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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day!

Remember that Reese Witherspoon movie, Election?  I loved that movie.  I wish presidential elections were as funny.  And that presidential candidates handed out cupcakes.  Some people might argue that presidential elections are as funny, and that candidates do hand out metaphoric cupcakes.  But I don't get any of those metaphoric cupcakes.  I would rather have actual cupcakes than metaphoric ones anyway.  I love actual cupcakes with nice soft icing.  I like a good red velvet cupcake.  And even just a plain yellow or white cake cupcake is delicious.  Coconut is always a favorite of mine.  Chocolate has to be moist.  I kind of cringe at the word moist.  But I don't hate it like the word turd.  Man I could go for a good cupcake right about now.  No, I'm not really over the cupcake craze because I don't frequent cupcake shops.  I just every once in a while get the occasional 6 pack of cupcakes from Publix when they look good.

Anyway, I think Election day and the day after should be national holidays.  Don't you think.  I mean like real holidays where almost all the businesses are closed or have shorter hours.  Wouldn't that be nice?

It's so scary and exciting though, to be a part of an important swing state.  Watching the numbers recalculate, it's a real nail biter.  But, I'll probably fall asleep before they have a decisive winner for Florida, let alone the name of the president for the next 4 years.

Anyway, I'm burnt out by all this campaign bullshit.  I feel like no public money should go towards campaigns, and instead of donating money to campaigns, people should donate money to charities sponsored by the candidates.  Wouldn't that be nice?

I know, it would also be nice to have unicorns as pets.  But they might still accidentally stab you with their horn.  And you would have to always worry about some poacher coming to steal the horn as well.  And also all the neighborhood kids would always be ringing your doorbell wanting to pet the unicorn.  And you would have to turn them away sometimes, telling them that the unicorn is fragile and dainty and doesn't always want to frolick and rough house with the kids.  And then the kids would be disappointed.

But, anyway, getting back to the topic at hand, the other topic besides cupcakes and unicorns - in the midst of the spouting off of political bullshit from all directions, especially on facebook, I found some unexpected words of profoundness from a facebook friend.  It's so strange that someone who I wasn't close to in high school can affect my line of thinking from facebook of all places - without even knowing the effect.

Here's the two quotes:

I am proud to have NOT posted one political thing all season long. At the end of the day, we will vote from a point of personal integrity...not because our beliefs were positioned and skewered by insatiable social media.

When you're too religious, you tend to point your finger to judge instead of extending your hand to help. Keeping a formative pulse of your own piety is wise.

Whelp! Here's to seeing you tomorrow on the other side!!!!  Goodnight all!

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