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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Squirrel Poop

If anyone is reading this, please respond with some answers!!!!!! I've been wondering where squirrels poop, and what it looks like. When I google this topic, there is no answer that satisfies me. One person said they shit in their hollow trees or from the branches of trees and it disperses and is so small you don't notice. And someone else said they can go while in motion, so it spreads out and you don't notice. But really, where do squirrels shit? And does anyone have photographic evidence of it?

In high school, my friends and I gave my BFF this flying squirrel she had been eyeing in the pet store. I don't recall seeing this thing take a shit or even what the shit looked like. That is an altogether different case though - a wild animal in captivity. That was an unfortunate purchase btw. This thing was freaked out and scared shitless. And I think we got like a 10 gallon terrarium for it, which obviously wasn't big enough. It escaped when we brought it to her, and it was a nightmare getting the thing under control. It crawled all the way up one friend's leg, totally freaking her out. So, the flying squirrel was named Satan, I believe. Poor thing didn't last very long, although I don't imagine their lifespan is very long anyway. The things one used to be able to find in pet stores way back when....

My first apartment in Boston was across from Boston Common. I can't tell you if there were more hippies walking around out in the open smoking weed or more squirrels there. But the squirrels were used to handouts from people. One time, this squirrel jumped up on the back of a bench as I was walking by. It was like begging for food. So, I happened to have a bite sized snickers. I don't know if I had been eating one, or maybe the squirrel's little keen nose smelled them in my back pack. So, I unwrapped the bite sized Snickers and offered it up to the little fella. He/She grabbed it out of my hand and started nibbling on it, no fear, no shame. It just gobbled it up. No one ever believes that story.

Here in San Diego, America's Finest City, they were poisoning squirrels and gophers at Balboa Park. So, because people who use the park were directly or indirectly feeding these animals, the populations grew. The park was being overrun with these animals and diminishing visitors enjoyment of the park. So, they were poisoned. I am not sure what the stance is currently. I know a lot of people put up a big stink so it was stopped at least temporarily. I wonder if that's ever been a proposed solution to the growing population of transients here in America's Finest City? Just throw out a bunch of poisoned pizzas on every street corner downtown and in the bushes in Balboa Park, and let it do it's thing. Well, it's just about as outrageous as leaving poisoned bait in a public park...

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