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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Big Dipper

I hate roller coaster rides with the big vertical dips.  They make me want to hurl.  But, that's how life is sometimes.  That makes me want to hurl also.  I like life to be predictable, but unpredictable every once in a while in my favor.  I like to have a set schedule, but then have a few days off every few months or so.  I guess that's what people who have 9-5 jobs get.  I don't understand all that down time though.  What I think of office jobs, are that they often are slow enough that people have time for restroom breaks whenever, coffee breaks, water breaks, cigarette breaks, and lunch hour.  It's mind boggling.  I know, there are rules that say people have to take breaks, yeah, whatever.  I would prefer to just work as fast as possible and work straight through and leave early.

I'm not one for closing.  I like to open and then have others clean up the mess.

Anyway, what I think I've been trying to say, the past few weeks have been a stomach churner of a roller coaster.  Things happening every day unannounced.  Not necessarily a bad thing.  But sometimes it seems like it wouldn't be too far fetched if the 21st is the end of the world.  If that's the case, then I shouldn't bother to pay any bills before then, right?  I should just spend it all on frivolity instead.

But, the way things turn out for me, what would happen would be, that I would win the lottery on the 20th, and then before I would even get my grubby paws on the winnings, the world would end.


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