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Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Saga of Stinksy and Pete

So, if you've been reading this blog, then you know all about Pete. To recap, our friend moved away and gave Pete, the betta fish, to us. He had a bowl with a big open mouth. Our cat Stinksy started fishing as soon as he saw Pete in his bowl. So I bought a small tank with a lid on it. I put Pete in the bedroom on a high bookshelf that the cats rarely jumped on. So, Pete was ignored by the cats. But he got lonely being in the bedroom all day with little traffic. So, I decided to put him on the dining room table against the wall. He survived one or two days with no interest from the cats. And then, Stinksy noticed. He would paw the glass to get at Pete, but this was not satisfying enough. He would move the tank.

Then this morning (this is where the update starts), I found the tank moved, and the lid was moved off it a little. Luckily, Pete was safe in his big seashell. So, Pete gets more interaction, but maybe not the kind he wanted. So, I needed to do something. I had a wood board that was supposed to be a little ledge for the cats, but I never put it up. I needed small brackets to hang it, and I never got them. So, I had another larger piece of wood. So, I sawed off two legs, then I nailed the three pieces of wood together to make a protective lean to for the tank. I put it over the tank, then I anchored it in front with a 15 pound dumbbell on each side of the tank. So, there is no room for Stinksy to open the lid, and he can only push the tank back against the wall.

Just now, Stinksy woke from a 2 hour nap. The first thing he did was jump up on the dining room table to check up on Pete. Pete was napping in his shell. Stinksy looked at the tank for a minute or two, then jumped down to have an afternoon kibble merienda. So, we'll see what happens...

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