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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Big Lizard In My Front Yard, Can't Afford To Feed Him Anymore

Today, I was off.  So, I got to take Rudy out back in the morning after the birds were awake.  This time, I took the camera out with me.  But, I thought I had pushed the record button, but I was wrong.  So, I missed filming 2 birds swoop down on him.  This time he noticed.  He was confused for sure.  So, I would be a bad parent if I didn't try to get him to go inside, right?  Well, I did expect the swooping and did take the camera out, so that's not too scrupulous, is it?

Anyway, we took him to the park in Coconut Grove.  On the way back to the car, he found something that he started to gnaw on, and we had to pull him away. When I looked to see what it was, I think I let out a little scream of surprise.  It looked like a fish carcass, and then it looked like a little a dinosaur, then a little baby crocodile, but then we settled on the fact that it was a big ass lizard corpse.  Like big.  Like probably 12 inches from head to tale or longer.

I took him out front later, and the birds were all in a dither up in the tree and on the power lines and shit.  It was like listening to The View!  Anyway, I herded him back in before they all amassed into action and actually did anything.  But, on our way in, I noticed something bright green and large in the tree.  So, I put Rudy in and brought my camera back out.  This is what I found in our tree right outside our bedroom window.

So, it's not the greatest picture because my camera is getting worse and worse, but the body is at least 6 inches I would guess?

Anyway, it was big.  Maybe this is the season for these things?  Or maybe this lizard smelled it's relative on Rudy's breath and it was stalking him?  Just like the way the boat-tailed grackles (at least that's what I think they are - I'm not an ornithologist) knew that Rudy was eating their fallen brother and they were attacking him.  Or maybe, the lizard was the one that killed the boat-tailed grackle in the first place, and Rudy was the scape goat?  Who knows.

Boat-tailed grackles and long green lizards oh my!

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