first day that the FP left me with just the four legged friends overnight.

The first day the pup went to daycare.
So, being the first day, it was half price - a test run.  It's not cheap, but I think it may be a lifesaver, unless we get friends with dogs who want to take him when we can't be home all day with him.

I gotta say, it was nice to unload him for a while.  I was nervous.  Yesterday, we took him to the dog park.  It was earlier than usual and it was sunny and muggy and there were all different dogs and people.

There was one guy with scruffy looking dogs.  He had his backpack there on the bench next to him.  All the dogs kept sniffing the backpack.  Then Rudy noticed it.  And he was all trying to get at some food in a pouch, along with other dogs.  But, he started to bark and was getting aggressive.  So I had to pull him off by his collar and pull him away to calm him down.  One guy called, "Put him down, show him who's boss."  We just walked it off instead.  I wouldn't be told by some guy I didn't know what to do.

What was the guy doing bringing food into the park anyway?  You aren't supposed to bring food into the park for the exact reason that dogs may get aggressive.  I don't know if he was homeless or what, but he should have known better.  But then we felt like we should leave.

So, we went to walk around the park.  And then we found the dog swim, which was pretty cool  There was a little black dog who looked older, but she was the same size as Rudy.  Then there was a big pretty black Newfoundland.  They were chasing Rudy, and he kept hiding under our bench, which was scary with a big huge wet black furry dog coming bounding at us.  So, at least the day was somewhat redeemed, although when we were walking back to the car he was biting the leash.

So, you can see why I was a little nervous bringing him to the doggie daycare.  When the woman took him in, he kept jumping up at her, which was disheartening.  And then she put an ID band on him, and he whined when she did it.  At least he didn't bite her.

Anyway, needless to say, he probably had a ball.  Well, I know he did, probably literally and figuratively.  He was so hungry that he didn't want to eat during lunchtime.  That never happens!

So, hopefully it will go well tomorrow when I drop him off before work!

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