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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bitter Greens

So, here's a weird thing.  There have been a few times when the kid who now has my old job has asked me some questions.

This is over a year after I left (got pushed out).

He asks me questions that I feel like the owner/GM should be able to answer.  So why ask me?  It's weird.

But, I have nothing against the kid.  He had no loyalty to me.  So, I told him what I could.  Except for he wanted a recipe from the original menu.  It was the other owner's recipe.  And then one of the cooks altered to be a better recipe.  And then the menu was changed as soon as I left.  Pretty much all traces of me removed, like a cleaner going in and scrubbing my DNA from everything - DNA as in the blood, sweat and tears that I left behind.

So, I told him to ask the cook who developed the recipe.  I gave him her number.  He left her a voicemail.  Then she texted me saying how could he have the nerve... So I explained to her.  And she said she was going to request a bottle of the habanero hot sauce, and after she got it, then she would give them the recipe.

But they don't make it anymore.  That was my hot sauce recipe.  And this other guy who left on not so great terms designed the labels.  So, no way they kept making it.  They probably threw the unused bottles and labels in the dumpster.

Anyway, Friday is their 4 year anniversary.  Congrats to them.

Friday is also The Food Pimp's and my wedding anniversary.  10 years.

Do you think the restaurant will survive 10 years?

Honestly, I hope not.  I really do wish them ill.

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