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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Didn't feel it

last night.  Just couldn't blog.  

I don't really have the emotional energy to blog tonight either.  But I know that sometimes we just have to plow through.

That's what I tell myself every other day at work.  Plow through.  Just plow through.  I look at my prep list every day and I think, I don't want to prep that.  Or that.  Or that.  Or that.  It's not difficult things, and it's not a whole lot of things, as we are not that busy right now.  But, it's just routine stuff. And messy stuff.  I hate prepping messy stuff on my teeny little station.  It... makes a big mess.

Anyway, I tend to overprep.  I'm always preparing for the apocalyse.  Or the event that I die on the way to work.  Or maybe I just wake up one day and win the lottery.  And I wouldn't be one of those admirable people who decide to go into work anyway.  Everyone laughs at my systems.  They don't get it.  Like why do I write the recipe for pancakes on the ziploc bag of dry ingredients that I make the day before I make the batter?  And why do I mix the dry ingredients the day before anyway?  Well, it takes time to mix 8 gallons of pancake batter by hand.  And I have to do it in 2 or 3 batches because that is all the gigantic bowl will hold at one time.  And so, it makes it easier if I premix the dry ingredients ahead of time.  And then, say that I do die on the way to work one day before Saturday or Sunday, or any day, really.  So, then, come time to make the pancake batter, lo and behold, it's like I'm an angel on the shoulder of whoever has to make the batter, and I'm whispering the recipe to him (not a her, because I'm the only female in the kitchen). 

So, you could almost... almost say the same thing for this blog.  Sometimes I start a draft of a blog idea.  That way, if I want to pick up that topic and blog about it at a later date, I could.  So, if I died and someone got into my account, they could easily pick up those topics and blog in my voice, and no one would know.

Oh, no.  I just might have given some sick individual an idea.  They could come over and hold us all hostage and blog as me, and no one would be the wiser from tracking my blogs!  

Wait a minute.

For all you know, some sick individual could be doing that right now.  Maybe we are being held hostage and someone is impersonating the Food Ho right this minute.  And you wouldn't even know the difference!

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