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Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I've had this cough.  It's a shallow cough.  But, it feels like there is fluid in my lungs.  If I breathe in deep, it makes me have to cough.  And if I cough hard, my diaphragm gets stuck on my ribs, or something that feels like that.  It feels like a mild form of bronchitis.  I don't think bronchitis goes away on it's own, does it?  It could also be just allergies and post nasal drip.  Anyway, I don't like it.

When I'm stressed, I want to take a deep breath and let it out.  If I take a deep breath, I have to cough. So, instead, I just exhale deeply.  It's not the same.

It reminds me of this... not exactly a trick, but I can't think of the proper term for it.  There was this gross thing, that a friend showed me like when I first started (shhhh) smoking.  That was a long time ago.  I can't imagine smoking every day and craving it.  And I can't imagine chain smoking, that's for sure.  But I used to do it.  And this friend demonstrated how one could exhale as deeply as possible, without inhaling first, and one could expel the smoke still in the lungs.  I didn't believe it, but sure enough, a while after smoking, I could do it.  Expel the toxins.

So, maybe it's a good idea to just exhale deeply without inhaling.  It's like a lung cleanse.  I can think of another way I used to expel the lungs, but, it's definitely not ideal.  And, it's not legal either.  So, I won't talk about it.  I don't know if the DEA monitors this blog or not.  And while I haven't done anything illegal in ages - I mean, how could they prosecute -  I still don't need to delve further into this topic.  That's more of a, spend $11 to buy the book type of topic.

Anyway, go ahead.  Exhale as hard as you can.  It might feel weird when you do it, but it's oddly refreshing afterward.

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