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Sunday, April 1, 2012

What I've Learned About Having A Puppy

1. It's a lot like having a baby (so I've heard).
2. You have to balance the time between doing things "for" the puppy - like work, and cleaning up after him, and spending quality time with him.
3. Puppies are even dirtier than I thought they were!
4. Puppies can have that new puppy smell and dirty puppy smell at the same time.
5. Puppies hurt when they bite.
6. Puppies can play as hard as big dogs right before bedtime.
7. Puppies don't give a shit about stepping on shit.
8. Puppies act like sweet little angels in public and love everyone they encounter.
9. You really have to keep your eye on the little fuckers.
10.  I wonder what my puppy is doing now - I have to go check.  He was laying in the dirt hole that he dug in the backyard.
11.  Puppies can eat balloons. (This happened before we got him, but the evidence was in his first poo on our front lawn.
12.  It's gross to have to pick up a puppy's warm coil of shit right after he goes.  It's way easier to let it dry up for a couple of days and then go around and hope you've picked it all up.
13. Puppies are like celebrities.  When people see them, they think they have license to pet them, play with them, pick them up and do whatever they want to without asking permission from the entourage.
14. Puppies are louder and more work than kittens.
15. Puppies get attached to people way faster than kittens do.
16. I love my puppy, but for my next dog, unless it's a pomeranian for the FP, I probably will adopt a shiba inu, that won't be as young as this little guy.
17. Strangers will go out of their way to talk to a stranger with a puppy, but they won't give a nonpuppy bearing stranger a second look.
18. Everything is interesting to a puppy except for what you want him to focus on.

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