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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

There's been a fly

buzzing around the house all day.  It's so annoying.  Plus, a fly always gives me the willies that it might be the start of several flies, and that I will find maggots somewhere.

Or, it's just a lone fly.  I hope that gecko that Stinksy chased into the house catches it.

Do you know the fable about why flies buzz in your ear?  I remember there was a children's book about it.  Something about how the fly did something annoying, and then after he was buzzing in everyone's ear to ask them if they were still pissed at him.  Well, the story didn't use the word pissed, of course.

Anyway, there have been thoughts buzzing around in my head for days, months, years, decades... maybe even in a previous life.  The only way to let them out of my head is to actually cultivate them, let them come to fruition, or kill them.

The problem is, I have to sort out which ones to keep and which ones to throw out.  I get so ADD/OCD, that I have trouble focusing on one thing.

And what the hell is Rudy chomping on now!!!!1

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