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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pool Chat

So, I never thought I would have a blog in which I would tell you about stuff I do around the house.

But yes, this is what it's come down to.

So, I went to the pool store.  I've been to several in the area.  But it seems that Pinch A Penny is the best of the ones I've visited.  Leslie's is closer though, so for most things I can probably go there.

I received a flyer about a sale that started today at Pinch A Penny.  It included huge savings on automatic pool cleaners.

What, you say, pool cleaners?  Don't you already have Robby the Robot?

Well, yes, we have Robby and we love him. (Robby is our solar powered pool skimmer.  It's like a flat paddle boat.  The paddle wheels suck the water into the device, and then the dirt and sticks and leaves and stuff get trapped in the filter.  So, it saves the pool pump filtration system some wear and tear.)  But he just does the top.  I have to manually do the bottom.  Which means that I just stir up all the sediment and the pool is cloudy for 8 hours after, and then the sediment just settles back on the floor.

So, what I would love is a robotic cleaner that operates on batteries and has it's own debris filter.  But, they pretty much start at $500.

But then, I received the Pinch a Penny Flyer.  So, I went in today to see if someone could help me decide whether to spend the mula on yet another pool "toy."  This youngish guy helped me.  What it boiled down to, was that the ones they had were mostly the same price range.  Of course, the cheaper one had already sold out.  So, my choice lay in whether I wanted a simple cleaner with just the rubber scrubbing mat and the diaphragm, or the more vaccuum like one with the scrubbing bristles and more parts.  He talked me into the vaccuum like one, because he said it was more durable.  Besides, the parts for the scrubbing mat and the diaphragm was like $40 for each part - to be replaced maybe every 8 months.  The vacuum one - the Great White shouldn't need parts quite as often - supposedly.

Anyway, I got a $75 gift card, and I also got a $100 mail in rebate - so it was $175 off the regular price.  While I was waiting in line again, to buy chlorine tablets and a leaf canister with the gift card, this other guy saw that I was buying the Great White, and he said it was a good one.  He had his for 6 years and it had just broke and he had it fixed.  If he had known they were on sale though, he would have just bought a new one.  So, he was a little irritated with that.

Anyway, that's that.  Hopefully I'm all set with the pool cleaning devices.  And it's a teeny pool.  Imagine if I had a larger pool.  How many gadgets would I have then!

So, I'll let you know how it works out.  I know you are on pins and needles!

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