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Saturday, November 24, 2012


I could have gone traditional and written what I'm thankful for on Thanksgiving day.  But I was busy and didn't really have time to, and I'm sure I've done that before numerous times.

So, now that it's after Thanksgiving, let's take time to list the the things that I'm not thankful for!  In no specific order of course:

1.  Black Friday.  I don't like it.  Waiting in line to buy things other than concert tickets?  I don't get it!  And then, people kill each other over these sales?  Really?  No!  What material item is vaulable enough to constitute murdering someone for the chance to purchase it?

2.  Road Rage Drivers.  Scary.  Dangerous.  Cause fatal accidents that make me late for work.

3. Seasonal shopping traffic.  If I just need to go down the street a mile and a half to the shopping center, I don't want it to take fifteen minutes to get there, and then 20 minutes to get back.  Where are all these people the rest of the year?  Do they not go to the store the rest of the year?  And what about online shopping?  I thought that cut down on a lot of in store shopping?  So, it could be even worse?

4. Animal Abusers.  Why would you hurt and animal?

5. Rapists and sex slave traders.  They are just bad people.

6. Whoever decided to cancel Outsourced and then Community on NBC.  Bastard.

7. Brunch.  Who the fuck came up with this meal, and did they invent it to torture service industry people?

8. Pending transactions.  hate waiting to see if a transaction has gone through in my account, and seeing sometimes that it takes days.  Sometimes, it appears that deposits are purposely not put in right away, so that the charges can go through first and overdraft fees will apply.

9. Animosity between Stinky and Rudy.  It's been 8 months now.  Can't they just get along already?

10.  The debris - leaves, ants, sand and trash - that ends up in my pool.  And the fact that the pool skimmer seems to have stopped working.

11. The Animal Planet channel show Too Cute!  It is so damn cute that it wastes my time.  I will watch a whole episode and pretty much stop what I'm doing, even if I've seen it before.

Whelp!  I'm tired, and that's about all I can think of right now.  So, that ends the list of thanklessnessgiving, 2012.

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