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Friday, April 6, 2012


A few things that are unnecessary:

1. boob jobs
2. steroids
3. microderm abrasion (I don't really know what that is)
4. botox
5. viagra for old people (yes, I said it)
6. dressing on the side (because you know that's more dressing than if it were tossed in the salad)
7. pepsi one
8. sugar free caramel sauce (?)
9. different types of gatorade
10. insomnia
11. abc family channel
12. the TV guide channel
13. malware
14. contact requests from strangers on yahoo
15. bullies
16. pet lemurs
17. mean people
18. bad feelings
19. hurting innocent beings
20. non HD TV programming



  1. i like #5. but wait until our husbands are 70. maybe we'll be changing our tune. just kidding! ha ha.

    and about #6, sometimes i feel bad for ordering dressing on the side because i almost never eat it (unless it's ranch) and i feel like i've wasted it so most of the time, i just order my salads "dry".

  2. LOL... When I think about old people on Viagra it reminds me of how old people are getting more STDs because they don't care to use protection....

    #6 - that's weird that you like dry salad. I just laugh at people who get things like a large ceaser salad with dressing on the side, and a diet coke because, they're on a diet!

  3. At least Husbands aren't on that list.......I guess FP is safe for now! ;o)

  4. No, Kirk, husbands are definitely necessary! There are lots of things I don't want to or can't do....
